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Everything posted by kewb

  1. Good advice but not a magic bullet. It definitely helps, however, my teens tell me which kids on the swim team are doing drugs and drinking. These are serious competitors. It didn't stop my oldest from experimenting because, hey, his friends were doing it.
  2. I don't know anyone who became anti-homeschooling but my thoughts have definitely changed since I started. I was never a school is bad, homeschooling is great person. Homeschooling is working for our family. I can look back now and see a bunch of things I probably should have done differently. I don't see my ds homeschooling his future children. If he does, he will only do it through middle school. He doesn't regret homeschooling high school but he does feel he missed out on things. Even though he swam on the high school team, participated in the drama club, and attended a few dances it wasn't enough for him.
  3. The plan was certainly not what I ended up with. 17 year old plan: Meet spouse in college. Work for a couple of years to save money to buy house. Move in to my palatial home. Have 2.3 kids, a dog, and a station wagon. Homeschooling was only something freaks did and I couldn't wait to have 6 hours a day all to myself while the kids were at school. Reality. Didn't meet dh until a year after college. Nothing else went as planned, except for the 2 kids and a dog. The station wagon became a mini van. My homeschool journey is nearing the end and I will probably have to go back to work full time for health benefits. It is not what I want to do at all but it will probably be necessary.
  4. I know what you mean. I, too, used to love to eat out. Now I am always thinking "I can make this. I can make it healthier. It would cost me $4 to make this and they are charging how much? I wish I was in my pajamas right now." I don't seem to have the same issue with take out. Happy to order in if I don't have to cook. I just don't want to go out.
  5. First play date I expect the person who suggested it will be hosting. Once we get to know each other better then it can be a free for all, such as: Billy would love to have Bobby over. We have x going on so sometime next week will work for us. If they want to get together sooner it will need to be at your house.
  6. kewb

    Tiny House

    I could do it but I don't want to. I love the idea of a tiny house but only if I was living alone. Some days I don't even like sharing the house so I can't imagine sharing a tiny space.
  7. No. Just no. That is not a gift for me. That is a gift for him. Like buying me a by bowling ball with his name engraved on it. Discussing something he would like and deciding together is okay. But don't surprise me with something.
  8. Yes. Since I posted about this struggle with my ds all through high school I can attest to how true it is. With hind sight being 20/20 I do now wonder about the path not taken. Academically continuing homeschooling was the right decision but the social aspect was an ongoing issue. There are things I wish I had done differently. The months ds was not on board did damage to our relationship.
  9. I had the novasure ablation, too. Best thing I ever did. It has been about 5 years now. My periods involve spotting for a day or two now. The procedure was relatively quick and the recovery was as expected.
  10. I like many of the recipes. I think there is useful information. As a pp stated, it needs to be taken with a grain of salt. For awhile I went a little nuts with it but it started to consume me. I now use the techniques and recipes I like and ignore the rest. I still soak my grains because I think it tastes better. I made bone broth before the book and I continue to do so.
  11. I switched my daughter to mostly online school for 11th grade because my part time job was getting in the way. I wish I had done it sooner. It can be done but will require commitment from your kids.
  12. Finally had endo appointment today. She said pcos. She is running a few more labs to rule out thyroid involvement due to my family history of hashimotos's. Her T3 was low but her other numbers were all well within normal. I am glad to be starting down a path of managing her symptoms but sad that she has to deal with this.
  13. If I bought them in bulk I store them in the freezer. I have had the occasional bag get lost in the back and they had freezer burn. Overall, it works out well.
  14. Yep, it sucks. When someone says we should get together I whip out my calendar and say "let's pick a day and time" I have always found making friends challenging. Introvert, awkward with small talk, painfully shy. I don't know how my mother does it. She moved across the country and within months had a circle of friends she could count on.
  15. A simple lentil curry is a staple in our house. I made this one tonight: http://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/1364/spicy-root-and-lentil-casserole Of course, changed a couple of things. I used more garlic, doubled the lentils, and upped the curry because we like spicy. And added spinach at the end. I like www.veganricha.com for dinner ideas for meatless days. Comfort food-tuna macaroni salad
  16. You have to go gluten and dairy free. You should probably also eliminate soy. I am sure there is also an essential oil for this. And don't forget to take apple cider vinegar with cinnamon. 😉 Although, to be fair, the acv and zinc have helped my kids but they don't have the level of acne that requires accutane. No reason to feel guilty for trying to help your son. Definitely take the probiotioc 2-3 hours after a dose. Also, you need to stay out of the sun when on doxy.
  17. No, it does not. I can taste the difference between soaked and not soaked but not because the dough is sour. It is a subtle flavor. Sometimes, I use kefir and I think that gives more of a sourdough taste.
  18. Ablation was one of the best things I ever did for myself. It did not really do anything for my pms. Although over the last year or so that has mellowed. For me cutting back/eliminating dairy and avoiding chocolate and caffeine helps my symptoms.
  19. Sprouting always seems like a lot of work so I never tried. I mill my own whole wheat flour with my nutrimill and soak the flour overnight with the liquid from the recipe and a tablespoon of apople cider vinegar per cup of liquid. I can't say whether or not our health is dramatically imporved but it makes the texture of my bread and waffles soft and delicious. I can tell the difference in texture when I soak versus not soaked. I find the longer the soak the better the texture. I try for at least 12 hours.
  20. So true. I always told my husband and kids, the interview was the most important thing in your life and the bottom of the list for the company. I will say that the process has become pretty unbearable from my first job 3 decades ago to what it is now.
  21. My husband's last job. A phone interview, 4 in person interviews, he had to submit his sat scores (30 years after he had taken that test), and take a personality test. The process took almost a year due to the travel schedules of the people who interviewed him.
  22. One other thing I thought about in regards to hospitality. My dh has a chronic illness. More often then not he is not up to the stress of having people over. When he was healthy we used to have friends over, go to friends houses, socialize. I am afraid my kids only remember the years from when he got sick. Rarely do we have anbyone over. Rarely do we go anywhere. They think this is the norm and I fear they won't know how to be hospitable. Even though I have assured them it is not the norm you learn what you live. Two parent working households has also taken it's toll. When you just want to go home and get in your pajamas it is difficult to think about hanging out with friends let alone do it.
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