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Everything posted by kewb

  1. Surprise since I can no longer support life in my uterus. Then cry. A lot of crying. Then I would consider my options.
  2. I like the idea of a tiny house if I was living my hermit dream. Reality is, my dh and I are larger than average. There are health issues that make climbing a ladder for bed impossible I have kids. I live in a place with 4 seasons and to be stuck in my tiny house because it is too cold to go outside is not appealing. I don't like tiny showers. I like a little breathing room. And so many more reasons. I could probably make do on a smaller home than I currently live in but everyone has to have a room to retreat.
  3. Parent child dances don't creep me out. I think the idea is sweet. Not with with limos and over the top stuff. Purity ball, otoh, way creepy.
  4. I have. No one recent. I doubt I would know a current celebrity if I fell on them.
  5. I was an awesome parent before I had children and then teenagers. I have eaten many a plate of crow.
  6. 1) What are two foods you are glad you like? (Can go broad, of course, to just "name" two. None of these need to be specific.) Asian cuisine, chocolate. 2) What are two foods you wish you liked? Yogurt and watermelon 3) What are two foods you're glad you don't like? I don't think I am glad to not like any foods. Life would be easier if I liked everything.
  7. I have been working part time as a dog sitter this past year. Once dd is done with this last year of high school I will probably need to go back to work full time for health benefits. The issue with that is I still need flexibility to take dh to doctor's appointments. Not sure what I am going to do.
  8. Just watched on Hulu. Crying. So many more questions.
  9. Don't put that in writing. Someone will see it and then it will start happening.
  10. NJ, I am over the heat wave. The weather can go back to fall weather now.
  11. Dh's cousin played Rugby in college and after for a few years. He is in his early 30's and has major back and shoulder problems. A couple of surgeries in the past few years, too
  12. The Orville is wonderful. The last episode was quite poignant and I still wish the ending was the way I wanted it to be instead of the way it was. And,tbh, dh and I will often say at the end of the day "not feeling well doc, I've had the books all day. As for Discovery dh and I are arguing about paying for cbs all acess just to watch it. We used the free trial to watch both episodes last night. There were some things I liked and enjoyed about the show. It is certainly visually stunning. I don't love how the Klingons look like some sort of dementor vampires. I do have ethical objections to the new Star trek. Gene Roddenberry would not be on board with a mature rating. Star Trek is supposed to be for families to enjoy. If I still had small children I wouldn't let them watch it. I am really angry about CBS using drug dealer tactics of first fix is for free, after that you pay. I find it rude and disrespectful. Again, against what Star Trek actually stands for.
  13. I will admit I was happy when dd's feet got too big to wear my favorite boots. Not thrilled that she was wearing women's sizes when she was 11. Do you know how difficult it is to find age appropriate shoes in the women's section? And I still remember the sticker shock when ds outgrew the last boys size. That adult shoe was a hair larger and $30 more. Such a racket.
  14. My DD wears a women's size 11 and is 5'10.5" I think DS wears a men's size 12 and he just under 6'1.
  15. Regardless of the event you already had scheduled it is simply bad manners to invite someone to something when the other person standing there is not invited. Mom B is not a nice person.
  16. I watch it on Hulu. I am pretty sure you can watch it on NBC.com.
  17. I hope it turns out to be nothing. Glad the urologist is doing further testing to make sure it is not cancer.
  18. I don't know how I forgot this irrational fear but I am terrified of those Pillsbury canister that you twist open. I am always sure the canister will explode all over the place. I haven't purchased one of those things in 20 years.
  19. My basic go to: Bragg's liquid aminos Water Sriracha or red chili paste Honey Garlic Ginger Red pepper flakes Sesame oil Depending on what I am making I will add fish sauce and/or hoisen sauce
  20. This is my last year since dd is a senior. Truth be told, I have outsourced the majority of it so I am not as involved as I used to be.
  21. It is oddly comforting to know I am not the only one using pliers to operate an appliance. My daughter rolled her eyes at me when I told her there is no new knob coming and we are using the pliers. Not replacing the oven because of a $5 piece of plastic.
  22. My fridge is on life support. I just need it to make it to the next appliances go on sale holiday. It is, of course, a size no longer made. There is one fridge that fits the space without leaving weird and ugly spaces. I have accepted this and am just hoping it hangs on. The other day the selector knob on the oven broke. I can work it with pliers. Guess what part is no longer made because my oven is over 20 years old. In the kind of cool category, I can get the part on eBay for $250 because they are 3d printing it. Which is an amazing thing, however, I am not paying that kind of money for a knob. We replaced the dishwasher maybe 10 years ago so I am hoping that keeps working.
  23. How have you changed as a person over time? At my core I feel the same. However, life has taught me a few lessons Your likes and dislikes? I definitely like more cuisines then when I was younger Have you gone from not sporty to love working out? No. Hated sports and working out then and still hate it. I do it because I like to eat. Have your food tastes changed? I eat more variety. Still hate bluefish,eggplant and anything in the melon family. Did you grow up thinking you would do something and you ended up doing something else? Sort of. I didn't do what I thought I would be doing but I was in the field I studied. Did you used to be shy and now are not? Still painfully shy but I am able to put it aside when I have to. What else do you feel like has changed about you? I am still the pragmatic person I have always been. I play the hand I was dealt. My husband's chronic illness and the two recessions I have been through have left me uncertain about my future. When dh and I started on this road together we had a plan. Savings. A retirement fund. Now we have nothing except the house we are living in. Our kids certainly did not get the childhoods I thought they would. No vacations, no just because purchases. Just a childhood of "sorry, not in the budget". Some days I feel quite beaten down by life. However, I have learned that not everyone is in their situation because of choices they have made. Things do happen out of your control that change your path. All you can do is hold on and try to get through it with minimal damage. And I have learned that the old adage is true. The happiest people don't have the most of everything. They make the most of what they have.
  24. The creature from the black lagoon gave me this fear. That scene where she is swimming and oblivious that the creature is under her mimicking her movements.
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