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Everything posted by kewb

  1. I like looking at their stuff but I don't shop places where I can not get money back.
  2. I am so sorry you are going through this. It is a very difficult situation for your family. My thoughts and prayers are with.
  3. I take my dog on walks. The occasional car ride to pick up a family member. He loves the car. The vet. Sometimes he comes with us on vacation and sometimes to visit family. My dh will occasionally take him to the coffee shop. Mostly he stays home because not everyone in public wants to be with my dog. Never to the dog park. Too many people have not trained their dogs.
  4. It helps prevent pilling and may help prevent fading.
  5. I love that guy. And he does ruin everything.
  6. Before dh got sick he was never home for dinner during the work week. TBH, I preferred it when he wasn't there. He had a script in his head for how the dinner should go. The children didn't read the script. Inevitably it was not a pleasant meal. We did better with lunch on the weekends.
  7. It is not that aunt so and so has more authority. It is about family dynamics. It may be worth it to the OP to step in and make her voice heard. It may be worth it for the sake of her own peace of mind and family harmony to let her husband deal with his family. I have as little to do with one branch of dh's family tree as possible. It is just not worth it for me to step in and be steam rolled over. We tell the kids what to expect and they deal with it the few times of year we see them.
  8. Congrats on your new sweet dog. I love my shelter dogs. I can not look at the adoption sites. It breaks my heart that I can't take them all home with me.
  9. I get it. I have a vastly different parenting style than dh's family. Anything I say is viewed through the lens of me and my hippie dippy parenting and dismissed. If dh says it, they won't agree but also won't be as dismissive. Only OP can decide if this is a hill she wants to die on.
  10. Add me to the hate being barefoot crew. Always wearing my house shoes when home. And don't wear socks to bed. I am also a never nude. Horrifying that the children take after dh on regards to being barefoot. I will admit to saying totes adorbs and chillax to drive my children batty. I don't understand today's slang at all. My daughter goes around being shook all the time.
  11. Uterine ablation. Best decision,ever. Only an option if you are done having kids.
  12. I imagine the ones insisting are the parents of the younger children. Sometimes, you just don't get things until you are in the parenting stage. As an in-law I understand why you feel you can't bring it up. Talk to your dh and see if he is on the same page as you and will he be willing to bring it up. There is nothing wrong with insisting all the cousins do something together for a little while-an easy board game. A game in the pool. However, the older cousins need the opportunity to do big kid things without their little cousins before they become resentful of being unpaid babysitters.
  13. Having been reading replies with interest. They have helped me examine my feelings about it. I kind of hope neither child wants to have an overnight guest so I don't have to deal with these feelings and can continue to live in blissful ignorance.
  14. It seems there was and I totally missed it. I brought it up because it is a conversation dh and I had the other day and I was trying to figure out why my feelings are what they are and wanted to see others opinions. For myself, I don't care what others do. I've got my own skeletons in the closet. Dh was questioning my stance and I really didn't have a reason other than "I don't like it because it is not something I would have done."
  15. This falls under "that's different" in my mind. Your son has flown and is living with his girlfriend not with you. Family member in question has never lived on their own and is seriously dating but not in a committed live together relationship. Totally irrational, I know. If my own kid was engaged or living with their significant other prior to moving back home then I think I would feel differently. I suppose this is an exercise in futility since I am not in the situation. It has been an interesting lesson in trying to explore my own feelings on the subject.
  16. So great to read this. Such wonderful changes. I have one year of homeschooling left and have started making some changes as well. I have always wanted to host an exchange student but with dh's illness it is just not feasible.
  17. Ok, you have all set me straight. There only use is the panicked yahoo group message that gets posted when a member receives something coming up for a vote. Which will then prompt me to research whatever piece of sky is falling and if I actually need to make a phone call or if I can roll my eyes and move on with my day. Either way, I would never recommend them to anyone due to the political aspect we are not talking about.
  18. I must have totally missed the last thread about this. Otherwise I wouldn't have brought it up. I was really curious about how people felt about it in their own home with their own children. I don't care what the family member is doing. Their house, their rules. I think I am just trying to understand my own knee jerk, not my kids not my home reaction.
  19. So not a fan of HSLDA. I think they are useful in terms of fighting for homeschooling rights and alerts when a bill is coming up for a vote but they overstep frequently.
  20. Dh and I were discussing a family member last night and I was curious how others would feel about the situation. The adult (23) child is living at home since graduation to save money and pay down student loans. Mom wants child to feel home is child's home too. Not just living in mom's house. Child's significant other spends the night in the child's bedroom, more often then not. Not married, not engaged, but they have been dating for a couple of years now. No judgement on family member, they made a decision that does not concern me and I really don't care what they are doing. It works for them and they are all okay with the arrangement. It led to a discussion of what we would expect from our kids. I don't think I would be okay with this. I lived at home until I got married and I never would have had my boyfriend sleep with me while my parent was home. It seems disrespectful to me because even though I was an adult I was sharing my parents home. There were other people's feelings to take into consideration. To be honest, I am not sure what I am really objecting to if said child is an adult. Dh thinks my thoughts on it is silly. If adult child is being invited to treat the home like their home that means that there will be overnight guests. Otherwise you don't really expect them to treat the home like their home and they are a guest.
  21. Send it all back. You don't love any of it. There is no reason to keep something you don't love. If you don't love it you won't wear it. If you are like me, you have enough closet dresses and you want something you will wear and feel good wearing.
  22. I am on a couple of yahoo lists that are still going strong but not as many new members. Most communication and new people happen through the facebook groups.
  23. Depends on what it is for. A repair, I like to watch what I am going to be doing along with the written instructions. How to make a smoothie, I can read the directions.
  24. A 19 year old is considered an adult. They are still a young adult. Just because they are chronologically 19 doesn't mean their maturity matches up. Some 19 year olds need more time, more direction, more mentoring. Especially if there is an undiagnosed disability. At 19, I certainly wasn't ready to be supporting myself. I probably could have done it if necessary but I wasn't ready.
  25. kewb


    I am someone who hears things that aren't there and I get why the chicken statement set him off. You meant they eat more chicken. He heard "they eat more chicken and are not taking my daughter's medical stuff seriously. If they ate beef like we do at home we wouldn't be having this conversation with the doctor right now." The curfew. He heard "she thinks i am some kind of liar." Now, these are his issues. You can't change him. Your daughter may be able to offer some suggestions. I would recommend you say nothing that refers to his family in any way. Clearly, some baggage there. Until you are able to say to him that you are not trying to criticize him and you're trying to be factual you can try adding more words to your statements. For example, the curfew - Just checking that I heard correctly that you don't have a curfew. I don't want anyone to worry if they are expecting you. I know I would be a basket case if it was dd and I was expecting her.
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