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Everything posted by kewb

  1. My vitamix makes smoothies. My old blender made chunkies.
  2. 1. The NY Post is one step above The Enquirer. 2. I think this guy is a on a crazy train. Granted he is not exactly cheating on his wife but it is a weird hobby. And wanting your son to take over for you is also a bit out there. 3. the women who want his sperm are also out there on the crazy train. Why would I want this guy to be the donor? 4.There was an SVU episode with John Stamos. His character professed to love all the women and had relationships with them. He wasn't making a donation in a cup. 5. I am curious about his wife. I wouldn't be thrilled if this was my husband's hobby. And I would be less thrilled to have it publicized.
  3. Yes. I remember better if I write by hand. Keyboarding does not set things in my memory as well. My kids can go a long time without taking pen to paper.
  4. Crazy tick lady,here. Sounds like Lyme and it's coinfection friends.
  5. Executive function doesn't mean you can't focus or meet deadlines. Her son does these things because he gets the reward. He knows what is expected and how to do it. And because he gets the reward and sees the big picture he can focus and do it. Choosing not to follow through is a bad decision. Hallmark of executive function. He knows he has to do this but he can't see the big picture and does not see the immediate reward. Even though it seems obvious what the reward is to him it is not. It is exasperating. Which is why the testing is important. To find out where the issue is and to learn how to work around them. My son has been a lifeguard since he was 15. Met deadlines for college classes took during high school. When it comes to something like "clean your room". Incapable. He simply doesn't know where to start and then will go do something that has more immediate rewards such as play a video game. If I say to him "hang up the clean clothes on your chair" he will do it. He has difficulty with time management and organization. Signs of executive function deficits. We did not have our son tested when he was homeschooled because it wasn't necessary. His first year of college showed us that he needed to be tested. He needed the testing to get services such as more time for tests. It has been a long frustrating road with my son. His executive function deficits didn't manifest as a problem until sophomore year of high school. What I thought was laziness and needed tough love was actually a symptom of the help he needed.
  6. It absolutely is about executive function. Executive function deficits lead to bad decision making. When faced with a task that feels overwhelming it is easier to do nothing or something else. It very much looks like choosing not to do something when the reality is they are paralysed and need help finding that starting point. And through out the process. All the demands, yelling, tough love, compassion, or lack of compassion will not succeed. You don't get to decide when you have enabled enough. Executive function is for life and some people need help for a very long time, especially if they are not getting the coaching or other assistance they need.
  7. Interesting. My dh was it the hospital recently and his doctor came around. Most care is done by the nurses but you will see your doctor at some point. My friends who are doctors do their own rounds, too.
  8. He sounds like my son. I would invest the $$ and have a neuropsychiatrist administer testing for executive function and adhd. Once you know where We just did this for our 19 year old so he can get the services he needs at college.
  9. I know plenty of people who do. Before my dh became disabled he was one of them. Always on the clock. Weekends, weeknights, family functions, work all the time. We have become a "gig" society. Everyone freelances. When you are freelance you only get paid when you are working so it is not unusual for people to be doing multiple gig's and racking up those kind of hours. When I worked full-time I usually worked 50 hour weeks and during the busy season easily 60-80. With no overtime since I was a salaried employee. It is expected that you do the work no matter how long it takes.
  10. The Cadillac tax is supposed to go into effect in 2020. Your dh's employer chose to get rid of the platinum plan to save money and still be able to provide benefits. My dh worked for a company that did an analysis of what services employees were using. The majority were not using platinum level services so they changed to plan that cost less and provided what most of their employees were using.
