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Everything posted by kewb

  1. I've come across this thinking before. He is not entirely wrong about men being attracted to youth. I think that has more to do with shallow reasons than birthing hips but I don't really know. Your dd does not have to start thinking about getting married in 3 years. She does need to think about what kind of future she is envisioning for herself. She can have a career and she can have children. If she thinks she wants to birth children then the biological clock will tick. Wanting a career before children does not mean she has to wait to get married. It also doesn't necessarily mean she has to put her career on hold. Some men are more than happy to be the stay at home parent while the woman follows her dream. It is the kind of thing every couple works out for themselves. In a nutshell, your dd does not need to be obsessing about this. No matter what out life plans are as teens we don't know what the future holds for us. So have an idea of what you want but remain flexible to different opportunities.
  2. I have a love/hate relationship with go fund me. I feel like, in some cases, this is what insurance is supplemented or replaced with. Then I think how sad that people can't afford life saving medication/procedures. Then I think how helpful it would have been if someone set up a gofundme for dh when we were using up all of our savings seeing specialists and paying out of pocket for uncovered treatments. Then I think of the people who use it to scam people out of money, thus ruining it for everyone else. A vicious cycle in my mind.
  3. Didn't watch. I don't watch remakes of things I love. One of my friends was on facebook last night saying how absolutely awful it was. This opened up a thread of comments from other friends bemoaning how awful it was. I didn't understand why they just didn't turn it off.
  4. Good luck. I wish you great success in your endeavor. I am a terrible gift giver and don't always love receiving gifts either. I am not good at faking joy over a gift I didn't want. My sister and I tried to overcome our lacking gift giving skills when our kids were younger. It did not work out so well. We ended up buying for our own kids and sending each other the money for the gifts we purchased for each others kids.
  5. I am glad dinner went well.
  6. This just happened with out last cartridge. Very frustrating.
  7. Absolutely not. When they were little I worked full time. Breakfast during the week was grab and go. When we started homeschooling and had time in the mornings I taught them how to make their own hot breakfast. You want a hot breakfast; learn to cook. When my mother lived with us before moving out west and I was still working full time, I came downstairs one morning to find her making the kids a hot breakfast. I said "what are you doing? They will expect this everyday." She made them a hot breakfast most mornings she was here. Fortunately they understood that only grandma was doing this for them.
  8. This is excellent news as my male model is currently 19 and I am about at my wits end waiting for the latest update. I have been trying to ignore it but it keeps emerging from it's storage module and making demands.
  9. Totally being rude but probably unintentional. I think I could take the messd over the stress of what will I feed him.
  10. My dog didn't particulary love wellness. I have bought it on occasion when the store was out of my regular food. He ate it but it seemed to upset his stomach for a few days. I feed my dog a mix of kibble and raw. I pick up the raw from my local poultry farm. Currently using Whole Earth Farms for the kibble. I have used Holistic Select, Taste of the Wild, and Candide. Depends on what is on sale and my budget that month.
  11. Feed him his garbage and move on with your life. Release the stress to the universe. Or he could, you know, prepare his own food since he has so many restrictions.
  12. It's all in the spices. Indian-lots of curry powder or garam masala. Asian-lots of garlic and ginger. Italian-Garlic, basil, oregano.
  13. Incredibly rude behavior. You don't owe anyone an explanation. When pressed I repeat "No, thank you." Tbh, we rarely get together with one branch of the family because they are deeply enmeshed with drinking culture and constantly encourage my underage children to indulge.
  14. kewb

    #(&%*# Ebay

    I gave up on ebay years ago. Sorry you were scammed.
  15. My daughter (16) was diagnised with pcos in January. Fortunate that it is mild and she does not have the excess facial and only mild acne. I recommend you treat with an endocrinologist over a gyn. The gyn will prescribe bcp and that is it. PCOS is an endocrine issue. So far she has started on metformin for the insulin resistance. It is helping as she started getting regular spotty periods. Endocrinologist just upped her dosage. FOr supplements I have her take Vitamin Code Raw vitamin E (which includes a couple of other vitamins to aid absorbtion) and Vitamin B. She also takes inositol. Diet and exercise are big factors. My daughter is a competitive swimmer which is probably why her case is considered mild. If your daughter is not already doing a consistent exercise routine it is time to get one. Low carb and low dairy for diet. Eliminate completely if possible. We love carbs and dairy so I have greatly reduced them in our diet but still offer them up on occasion. A helpful website: http://pcosdiva.com/ Ignore the constant "Buy my supplements, they are the best." You can find other options.
  16. Pocket Pets? They were part of the Polly pocket line.
  17. Yes, I totally forgot about this recipe. It is fantastic.
  18. I like using it as a veggie pizza crust. I don't expect it to taste like pizza dough and it is delicious. http://www.thekitchenwhisperer.net/2016/02/20/spaghetti-squash-pizza-crust/
  19. Ah, boy funk. So delightful.
  20. No suggestions. I wanted to wish you luck on your journey. I am a flylady drop out. Although the one thing that stuck is my sink always shines when I go to bed at night. I simply hate cleaning. I love the results of cleaning. I don't want to live in filth. I do weekly cleaning but in depth make my home sparkle-in the spring and the fall. There are so many other things I would rather be doing. I think my biggest challenge to a sparkling home-I live with a bunch of packrats. When ds left for college I discovered that he was one of the larger contributors. My house was much easier to keep close to sparkling.
  21. Everything old is new again. Waiting to break out my shoulder pads. I watched Working Girl with my daughter a few months ago. I think she might still be laughing over the big hair.
  22. Ah, the teen years. I am convinced that when they turn 13 their brains melt and ooze out their ears. Thus leaving them with a bad case of what we call "The Stupid". You just have to be patient while their brains grow back, somewhere around age 23. I love my 19 year old to pieces. We have some days where he is just a joy and a delight. And other days I wonder where the pod people have hidden his body.
  23. Not just your house. Everyone has come to accept that the day I get home from the store is awesome and the end of the week means if you want something you will have to use the ingredients to make it. And I don't want to hear any whining since I told them when I would be going back to the store and to make it last. I am not seeing any ability to survive more than 3 days on a deserted island. I consider it a good day if I am able to eat a plum, or some grapes, or a peach before they are all gone.
  24. Never the sheets. Who has the time for that. Maybe if I had one of those ironers. I rarely iron. I do have one and the ironing board. I use my steamer more often. I only break out the iron for stubborn creases or if I washed my husband's dress shirts instead of bringing them to the dry cleaner.
  25. I like the way a body suit looks for tucking purposes but I could never master those crotch snaps back in the day and no need to try now.
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