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Everything posted by stephanier.1765

  1. It is adorable! I love the look of vintage cards. At first, I thought you must have used internet images but the fact that you used your DH's actual cards, I mean, just wow. You did such an amazing job on that.
  2. Thanks! I found a store in my city, so I'll be able to try them on to make sure of the fit, which is awesome.
  3. It's starting to warm up here and full length leggings are becoming too warm. I can't find any cropped ones in the stores (or at least any in my size) which leaves online shopping. I trust y'alls opinions over any random review at an online site and I'm hoping you've found some you love. I really need for them to have two pockets big enough for keys and phone. Thanks!
  4. My cat is on amitriptyline for just this thing. I'd also suggest more litter boxes, especially where the cat is peeing, even if it's in the living room where everyone can see it. It could also be an outdoor cat marking the house and this cat is trying to mark back.
  5. Don't beat yourself up. Just recently, I didn't know I had Covid, which meant I didn't even think to test, and went to visit my elderly parents. If it hadn't been for this forum's discussion of Covid, I still wouldn't have tested and never known. It just seemed like a cold, with lots of fatigue like you. I did end up passing it on to my son's fiancee after we went shopping and out to dinner. My parents, thankfully, never did contract it. With how Covid has changed and how seldom it's in the news, it's no longer at the forefront of our thoughts and what seems like a cold is assumed to be a cold, just like in pre-Covid days. I hope your family is soon past it and you guys can get back to your normal routine. I'm sorry for the rough time you all are going through.
  6. Other than the fact that sounds like an outrageously bad idea, it's too bad she has no agency over how she goes amount this reading intervention. At least if she could use reading materials containing science or about scientist, then at least the kids would be getting something scientific. And then use some of their time to pull out science materials related to their reading. Kids might be happier if they were reading and then doing vs just reading Harry the Woodchuck. But seriously, how are we to raise future scientist without teaching them science. This is crazy!
  7. I've started to use the app more but the feel of security of a paper ticket is real. I still see quite a few people using them in the line as we file through the gate.
  8. I can't believe a man wrote that script because he nailed it. Nailed it! And I too am so happy Perry has moved out of my house. Hormones of a teenager but without the metabolism. 😂🤣😂
  9. I agree, that is a horrible amount of wait time. It seems like it takes forever to get anything done at all health wise these days. It's frustrating, worrying and downright scary. I'm so sorry @TexasProud and @Kassia that y'all are going through this. The wait time might be long but I will be thinking about you the whole time. ❤️
  10. Cat food, nearly every single time it's due to arrive the order is either delayed or cancelled. It's frustrating because the stores don't often don't carry the kind my kitties need.
  11. Thanks to this thread, I tested myself. I've been sick since last weekend but had started feeling better midweek. I woke up this morning feeling worse. I tested positive and I had my booster in October. Because I had the booster and because I didn't feel any worse than a bad cold, I didn't think to test until now.
  12. I really miss having babies and small children but the great thing about growing older is grandchildren. I can love them, spoil them, play on the floor with them and then they go home. It's so freeing not to be the one to raise them and worry all the worries parents have for them. And the love from them is so very different from being their parent. As if, it's on a whole other level. Their eyes light up when I'm around and that's the best thing ever.
  13. Thank you! Now I feel good about putting it on our list too. We've become bored with a lot of our regular games and are ready for something new and this one looks like a lot of fun.
  14. Whew, I know you are glad that's over! And I'm thrilled it wasn't anything worse. Now you can rest and be free of the worry.
  15. I feel for you! We have a cat just like that. We brought him in from the outdoors about 15 months ago during a hurricane. Because he did so well inside, we decided to keep him. He's a cat's cat, 100%. Humans? Not so much. Picking him up? Ever since we took him to get fixed, he does not allow anyone to pick him up. Doing so will result in blood loss. Giving him medicine? No way, no how. It would never happen. Even applying flea medicine requires tricking him. So I don't know what I would do if I was you. Any of our other cats would get a trip to the vet but he's a special case and I really try not to traumatize him any more than I absolutely have to. If it was our cat, I would probably give it another day and hope for the best. I'll be thinking about you and Obama!
  16. This game came across my FB feed and, after reading its details, it looks to be a game that would fit my family well. However, what it says on the internet is not necessarily the truth. Has anyone here played the game? It's described as a light game that's easy to learn but still works your brain with strategy. Is that true? Is it fun? https://www.veryspecialgames.com/products/abducktion-base-game-a-weirdly-strategic-game-of-duck-kidnapping
  17. Good question. How will they handle licensing if cats can't get their shots? I can't imagine them giving a lengthy grace period.
  18. I really wish I had a bigger house where I could keep a dollhouse out for my granddaughter. Fixing one up would be so much fun.
  19. My granddaughter (5) just about lost her mind over the unicorn lunch box my mother just stumbled upon in the Walmart clearance section. It was so funny and very cute for us adults to see that reaction. On the other hand, my mother gave a me a golden snitch necklace. Um, I really, really don't know why she would think I would like that. Sure I've enjoyed the books and movies but I've never felt drawn to wearing Harry Potter anything. Not quite sure what I'm going to do with that.
  20. We like to go through the wrapping paper for anything that might double as a birthday paper. We've gotten really lucky finding some nice neutral ones in the last few years.
  21. This is definitely a ventable topic. Oh my, what a crazy thing for a squirrel to do. I'm so sorry!
  22. Absolutely, littles can accomplish tasks. Just today my grandchildren (3 and 5) snapped beans for tomorrows dinner and cleaned the kitchen floor with wet cleaning rags and loved every second of doing both. Parents who don't are really depriving their kids of learning tasks while the tasks are still fun for the kids to do.
  23. OMG, I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw your picture. I would have bet my last dollar that it was a picture of my cat. Here is one of my girl.
  24. That is a lot. Do you have anyone you can talk to? You really need someone who is there for you, just for you. I am so sorry this has been happening to you and your family!
  25. As my AAA guy said to me yesterday, "It's great when there are happy endings."
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