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Everything posted by kewb

  1. It was the 80's and the store was called units. Loved them. As I said earlier in this thread, I don't shop with companies that don't refund my money if I am not satisfied. Add in the salesperson doesn't know what they are getting ahead of time and it sends me running faster from the room. Now the salesperson is stuck with a stock of ugly clothes they can't unload. Thanks, but no thanks.
  2. I have my curmudgeon moments as I get older. I blame it all on the perimenopause.
  3. Your husband is being unreasonable.
  4. Been wearing glasses since I was 3. I don't remember not having dents.
  5. I finally got the courage to get mine pierced when I was 18. I almost bailed because the baby ahead of me on line cried when they pierced her ears. My friend insisted I stay. This was in the 80's. Never had any problems. Somewhere in my 20's I started reacting to any earrings that weren't silver or gold. I wanted do to wait until she was 13 so she would be old enough to take care of them herself. She campaigned hard at the age of 9 so I relented. Took her to the mall. No major problems. I did think she took a long time to heal. Plus, she reacted to the cute inexpensive earrings right away so only silver or gold for her.
  6. The going rate around here for a kid you hire is $10. A pro will charge you $15 for a 20 minute walk.
  7. East coaster, definitely familiar with the phrase. It doesn't bother me so it barely registers if someone uses the phrase. Synergy, otoh, makes my skin crawl.
  8. My 18 year old college freshman just told me he quit the swim team two weeks ago but was afraid to tell me because he thought I would be disappointed. Which I am. But I told him it is his life and his decision to make. I reiterated why his father and I thought it would be good for him to be part of it but if truly felt that he was having a difficult time adjusting to college life and that the swim team was taking too much time that only he could make that call. And that he shoulodn't be afraid to tell us stuff because he thinks we will be disappointed or angry.
  9. I was surprised tro hear it. I don't normally follow the celeb world but this one crossed my news feed.
  10. You need to replace the dairy with another fat. As others suggested, avacado, coconut, use almond or coconut milk in your coffee.
  11. I think I am a mish mash of all the roles listed. I don't think I should control my adult children but at the same time I have a strong personality and I probably overstep my bounds with some level of frequency. My chgildren will tell you I give them the opportunity to choose and then when they choose wrong I tell them what to do. I say I was giving them the opportunity to choose correctly. They didn't; therefore I intervened. For example, we have a "You will go to college" belief system. However, we are not going to tell you what your major should be. Once you have some idea we will suggest schools and try to steer you to the ones we think are the best fit but ultimately they have to decide where they are going. We are probably pushy and overbearing but we want them to be in the best possible place for future success. I can not imagine a scenario that would make me show one of my children the door.
  12. Since you already have a cream based soup go with a broth. Beef barley, minestrone, chicken noodle, vegetable, white bean and escarole. So many choices. As an aside, my teens love panera's broccoli soup.
  13. They are cute. I wonder how they got to Florida.
  14. Other: From a school administration level at the elementary level, ban all peanuts. Even of you don't think anyone has an allergy this year, it is simply a solid policy that can prevent death. I do not think it is realistic for a school to ban every allergen. If there is a student who might die from their allergy, such as peanuts, then ban the food. Everything else, reasonable precautions. I know people with all kinds of allergies. Peanuts, poultry, raw fruits, certain raw vegetables, celiac disease, gluten intolerance, soy, dairy, corn, and so on. If you cover every allergen you are left with plain water.
  15. Went through this with my son who started college this year and now my daughter is having the same complaints. There are not a lot of teens in my area who are homeschooling. She does not care for the ones we do know. She never clicked with them. She wants more local friends to hang out with. She does swim for our local high school but she does not have a lot in common with her team mates. She is feeling quite frustrated at the moment. I wish I knew what the answer is.
  16. If you are not enjoying yourself be honest with your neighbor. Tell her the weekly get together is too much with all the families and your food sensitivities and you need to cut back on your participation.
  17. I had to google. I suppose classic film buffs would know. Having now read a bit about her I am fascinated.
  18. Jockey Classic French Cut for me. I have been wearing these for decades now. Comfortable. cotton. classic.
  19. I would wait until the eval to ask. This way you can make any ammendments to the proposal based on feedback received at the eval. It shows your boss you were listening to what they had to say and incorporated the companies needs into your proposal for a compressed work week.
  20. I would but it won't be be necessary as I have already given my info to a Nigerian prince who is sending me a few million. You should add salt lamps to your regimen. Sit in front of it while eating raw honey and cinnamon. (I do use honey for medicinal reasons but I don't think it will cure a chronic illness)
  21. For a little while where we live felt like home. But with our reversal in fortune, home maintenance, the high cost of living, the insane taxes, and the overcrowding (my town feels a need to build on every empty plot of land lately) I feel an urge to move somewhere else. But, it is the kids home. How can I sell it out from under them. Sometimes you just need a good cry and a pity party.
  22. What if it is water kefir? Or made from coconut milk or goats milk or camel milk? And if you add some kind of essential oil that is safe to ingest, such as young living, doesn't that cancel the histamine effect?
  23. I think she is amazing and sweet. I hope she stays that way. An impressive young lady.
  24. Have you been drinking a daily green smoothie with pomegranate, blueberries, acai, goji, ginger, turmeric, coconut milk, and maca powder? Have you tried going dairy free? Thieves oil. You just need some thieves. A tea made from organic dirt? I hope you feel better soon.
  25. Yes, I would be annoyed that it was a visa Gift Card and not a check. I would also be happy to have gotten a refund at all.
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