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Everything posted by kewb

  1. So not me. It was funny as an ad for electric appliances but Judy's one dimensional character gave me the reds.
  2. I can adapt a recipe with ingredients I have on hand but I can't look at my pantry and create something fabulous.
  3. I second the resources spryte mentioned. There are also a couple of lyme support groups on facebook that I have found helpful.
  4. Glad you have some answers and are moving forward.
  5. As my son would say "This sounds like a him problem." Life is too short. Call him up and tell him you are sorry he is hurt but there was no slight intended. Hope you can make it.
  6. I knew about bee venom therapy for a whole bunch of ailments, but not fertility. I can't imagine how desperate I would be feeling to intentionally get stung by a bee.
  7. Horrible flashback to the time I bit into a grape that was not seedless. Did my father laugh. I am firmly in the seedless camp.
  8. Based on your price point I recommend the Ninja. I will add, I saved for years for my vitamix and it has been well worth the investment.
  9. Our town rules-8am on a weekday and 9am on the weekends.
  10. Not a fan of the HPV vaccine. I don't think it is necessary. The majority of people who get hpv never know they had it as it clears up on it's own. It also bothers me that they tout it as a cancer vaccine. It is not a cancer vaccine. It is an hpv vaccine. Yes, hpv can cause cancer but most of the time it does not. I don't think we know enough about long term effects on fertility-if any-but I would like to see that information now that the vaccine has been rolled out to the masses. When it first came out the cdc site had the information about most cases clearing up on it's own. That if you had already been exposed to hpv the vaccine increased your risk of cancer. Cancer deaths were already on the decline due to increases in women getting annual pap smears. At some point, some of this info was removed from the cdc website. I wish I had screen capture of it.
  11. I am sure there are surgeons who turned him away. I am floored by the eye surgery to change the color without having any idea of the long term effects. I won't even get lasik because I fear the "what ifs" He is free to be who he wants to be. If he can afford the surgery, who am I to say he shouldn't do it.
  12. I find that weather can have an effect on my cookies. Also, some people just have the knack. I make excellent cookies. Cake-not so much. The cake is serviceable but somehow is missing that something that makes it wow.
  13. No junk in the house, for anyone. No one needs it anyway. If we want ice cream we have to go to the ice cream shoppe. It helps determine if you really want the ice cream. No soda in the house, no chips, no candy. Have the healthy snacks already prepared-celery and and carrot sticks ready to grab and go, for example.
  14. I am glad you are seeing postive results in tracking which foods affect you. Have you added daily exercise? Exercise is also helping the body work properly. For my dh (who is a type II diabetic-which he controls with low carb diet), the more he is able to get some daily exercise in the better for his blood sugar.
  15. As I read the choices I waffled between waiver and other. I think I waiver. My kids were vaccinated on schedule without a second thought until ds was around 8 and dd was 6. Around this time I had been researching homeschooling and the parenting board I was on had a forum dedicated to the anti-vax way of thinking. I thought anti-vaxers were nuts. But one day I started reading that forum. I don't know why. And that led me down some rabbit holes. I became anti-vax for my kids. Reinforced by the fact that ds caught chickenpox even though he was vaccinated. Years later, more research, changed my mind again and became more of a selective vaxer mind set. No way was I giving my kids the HPV vaccine. I don't think we know enough about long term effects and most hpv clears up without you even knowing you had it. I would also wait on chicken pox. I never gave my kids a flu shot. It didn't seem necessary. I have had flu shots in the past with no side effects but feel my exposure risk is low and frequent hand washing and not touching one's face work. I am now in the delayed, selective camp. Who knows where further research will bring me. I always hated the greater good, herd immunity stance. I felt my obligation was to my child first. I still feel that way.
  16. I keep books until I am ready to release them. If I am struggling with the decision then I am not ready. When we moved to our home 20 years ago there is no good wall space for lots of book shelves. I ended up downsizing my book collection. Everyone has a bookcase in their room. Here is what I discovered for me. I enjoy letting the library house my book collection. I have an excellent library and I can get almost anything I need. If I really love a book I will buy a copy.
  17. I store mine in a glass milk bottle that I had saved. This post has reminded me that I have to change the milk in the kefir jar in the fridge.
  18. Then I would focus on the benefits of yoga for kids and how your camp incorporates fun with learning yoga.
  19. What kind of advertising will you be doing? A mailer-postcard, pamphlet, Fold-over Card? How much space you have to work with should drive your attention grabbing headline.
  20. I watch old shows with my kids we can discuss how that was once normal and how we now know better. They did not show the proper respect for Sigmeund the Seamonster or HR Puffinstuff. Rotten children.
  21. I have great skin (Won the genetic lottery), My mother and I go for mother/daughter facials for her birthday. I don't notice and major differences but it is nice to be pampered for a little while.
  22. I have been trying to convince my dd to use the diva cup since she got her period. I know one day she will get on board with it. She used Tampax Junior back in the day.
  23. I wish I had known this when that first one showed up. It was along the fence behind some other shrubbery and I didn't know about it until it went to seed. I have been trying to stay on top of it this spring. I will see about the cardboard method. I should be able to do it on some of the spots.
  24. Lol, that is a little bit of awesome. I imagine it smelling like salt water.
  25. I great big puffy heart love The Love Boat. My kids, however, do not appreciate it's awesome cheesiness. Unlike me as a child they immediately recognized the fact that the show is about the crew members hooking up with passengers. I love trying to explain to them who the famous actors are. I watched an episode yesterday that was all about fashion. Bob Mackie, Halston, and Gloria Vanderbilt all had a guest spot as themselves. My perfect Saturday night babysitting gig was watching The Love Boat followed by Fantasy Island.
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