  11. Ah, yes, the one system for the wealthy and the other system for everyone else. This model is what we have now. Where funding is constantly cut to the poor programs to help the wealthy. If everyone has the same insurance and those with means are no longer able to skip the line then they will be spending their energy and political clout making sure the program is well funded. Right now, Medicaid doesn't serve the wealthy. The payment rates are low and many doctors refuse to see medicaid patients. Efforts to improve Medicaid fall on deaf ears because the beneficiaries are not considered politically important. When the wealthy skip ahead it makes the waits longer for everyone else. The creation of a private,parallel system for the wealthy or those able to afford it creates a lobby to fight for underfunding public care which results in increases for demand for private care.
  12. I hate high traffic roundabouts like by my sister in D.C. I am always afraid I won't be able to get over. Like Chevy Chase in European Family Vacation (side note-totally devastated when I went to England and that movie roundabout was a lie).
  13. Have I entered the twilight zone? First someone says the ahca will be replaced with something less expensive and better soon and now this. This is not how insurance works. It is not how any of this works. I don't know how to explain that one should care about other people. Our disagreement is not merely political but a fundamental divide on what it means to live in a society. Haven't we evolved past the family unit being your tribe and the only ones that need to survive. Society by definition means there is an implied contract to each other. We all matter when it comes to survival.
  14. Great wolf lodge is a different entity all together than just a hotel. I still probably wouldn't have reported it but I don't think you are horrid for doing so.
  15. This is why I wouldn't report it. I don't know what arrangements they have made. There could have been an emergency situation and the hotel agreed to the dogs. I don't think it is right to ignore a no pet rule. Sometimes, exceptions are made. I might speak to the dog owners and inquire if they were aware this was a no pet hotel. Based on that answer I might or might not report. As to PB at the nut free table, I would first speak to the person and alert them to the fact that they were at the nut free table. If they said they knew but they wanted to sit there I would then take it the next level. Sometimes people just don't think. I try to never apply malice when stupidity will suffice.
  16. Did you ask them if you could use self pay instead of insurance for the procedure?
  17. Was her name Mariana? That's the name our annoying parent shouts.
  18. I don't know anyone who says seerup. That sounds weird to my ears. My dd has an irrational hatred of our New York accent way of saying coffee. She will shriek that their is no w in coffee. We tell her she is wrong. I don't know how she avoided the ny accent. It is also drives her nuts that her bronx boy father adds an r to the end of words that end in "a". Soda becomes soder. And then he drops the r from words that end with one. So much fun in our house.
  19. Due to affordable housing laws my overcrowded town keeps getting overruled for turning down apartment developments. The developers keep saying that commuters with no kids will move in and it won't have an impact on traffic and our already overcrowded schools. Yet, most of the units are 2-3 bedrooms. I was hoping to live here for another 10-15 years. Get the kids through college and grad school, see where they will settle, and downsize. Now I am not sure we can wait that long.
  20. Take a picture of the rash. Insist on 6 weeks of doxycycline.
  21. This thread has been interesting. Being a child of the 70's with a feminist family I am fascinated with some of the experiences. There was no don't be girly or man hating. Their was plenty of wear pants if you want to, shave or don't shave, lots of rallying for the passing of the ERA (still angry it didn't pass), fighting for my reproductive rights you can do any job a man can do. You are capable of anything. I now realize that I can't bring home the home bacon, fry it up in a pan, and never let my man forget he's a man without going insane. I can have all 3 to various degrees with prioritizing. I do remember one of my mother's friends saying she couldn't believe her daughter was choosing to give up her career to stay home after fighting so her daughter could have a career. She said it to my mom. Not her daughter. She did nothing but support her daughters goals.
  22. I irrationally hate people who call their spouse Ma,Pa, Mother, Father. It is just weird and creepy to me. I will refer to my spouse as father when speaking about him to the children. I do not call him father. Being late. I hate being late. I do everything in my power not to be late. I live with people who have no sense if time. The sand at the beach. It gets into everything.
  23. Chairs. If not an option, a back on the bench. I do not enjoy an extended meal sitting on a backless bench.
  24. I haven't had to drag out the bored response in a long while. They must have been tired of me saying "boredom comes from within. If you are bored you must be a boring person."
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