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Everything posted by kewb

  1. We usually agree but there have been elections where we canceled each other out. We don't discuss politics in those years.
  2. I just went through this. I hate when I misplace it. They need a find your Kindle app. I hope you find it.
  3. kewb

    Early Voting

    Yes, it does. However, I like going and voting.
  4. So painful. I stopped reading long ago because I just couldn't take the pain. I love early James Patterson. But at some point his work seemed to become his publisher saying "write a sentence in this manuscript and we will say you co wrote it and it will sell like hotcakes" I stopped reading.
  5. I agree with Patricia Cornwall. I love Dr. Kay Scarpetta but through the years the author turned her into a pale shadow of herself. Mary Higgins Clark also lost me. The only John Grisham book I really enjoyed was A time to kill. To be honest, I think what happens is after reading so many books by the same author you easily spot their pattern and the book loses it's luster.
  6. Extended interview processes are the norm around here. My dh's last corporate job was almost 6 months from his initial interview. He had to meet with multiple people throughout the company. It was tedious.
  7. This allows me to rant about the cheap quality of everything. My favorite cardigans are almost 20 years old. My newer ones have not held up as well.
  8. That is an issue. On occasion I am cold and I want the button option.
  9. I rarely button my cardigans. I like them open.
  10. When I started in the corporate world I loved what I did. 18 years later when I resigned to homeschool I no longer loved it. I was working for the benefits. I still did my job and did it well but it was a grind. Now it is almost a decade later and I can look back on those final few years and realize I was part of the problem of my misery. I had totally checked out and was just going through the motions. Now, I like what I do. I walk and play with a friends dog a few days a week. It gives me enough $$ to cover my daughters act tutor and gives me a nice break from taking care of my husband. I can see moving into pet sitting at my home once our curent dog passes away. He loves other dogs but I would not want to take the risk of having another dog in the house that wasn't mine. Life is easier when you love what you do, however, it is still work and work is sometimes a chore. And there are days when you don't want to do it even when you love it. That is why it is called work and not play.
  11. I think there is a connection. I don't think menopause is the cause. I think it coincides with a time in a woman's life when she is finally comfortable with who she is, knows what she wants, and is tired of the feeling of putting up with all the bs she has dealt with from her spouse for the entire marriage. The constant burying a little piece of who she really is to maintain marital harmony. That is draining and once the kids are gone there seems to be no need to keep up the fascade. Sometimes the spouse can roll with it and other times they can't.
  12. I believe they made a series of movies out of this premise. The Matrix.
  13. For the rare fax I need to send or receive I use the service efax. Works through your email.
  14. I think the US should be doing more. However, fear is powerful. I live near a neighborhood with many refugees from the Middle East and there is a fair amount of vocal Anti American rhetoric. At the same time I read their stories http://www.humansofnewyork.com/tagged/refugee-stories And am reminded that they are people. People like me who have been forced to leave all that they know and start over. People who, like me, just want their children to be safe, fed, and have a roof over their heads.
  15. First the Pets. Then the children. Then the elderly. Then everyone. It will become the new normal and you will find me off the grid wearing my tin foil hat.
  16. Frustrating but not rude. Rude would have been not telling you they weren't coming.
  17. I love old cemeteries. I can wander in there for hours. I have never stopped at a roadside cross but I have certainly wondered as I drove past.
  18. Your way is inefficient and would make me batty. I do it the way your dh does but I fold as I remove from the dryer. I tried the dump into a basket and then fold later method once. I couldn't get past the inefficiency.
  19. Pass the bean dip. - Joanne. This applies to many areas in life. A helpful phrase.
  20. Just sent the link to my child at college. Looks delicious.
  21. Family favorite potato soup 8 potatoes, diced 1 stalk celery, chopped (including leaves) 2 carrots, chopped 1 onion, diced 4 or more cloves of garlic Tumeric Cayenne pepper Red pepper flakes Salt and pepper to taste Throw everything in the pot. Add water, chicken stock, or vegetable to the top of the veggies. Bring to a boil. Cover and simmer for 30 minutes. Mash everything, but leave some potato lumps. Add a little milk or non dairy milk. I use a 1/4 cup. Taste and adjust seasonings as needed. It is great on it's own or you can play with it. It is very forgiving.
  22. Our house came with the glass top stove. It never occured to me to use it as counter space as it is a stove. I have left the tea kettle on it since I would be using it frequently.
  23. My preference leans towards country cottage. Or a Hobbit hole. I like comfortable furniture and book cases. What I have is an eclectic mix of hand me downs and furniture we purchased when we got married 24 years ago.
  24. My dh used to be the IT Director for a hedgefund. They asked for his sat scores and college transripts during the interview process. The only job he ever had where they asked for any of that. Back in the day the sat was a max 1600 points. He had a very high score and was basically asked to defend why he did so poorly out of 1600.
  25. As in drinking a glass of milk? No. Unless it is chocolate milk. And even that is a rare occurrence. I do use milk with cereal, creamy dishes, etc. But I also sub coconut or almond milk when cooking. There are plenty of vegetables high in calcium so I don't think milk is essential to a healthy diet.
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