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Everything posted by stephanier.1765

  1. Our Aldi is hiring at $16.50. If you could stand the standing, that might be a way to go until something better comes along.
  2. I'm so sorry! Waiting for a replacement this time of year is a nightmare. I think, for today, the odds were in our favor. It wasn't the cheapest fix but, at least for now, we don't need a new unit. By the time the tech got here, it was 82 in the house but it is now a much better 78. Hopefully by bedtime, it will be down to our usual 75. Whew, I'm exhausted by the outdoor heat just transporting kitties back and forth.
  3. I agree with this. The room should be dedicated to its most used function. If you have guests more often that you craft or sew, then it should be a guest room. If you craft or sew more often that you have guests, then it should be a sewing room.
  4. Update: Technician is on his way right now! Please let this not be an expensive fix.
  5. Just found someone who could schedule us between 4-6. I managed to get 4 of the 5 cats to my son's house. They are not happy but at least they are cool. I'm going to do what I can to stay home and catch the 5th because I can't in good conscience leave him to the heat. I'm already dripping with sweat. He's a scaredy cat, quite literally. He still more feral than pet, even though that has been making huge strides in the last month. I think I'm going to put our box fan (if I can find it) in our smallest, coolest room and hang out there. Hopefully, he will join me. BTW, I was uber sneaky in corralling the cats. They love, LOVE, going into the garage, so I left the crates in there while I would casually pet a cat, pick up a cat, and cat is thrilled she is going in the garage so doesn't fight me, and then bam, right into a crate. LOL I'd catch two, take them out through the garage door instead of the house so the other cats weren't alerted to what was going on and take them to my son's house. Came home and did it again. Best cat catching in the history of this house.
  6. No, they are indoor only and no basement. I don't mind a hotel but we could stay with my parents while the cats stayed with my son. However, catching all the cats is going to be a nightmare and near on impossible. And the stress they are going to feel is already stressing me out.
  7. I have places I could go but I have no idea what to do about the cats. I could grab a couple and take them to my son's house but we have at least one that cannot be caught and, once the catching and crating starts, there's at least another that will be impossible possibly two. Ugh! Of course, the A/C repair companies are already slammed with people needing help. Two have us on the list to try to get to us today but not a guarantee. Should I start moving cats now even though it's still livable in the house? It will really stress them out, especially since my son has two large dogs. They can put them in a separate room but those dogs are loud and sound terrifying to someone who doesn't know they are playing. I hate this game of trying to make the right decisions. ETA: the cats can already feel my stress and are being wary. Catching them is going to be hard. Edited (2pm) Technician is on his way.
  8. How big is the closet? I would start there. Check out Pinterest for ideas on how to turn closets into craft/sewing spaces. If it's only big enough for a table or desk, put at least that in there with a peg board on the wall to store some of your tools and supplies. When guests come over, it's easy to shut the door and the room looks all clean and tidy. Then instead of a nightstand, I'd get something from Ikea, maybe a Billy bookcase with doors, and use that to store my craft supplies. This way you can whatever size bed you need, but still make the space nice for you to use as well. ETA: the dresser could also act as craft storage. The bigger drawers are great for paper and fabric.
  9. DH and I both have brown eyes and our eldest son has blue. Another son and his wife both have brown eyes and their son has blue. We must have this crazy blue gene in the family. LOL So, as old as these beautiful babies are, they probably will keep their gorgeous eyes. Thank you so much for sharing them with us today.
  10. We have a palm tree in our front yard. I'm not sure if this is the first year it's born fruit but it's the first year I've noticed. The crows have noticed too and have completely taken control of that tree, including driving off other birds. It feels as if our home has been overrun by these crows, so at least in my world, crows have already taken over. LOL
  11. Yep, us too. It's crazy and a big hit to the wallet.
  12. Once I moved to a third floor apartment while dh was at sea. My dad and I couldn't even make the pivot in the stairwell to make it to the third floor. In the end, we had to haul it up over the balcony banister. It's also the way we got it out when it was time to move. So I'm total agreement that movers need to be hired. This will not be easy on either one of them.
  13. We have 2013 CRV and it's the best car I've ever had. We keep getting offers from the dealership to purchase her but she is going to be a life long member of our family. After we got one, my mother got one, one DIL bought one, another DIL is planning to get one, as well as my youngest son's girlfriend. When we do need a new car again, it will be another CRV.
  14. OK, I've got to know - Bunkbed Jed?
  15. Do you have a particular brand of flooring you can recommend? Whenever, I look I get overwhelmed and give up. I don't want to this to be an overly expensive project but I don't want to get junk either and I'm having a hard discerning which ones are good and which ones are the junk.
  16. I'm getting ready to paint a room that had previously been covered in wallpaper. The wallpaper was put up on builder grade paint so that a lot of wallboard came off with the paper. So after a lot of repairs, I'm ready to paint. Can I use paint that has primer already in it or should I use primer to ensure all the repairs are covered before I actually start using paint? Also, do I paint the baseboards and door before or after the walls? Thanks! Oh, I have a floor question too. I pulled up all the carpet so now I'm left with a concrete slab. What's the easiest flooring for someone who's never done flooring before to put down?
  17. My doctor did too but not until it was time to actually do it. My last was born prematurely and his lungs collapsed upon birth so that he was whisked away to the NICU almost immediately, so my doctor said to wait since we didn't know what would happen with the baby. I was adamant. We compromised. Instead of doing directly it after birth, we did it the next day. The whole time I was thinking that, even if something happened to my son, I wasn't going to have another baby to replace him. It was ridiculous to my mind. I'm glad I stood my ground.
  18. I really want to get an Oliso iron, a Dremel and a wool ironing mat but can't bring myself to pull the trigger on any of them. I keep telling myself I'll wait until the next Prime Day but that's right before Christmas so I'll talk myself out of them again then since I'll be in the midst of buying Christmas presents.
  19. I got lucky and had several but I only bought 2 of the items on my list. I still want to go back and get that Dremel though. It's eating at me. LOL
  20. And it had a 20% coupon along with it! I can't wait for it to get here.
  21. So much adorableness! So a question - would you do it again? I'm thinking about fostering a kitten or two from Animal Control but it feels a bit overwhelming.
  22. I'm sorry about the heat. It's so bad right now and heat exhaustion can happen quickly. I'm happy you had a good trip though. Was the turkish food good? What did you get? It was me that asked about popcorn removal so I'm glad to hear that a professional thinks it's a bad idea too. Every day I look at it and wish it was gone but not bad enough to go through all the pain to do so.
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