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Everything posted by stephanier.1765

  1. I absolutely would but I don't know what it is. She's making all the woman in the family a book of her recipes for Christmas so I hope to get it then. I'm vegan and she makes a darn good vegan version of it too.
  2. My mother and her banana pudding. It isn't a holiday if there isn't banana pudding.
  3. And if she complains about not being invited, play up the "my kids need male figures in their lives". She's not male, thus not needed. Hopefully, she can see it that way too.
  4. I overslept for the exact same reason. Not that late but late for me. I find I also sleep well during natural disasters. LOL It's crazy.
  5. Maybe if mine still had some lift, I wouldn't but I don't and can't stand that feeling of skin against skin. I don't wear one to bed but find myself constantly tucking my pjs under my boobs just to stop the skin to skin feeling.
  6. The entire main part of my house is sage but it has been for the last 15 or so years. At least now it's in style. LOL I have plans to paint it again soon and will probably choose a lighter shade of that color.
  7. Balboa was the first thing that came to my mind but that's kind of a mouth full.
  8. Like others have said, a switch switched. I had scheduled a tubal to happen directly after the birth of my 3rd child. He ended being born prematurely and in fragile health so my doctor advised not having a tubal right then. Even though I had scheduled the surgery, when he said those words the switch switched so hard that I argued adamantly to go ahead with it despite the circumstances and ended up having the surgery the next day. Before that happened, even DH was trying to talk me out of it and offered to have a vasectomy instead. Still I was adamant. The "no more babies" switch had definitely switched.
  9. Shoot! I just threw that stuff away about 2 months ago. I tried to donate it but they wouldn't take my textbooks. I'll double check the garage just in case DH didn't put that box out with the other trash from my closet destash. ETA: I'm sorry, that box is gone. I did find another box of textbooks and got all excited only discover it's the wrong one. Good luck on your search.
  10. I'm also starting to look for a new sofa. With 5 cats, I was concerned they would use the leather as a scratching post. I'm so glad to see that it holds up well, which gives me a lot more options for my search.
  11. I'm in Jacksonville and the roads were worse than usual already yesterday. There are some who are going to evacuate but most people aren't. Right now they are out shopping for hurricane supplies. The one security line does move into separate security checks so hopefully they will have all of those open to help keep things moving. I've never flown out before a hurricane so I can't tell you any more than that, unfortunately. But I do agree, 10 is a good idea.
  12. We have azaleas in the front of our porch with part sun and shade and I love them for their flowers. Unfortunately, they won't grow in 5 but is there a flowering bush you particularly like. Coming home and seeing my azaleas busting with blooms makes me happy. What makes you happy? Do you have any favorite flower and/or shrub?
  13. They had a limited run of fudge brownie. I think that was the flavor. Loads and loads of chocolate, anyways. So bloomin' good and I want more!
  14. I am so incredibly sorry! Maybe our brains are like computers and once they hit overload they need to shut down and reboot. Hugs!
  15. I've always wondered about that, especially with consumables or items for children. I'll be interested in the answers you get.
  16. That's what I'm using this year and I too remember it being the blanket covering my bed when visiting my great grandmother. It's perfect and inexpensive. I found it at Walmart. My bed is made with a quilt covering this blanket and a sheet but at night I pull the quilt to the end of the bed and just use the blanket and the sheet.
  17. I just had a hard think and I really don't believe I have a favorite child. We do tell them, "You are our favorite oldest child. You are our favorite middle child. You are our favorite youngest child." They all in on the joke.
  18. Ours is always late in the day. I'm always shocked when someone gets their mail in the morning because mine is closer to dinner time. That could just be the way her route is set up though. We do occasionally receive the wrong mail but not nearly as often as we did years ago. The worst thing is the delivery of packages. Our mail is delivered to a metal set of boxes with each home getting their own box. There are two larger boxes for packages and, if one is ours, a key to the box is put in our regular box so we can open it up. However, if those boxes are already full or our package is too large, the mail person will delivery it to our front walk. Just barely off the grass and another ten feet to our door. We have a front porch where every other delivery person manages to put our packages. Some even attempt to hide them behind the plants so no one from the street can see them. It also rains here nearly every day this time of year so our packages on the porch are nice and dry. So the delivery of our packages to the front walk really gets my goat. One more second of walking and she could be to the porch so it's not saving her time at all. Just ugh!
  19. It depends on what is available to me to rage with...ie shopping, cleaning, talking. Mostly I prefer things that occupy the mind so I don't have to think about it.
  20. I bought one to try when Joann's had a 60% off coupon. I already know how to crochet but I struggle with circles and hoped this one might get me over the hump. I haven't tried it yet though. I did open it and was surprised to discover the yarn wasn't yarn. Maybe they do that because sometimes the hook can go through the yarn vs the hole. Anyway, I'm reading this thread hoping someone has given it a try.
  21. Now I need to go to Nordstrom Rack. I was there just a few weeks ago looking at shoes and didn't even think to look for Brooks.
  22. A few years ago, a man kidnapped a little girl as she walked by his house on her way to school. After all was said and done legally, the house was torn down and a park was built in it's place named after the little girl. Sometimes when something is just that bad, it's better to pull it all down and do something better with the it.
  23. I think you raised a girl with a good head on your shoulders. The more you write the more impressed I become with how well she is handling the transition and these girls. Way to go, kid!
  24. Ugh, that's so frustrating and I'm almost 100% sure that my DH would react the same way. I'm sorry! The stress of it all and then the stress of him not working the plan has got to be such an enormous weight on your family's shoulders. Hugs!
  25. Yep, it's the third eyelid. Cats generally don't show pain or that they are feeling unwell and I think of the third eyelid as the first indicator that something is going on. If I can't determine what that might be, I will wait and see. Sometimes whatever is bothering them will clear up on it's own or whatever is wrong will show more symptoms so there is less of a guessing game when we go to the vet. I hope you kitty feels better soon! I hate when mine are ill.
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