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Everything posted by kewb

  1. We hosted a luncheon for ds when he graduated from high school. It was immediate family, a couple of close family friends, and the friends of his choosing. We presented him with his diploma. The crayon one I had made with stickers on construction paper because his school friends used to joke that his diploma would be made of crayon and then the real one that dh made for him. TBH, I think he's still a little miffed that ds seems to like the crayon one the most. He put a lot of time into creating the nice one. We will do the same for dd next year. Only I will add glitter to her diploma.
  2. All the time. I tend to think it is more because of ignorance that it is a significant time than malicious intent. I know myself so an article against it doesn't shake my foundation. If it it on purpose, it still has no impact on me. Other then making a mental note about the person for future reference.
  3. Reuse or recycle. I like the garden idea. Will have to try to rememeber for after this summer.
  4. Some days I am angry as all get out at the choices that were stolen from me and my family. Most days I am pragmatic about the whole thing.
  5. My thoughts on pot have changed over the years. In general, I am still not a fan of recreational use. I have family members whose lives have been negatively affected by their recreational use. Medically there are documented benefits. At this stage of my life it comes down to a question of if it is legal in your state and boundries for when you are together.
  6. I have had both purebred and mutts over my life. All have been great dogs. My last few were rescues because with so many unwanted dogs I can't justify buying a dog.
  7. My friends son who is 3 years older then my son let ds watch him go potty. Next day my son was all "I am going potty like friend." Potty training completed.
  8. I learned how to stick my pinky in my mouth, inflate my cheek, and make a pop noise. How to make it look like I am splitting my thumb. How to make an outlet sing. (plug in a radio) I learned a lot of corny dad jokes. I learned to stand up for myself. I learned to take pride in myself and my ancestry. I learned how to put myself first when I really don't want to do something.
  9. My teens are 18 and 16. Most of what I wish I did differently revolve around the 18 year old. 1. I wish we did more fun things. I did what I could on our limited budget but I wish it was more. 2. Therapy. I wish I had taken him to counseling when his father first got sick. He always seemed to be handling everything so well. I know now he internalized a lot and never dealt with it. 3. I wish I had noticed his executive function issues before his junior year of high school and been able to help him develop a system that worked before he left for college. 4. Some days, I wish we had said okay to him going back to school for high school. Things I did pretty okay at: He does talk to me, eventually. I may not find out before he makes a less then stellar decision but he eventually opens up. With my 16 year old: 1. More fun things. See above 2. Therapy. See above Things I did pretty okay at: She usually talks to me about everything. Sometimes before the less then stellar decision is made.
  10. Are we related? There is one branch of the family that is obsessed with weight. I ignore it as best I can and refuse to participate in the discussion.
  11. Dear MIL. Thank you for continually treating us like the red headed step children. For making us celebrate Chanukah around niece's college schedule and now that it is our turn making the plans around your vacation schedule instead of our son's college schedule. Even though you were able to reschedule vacation plans so our son could be at your birthday party. Would it have been so difficult to combine it with Chanukah? It would also be nice if you could let up on the passive aggressive judgement of our life choices.
  12. My MIL actually got me exactly what I asked for instead of reinterpreting what I asked for into what she thinks I really want. A cast iron skillet. I just about fell over.
  13. Mono is a lousy Hanukkah present. I am sorry your family is dealing with it. I had mono right after I graduated from college. I was out of commission for weeks. You can not rush recovery.
  14. You could get a cast iron panini press to use with your skillet.
  15. Never apply malice when stupidity will suffice. Moms are set in their ways and have their own ideas on what makes a thoughtful gift. Understanding the hidden places an allergen lurks takes time and education. Mom also probably thinks you are being unreasonable to not let your kids have what is in the basket. As someone who used to get totally annoyed at her father buying her kids junk candy and didn't want her precious snowflakes to eat said candy. I would give anything to have my father here buying them that candy. I have come to realize that the few times a year they would have eaten that candy would not have killed them. Based on your post it sounds like your kids can eat the food but you are choosing for them not to have it. Which is totally your choice I am just offering perspective from the other side. The way I see it you can either 1. Smile and nod. Call, say thank you. Donate and move on. Or 2. Call, make a to do. Possibly cause or widen an existing rift. Only you can decide if this is a hill you want to die on.
  16. A friend of mine does this. 10 years she was talking about how it was being phased out. Her income had taken a big hit.
  17. I get what you are saying. When my father passed away I remember standing in the grocery store and wondering what the heck I was doing there. We just buried my father and here I was buying groceries. It was surreal. There is definitely a period of disconnect.
  18. Cold turkey looks promising for his laptop. Does anyone know of anything like it for an iPhone? From what ds is telling me there is not. I knew this group would have helpful suggestions. Thank you, everyone.
  19. This is what we use in his room at home. Love the stick on white boards. No good place to hang in his door room where it is easy to write on and in his face.
  20. 😂 Dr. Pepper is my favorite. It in no way resembles root beer. Like your mother, I can smell the root beer and won't take a sip.
  21. As an american I just want to say that I find root beer revolting. The flavor is indescribable. It is not even redeemed by vanilla ice cream. An egg cream from Brooklyn, however, is a little slice of heaven.
  22. I used to blog about homeschooling for my mom. As the kids reached high school age I blogged less as it felt like a violation of their privacy.
  23. His desk is against a wall. Will have to see if there is enough room to prop one up on the built in shelf.
  24. I don't think his room mate would like this solution.
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