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Everything posted by kewb

  1. Thanks for all the suggestions. For the 2nd half of the semester he finally admitted to needing help and started getting it weekly. Office hours, studying/scheduling assistance, etc. He plans to continue this immediately when he returns next month. Definitely like the post it notes idea. It is satisfying to throw away completed tasks. Hallway shared bathroom so that is not a usable location. The rooms mirror is screwed on the back of the door and the closet is a wardrobe with very narrow doors. But, might be able to make something work there.
  2. Ds has completed his first semester at college. He had numerous challenges this semester. Brainstorming for ideas on what to do to make next semester run smoother. His executive function challenges are what did him in. Mostly task management combined with his avoidance behavior. He did great in most of his classes but seriously dropped the ball in one of them. He was borrowing from Peter to pay Paul and it snowballed from there. Things that worked when he was home were his whiteboard of tasks combined with his calendar. That in your face on the wall thing helped him. No white board in his dorm room. Really no wall space for it and the walls are cinderblock so difficult to write on. I want to look into bullet journaling. He spoke with his advisor and they decided it would be a good idea for him to only take 12 credits this semester to work on his transition. Any thoughts on things to work on to help next semester go more smoothly?
  3. It was snowing when I woke up. Now it is a wintry mix. Hoping it stops soon as I have errands to run.
  4. I get people from high school sending me the occasional friend request. Um, we weren't friends then. In fact you were super mean to me. We haven't spoken in 25+ years. Pass on the friend request.
  5. I have never seen Llyle's in the store. I ordered a 6 pack from Amazon.
  6. At this stage of my life I would want the cash to put towards something expensive like tickets to Hamilton. I struggle with this every year because my mil likes to give me a thing not an experience. I do not need a $50-$100 thing. Plus, she usually translates what I want into something I don't want even though I send her Amazon links of different price points of what I do want. One year I asked for a gift certificate for a facial - I got spa slippers and a spa towel. I asked for a tortilla press to try making my own tortillas and got a quesadilla maker.
  7. Well, this is my learned something new today. It would never occur to me to classify Sprite as lemonade. Language is fascinating.
  8. kewb


    Seconding these. I make them all the time.
  9. Always double or quadruple the garlic. I also tend to add extra vanilla. I also double red pepper flakes and cayenne pepper. I halve or omit cumin because my dh doesn't like it.
  10. For my kids I would not use a creative spelling. I think it looks weird. I used to be quite judgey in my head about people who got creative. As I have gotten older I have realized who am I to judge. It is really none of my business. It is not my kid and my opinion on how someone chose the name or the spelling is not relevant. I still judge in my head, I am only human, but I try not to gossip about other people's name choices. Just because they are not my choices doesn't make it wrong. It just makes it different. Enough people have gotten creative over the decades to make the creative spelling normal. When gender bending names first started happening their was an uproar from the older community. Now the Y all over the place has become normal. Even with all the spellings I don't like I am glad I live somewhere that allows me to use any name I choose. Some countries are not as free with the names. I have a traditional name that can be spelled with a C or a K. The default is the C. I spent my childhood correcting people. Hayzel will spend a lot of time correcting others. She will hate it. One day she may come to like her unusual spelling. Or she won't and will do something about it.
  11. Now that you mention car bumpers I have been reminded that dh purchased new tail lights for the minivan from Amazon.
  12. This thread has been enlightening. I hate salted butter. My mother never bought salted butter and I don't either. I can taste the difference. Most people probably can't. I was also taught that baking defaults to unsalted unless stated otherwise.
  13. We check amazon for just about everything when researching products to buy. I never thought I would buy groceries from them but I have purchased many items. I think our lawn mower was purchsed from amazon. My dh orders a lot of his fishing supplies direct from china. They take awhile to get here but the prices are great.
  14. We haven't purchased appliances from them in years. They used to be our go to. I can't recall when it changed but we just started going elsewhere. I do still buy clothes there on occassion. I have gotten some really good deals on basics. The Kmarts by me closed a few years ago. I was not a kmart fan and rarely shopped there.
  15. I haven't done holiday cards in years. We have mostly dropped off everyone's card list or they stopped sending too. We still get a few. I bake a special treat for my teens. Everyone else gets a gift card or cash. A few years ago money was tighter then usual so I gave all the teens in the family a giant mug from the dollar store, a packet of hot cocoa mix, and homemade fudge. The younger teens loved it. The older teens put on their game face. They wanted cash.
  16. I consider it a good day when I can get in and out of the store without speaking to anyone. However, I am always polite to the cashiers because that is a thankless job. Customers can be real jerks. I have had plenty of conversations with elderly folks about various products all while getting their life story. I figure they are lonely and I might be the bright spot to their day. I don't know why they want to talk to me. Unless they sense my desire to rabbit and while I am thinking they are lonely they are thinking "poor women needs some socializing."
  17. I cry at everything. Snoopy Come Home Beaches Old Yeller The Champ Charlotte's Web Harry Potter Sappy scenes get me every time.
  18. I was having a procedure done a few years ago. My friend brought me to outpatient facility. I am 4 years older. The nurse came in and said how nice it was that my daughter was there with me. Sometimes people really don't think before they speak.
  19. It came in handy when we needed to rent a van to take ds to college. They had the best rate.
  20. The two I remember from when we were house hunting newlyweds. 1. The house was filthy. And the family was sitting in the living room as we walked through the home. I tried to look past the filth to the potential but no. Too gross. 2. The house was railroad car style. With 5 teenagers hanging around. A sleeping adult in one of the bedrooms. Each bedroom had a bunch of beds. I left wondering if it was some sort of foster care situation.
  21. No real horror stories. The worst was a friend of ds when they were 12 or 13. The friend was recovering from a broken leg and at this point was using a walker. He ripped the screen door off a hinge trying to get the walker through. I didn't really care as it wasn't done on purpose but when I told his parents what had happened I could not believe they didn't offer to pay for the repair. I wouldn't have accepted but they could have offered. As a youngster I was the bad guest. I turned people's toilet paper around to the right way. I realize now that it was an incredibly rude thing to do.
  22. Yes, I think, in general, it is outdated advice. This does not mean I think one should be chowing down on all the fat and bacon one wants. I am more of a "as close to the tree as you can get" eater. At least I try to be. The less processed the better. I stay away from foods like fat free anything, margarine, and canola oil. My dh has type II diabetes. He controls it with low carb and fats (coconut oil, olive oil, avocado, seeds, and nuts). This is not what the nutritionist recommended at all. He does not use splenda or other artificial sweeteners. Someone had given us a case of splenda packets that I had left in the garage for a year. The mice didn't touch it.
  23. I am sorry it has come to this, but not surprised. Most people do no have a conscious uncoupling. Make sure your attorney is a shark. You should be getting half of his bonuses and half of his 401k. Get a signed rent agreement with your sister right now. Pay market value for an apartment that is big enough for you and the children. Pay back rent if your attorney feels this is necessary. You need to be prepared for this to get even uglier and fight for what you deserve.
  24. I don't go out of y way to read what is hanging on someone's fridge but if i am standing there I will naturally galnce at it. It is in a common area. If I don't want people to see something I put it away/in a private area. Same with books on the shelves. If it is a private book it is in my bedroom. In the common area-look away and lets talk about books.
  25. Never heard of it. I don't think it is something I would enjoy. It sounds like something that would have been big in the 70's,
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