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Everything posted by kewb

  1. Thank you. Had not thought about blocking room mates number. Room mate already went to the RA. When the RA brought up some of the issues and a possible solution he was surprised that ds had already done that. Room mate left out everything ds has done to remediate the situation. Hence why we told our son to email the RA and tell him he wants to do mediation. And to deal with this with an email trail. In life there will always be these situations and you have to deal with them not just avoid them.
  2. My son called me last night to tell me that his room mate went to the RA with a list of complaints against my son and wants my son to move out of the room. My son is not perfect. And some of the complaints are legit and my son had already taken steps to correct. Which the room mate left out of his complaints. The irreconcilable difference is my son wakes him up when he comes in late. Which is certainly legit as this is new habit of my son. There are 5 open beds in the dorm. We told our son that the RA needs to find out if the other 5 are also early to bed. If they are then ds becomes the problem. If the others are all early to bed then the room mate is the one who has to move. Ds forwarded me the text the room mate sent him about it and I am pretty ticked off over the language this young adult used. It really had a threatening undertone and was designed to make my son look bad. As in room mate had lodged the complaint, spoke to residence life on what my son has to do to move out, and how this will be the best solution. Like I said, my son has not been an angel but some of the things the room mate has taken issue with are the cost of sharing a room versus an issue such as the being woken up when do comes back to the room. My son wants to just move out and be done with it and my dh and I are telling him no. You have to go through the RA for mediation and have a paper trail to cover his behind as the room mate is clearly doing this. So aggravated that the room mate let everything just fester and until the year was almost over.
  3. My ds goes back and forth on it. Some years he was loud and proud. Others not so much. In college this year he doesn't mention it unless someone asks what his high school was like so it doesn't usually come up.
  4. My son is currently a freshman at one of the ctcl. McDaniel in Maryland. He also applied to Clark is Massachusetts. He got into both. They were both generous with their aid. McDaniel a little more generous. Granted, he is just a freshman but what he likes: for the most part his professors have been great and involved. They offer a lot of support to the first year students to help them adjust to college life. The small class size is important to him and he likes knowing his classmates. What he doesn't like: the school is kind of in the middle of nowhere. There is a town and a shuttle to take you there. Everything is closed by a reasonable hour to adults, not so much college students. So no real night life. The small size also means you can't really avoid some jerk who is making you miserable. It is inevitable that you will cross paths at least once.
  5. Golden Girls Frasier Monk Leverage I Love Lucy MASH How I Met Your Mother FireFly Smallville Star Trek-All of Them
  6. I took my daughter out for ice cream. She did not want a moon ceremony or a big deal made of it. Instructed my dh not to say one word to her, ever. I am 50 years old and still remember the mortification if my father saying to me "my baby is now a woman". We had already gone over the equipment years before. Of course her first period was the day before a swim meet. So it was welcome to womanhood, here is how you use a tampon.
  7. Goodnight Moon Goodnight Gorilla Harold and the Purple Crayon Pat the Bunny Click Clack Moo Polar Bear Polar Bear What Do You Hear Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See
  8. kewb


    Total guilty pleasure.
  9. Some analog watches you have to wind. It is not as common anymore but you can still find them.
  10. So true. I tell my kids this all the time. Especially my ds, who loves to be in the middle of the drama.
  11. Common phrasing around here. Although my literal college man still wants to know why I don't just say 8:50 instead.
  12. Made mine learn to read and write cursive, too. One should be able to read our historical documents for themselves and not rely on someone else to do it for them.
  13. Yes, I made sure mine know how to tell time on an analog clock. It is a skill. I have both analog and digital clocks in the house. Ds prefers the look of an analog watch.
  14. Putting away during good times is common sense. Any industry can be feast or famine. My dh was a consultant for a number of years. That was feast or famine. He was unemployed for pretty much the first year of dd's life due to the internet bubble bursting. Now he is disabled. Permanent famine. But his work ethic helped us get through the lean times. Proper money management is a tool for everyone.
  15. Not going to lie, this is an area I am uneducated in. As someone who can pass for white, even though supremacists would not consider me as white, and spent a fair amount of her youth campaigning for the passage of the era, I will have to start learning. I am curious as to what you believe the feminist movement is today.
  16. Yes, but I should clarify what that factor means to me. It means someone with a good work ethic. When there is a good work ethic earnings tend to be steady and reliable. So yes, I looked at earning potential as a factor. I didn't want to marry a lazy, good for nothing, moocher.
  17. Yes, earning potential was certainly part of the equation but it was not a deciding factor.
  18. Well, now you have. I don't want a provider. I want a partner. I am thankful I have one. There have been times when I have earned more, times when he has earned more. Forget gender roles. Men and women should appreciate one another for what they bring to the relationship. Not on the $$ they bring to the table. You may not be very feminist but you can thank the women who came before you for your right to vote, your right to own property, your right to have a credit card in your name, your right to higher education, your right to have your rapist brought to justice, your right to have your husband convicted of marital rape (should you be married to such a person). None of these things would have happened without the feminists who suffered beatings, insults, force feedings, the humiliation of going in front of a jury of men, and fought for your right to be equal. If the billboard was aimed at deadbeat husbands and fathers it is a spectacular fail. If it is exactly what it appears to be it patriarchal bull.
  19. Casual get together -potluck is fine. Everyone always asks what they can bring and what they can do to help. You are inviting me to a birthday party -I don't expect to pay my way with food.
  20. This is a tough one. I listen to just about all the decades depending on mood. It is probably the 80's. I am definitely stuck in the 80's. But I also love the 70's. And I love motown. The Big Band Era. Baroque.
  21. I thought it was just me. My last pair of Clark's was such a disappointment. I was devastated because I have always loved Clark's.
  22. I learned that even though I taught about the roaring 20's and prohibition my daughter had no idea what a teetotaler is. Now she knows.
  23. Your happy place sounds lovely for you. But ugh for me. Although your description almost makes me think it would not be so bad. But then I remember my one camping trip.
  24. I have always had male dogs. I have had relatives and friends with female dogs. I prefer male dogs. They do seem sweeter and more attached to me.
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