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Everything posted by kewb

  1. TJ is supplemental for me. I don't get my produce or meat there. I do buy cheese, nuts, seeds, dried fruit, frozen fish, and chocolate chips. I do like their convenience foods so I do purchase those depending on what I need.
  2. Some things I remember clear as day and the rest is kind of blank. I have clear memory from when I was a toddler of playing my toy piano. I have memories throughout childhood of various moments and holidays. Certainly not a cohesive chain of events. Memories of the time my friend and I ran away from home for 3 hours and how we were going to live on the big bag of Doritos and Tab. No one noticed we ran away. I used to be able to tell you every teacher I had from Kindergarten through college. I can still remember the names of K-6 teachers. But only a handful from Junior High through college. To be honest, I only remember the name of one teacher from college. He made me cry. Memory is a funny thing. Sometimes a smell will trigger a memory. The older I get the less I can remember non life impacting memories without incredible effort.
  3. Not without bending my knees. Neither kid, either. Although my son comes the closest.
  4. The ones I can identify: Robins Cardinals Blue Jays Crows Pigeons Golden Finch Woodpecker Grackle Turkey Vultures Hawks Sparrows The occasional Turkey Morning Doves Hmm, I know more birds then I thought I did.
  5. No, I don't usually enjoy volunteering. In my experience it is usually thankless work and there is someone in charge who treats you like free labor and makes the experience miserable. Quitting sounds like the right decision at this time.
  6. Ultranura focus + memory booster is the one he likes the best. He has used neuro peak but feels the other one works better for him. Our son uses the same supplements and vitacost brand targeted wellness cognitive support.
  7. My dh uses nootropics, the one he usually uses is out of stock at the moment. Much to his chagrin. He also uses a quality fish oil, evening primrose oil, zinc, and magnesium. None of these are a quick fix. He took everything daily for a month before he started noticing a difference. The longer he takes them the more he notices if he forgets.
  8. Ugh, so true. Between plexus and young living my dh should be cured.
  9. I read that article last week and I remember thinking "lularue is still a thing?" Everyone I know of who bought in is going out of business. I don't own any of their magic leggings. When I had looked into the company because everyone and their mother was telling me to get them I was turned off by their practices. $5k for a mystery box. No returns just credit. Thanks, but no thanks. I do know some women who have successful pampered chef businesses but even they have slowed down or closed up. Now it is all young living in my face. I hate their method of pushiness and will never buy one of their oils. It is disheartening to see how many women get taken advantage of in the quest to help their families and be home with their kids. I only hope articles like this will help people not be taken advantage of.
  10. I love to read gossip mags in the doctors waiting room. I have found over the years that I know fewer and fewer people.
  11. Interesting question. Possible. At the same time, I think they have done enough.
  12. I am hoping she eventually calms down and is willing to listen for dh's sake. It just really bugs me the way she did it. She makes a big show of how spiritual she is and how she releases that which does not serve her. How she won't let the haters and the negative people ruin her life. I see now that means cut them out without an opportunity to face their accuser. Don't get me wrong, I am all for getting toxic people out of your life. And clearly that is how we have now been classified. I just think with family one sort of has to be respectful of the drama it may or may not cause. In other words, put on your big girl underpants and talk to your brother instead of behaving like a 5 year old. The end result may be the same but at least everyone got to have their say.
  13. My dream, getting a big fat salary for sitting on my couch reading or watching TV and snacking. My dream used to be successful career in advertising. Did that. Then I wanted to stay home and homeschool. Did that. Now I just want a stress free do what I want when I want life.
  14. It's not just for salt. It has mood lighting and streams your music. I don't need it but there is someone who will want this product.
  15. No personal experience as we are dealing with long term chronic Lyme. My understanding is that you can be infected again and treatment is the same.
  16. My sil has cut my dh from her life. Without going into detail I understand why she is angry. She thinks her brother said something horrible about her and her family. He didn't but this is how the information was conveyed to her. What grinds my gears about the whole thing is how she handled it. Rather than calling her brother and saying "wtf, why would you say this horrible thing. There is something wrong with you." She blocked him on Facebook and unfriended me and the kids and then waited for someone to notice. When I noticed I asked dh if he had spoken to his sister lately and why. He reached out to her. She unleashed a laundry list of vitriol on him and then said you live your life and I'll live mine. Clearly this miscommunication was the tip of a very large iceberg that my dh was completely oblivious,too. The whole thing is just so weird. TBH, I don't care if I never see that branch of the tree of the again as we were never friends but this is dh's sister and he is understandably upset by the whole thing. He also realizes there is nothing else he can do. He tried to make peace and she is not interested
  17. My oldest has had the menegitis and meningitis b with no side effects.
  18. Fully vaxed as a child, including small pox (I am old). I have already had a case of shingles and pertussis as an adult. I did get a tetanus shot within the last decade. I was going to turn it down and then I thought "If I say no I will step on a rusty nail in the parking lot". I had the rubella shot after I had my daughter because testing showed I was not immune even though I had been vaccinated. I still remember the nurse saying I would feel a stinging sensation for a few minutes after the shot. That was not a stinging sensation. That was my shoulder on fire.
  19. What is your experience with tradespeople? Some excellent and some terrible (as in had to get a lawyer involved, terrible). A good Craftsman is worth their weight in gold. Do you care if your children venture into a trade? If they had an apptitude for a trade and they loved the trade then they should pursue it. What is the outlook in your area for trades? I would say most people look down on trades. Which is unfortunate, since these same people need the trades people when something goes wrong in their home or with their car.
  20. My dh is not a fan of leftovers. He likes repurposed leftovers, as in last night's steak is now steak and eggs. The same meal two days in a row-he will make bread and butter. Me, I love leftovers. If it is something I really like I can eat it for all 3 meals the next day. My kids will eat leftovers. Unless it is lasagna or baked ziti ds would prefer something else. Dd goes back and forth with preference. In our house, if you don't like what is served you are free to forage for something.
  21. My dog sitter stays overnight. Multiple walks during the day. $60 per night. I dog sit and charge $20 for an hour. This includes a 20 minute walk, play time, and a meal if it is time to eat.
  22. The lack of desire for independence is not due to the smart phone. In my area it is because parents don't foster independence. Mine couldn't wait to get their permits and licenses because I don't always drive them where and when. Sorry, I have a life, too. Another factor is cost of insurance where I live. Parents are happy for their teen to wait because it is a big hike in premiums. Fewer teens work in high school because their are fewer opportunities and some parents don't want their teen to work during the school year. Or they send them on teen tours or they take summer classes. He opportunities to just be aren't there because teens are treated like pariahs. The smart phone has definitely changed what we think of as childhood and the teen years. I am hesitant to say it is ruined. It is different. That doesn't make it good or bad.
  23. My 19 year old can tell your 17 how little he actually knows because mine has a year of college under his belt and really knows everything.
  24. Sounds delicious and something I would eat. Rude to make any comment other than "how did you make the dressing." I try not to comment on other people's food choices.
  25. Yes, I have been using this on my kids for years.
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