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Everything posted by stephanier.1765

  1. I ordered it yesterday and, hopefully, it will be here today. Luckily, I had put it in my wishlist so I wouldn't forget which brand to try, so Amazon gave me a heads up when the price went down. I can't wait to try it.
  2. I just finished Everything Sad is Untrue and is my favorite book so far this year. It's writing style is unique and it kept me fully engaged to where I didn't want to put it down. It's one of those books you think about even when you aren't reading it. It's free on Kindle Unlimited.
  3. One of mine was helping herself to my oatmeal this morning. She will also steal a potato skin right off a plate and run away with it. Carnivores, bah!
  4. That was fast! Weren't we just on baby watch with you yesterday? But my goodness, is that one handsome little dude! Truly sweetness on two tiny feet. My favorite age too.
  5. That stinks. I can understand it from the company's point of view but, if the pain is supposed to last a lifetime, they shouldn't have anything to worry about. I'm glad you were able to get that one replacement, though.
  6. I've been to the ER with stomach pain that turned out to be constipation. I had no idea before then just how painful constipation could be. I hope she is able to recover quickly. Poor little sweetie! ❤️
  7. I was wondering if it was a cement vs grass thing too. I was also wearing an old pair of sneakers that I save to wear when I'm doing dirty work. I may try them out on a walk just to see how they do. It can't be any worse. LOL I've also wondered about the speed because I'm not just strolling along. I'm not speed walking but I am walking at a higher speed than I normally would. I've decided to wait on new shoes until I try all the various stretching and exercises just to see if they fix the problem instead. I'm excited to have a plan.
  8. I'm thinking ER, as well. She's been sick and in pain for too long for anyone to come to a diagnosis without some sort of tests or imaging.
  9. @Soror thank you so much! I can't wait to look into this. I love how this place has so many wise and helpful folk. ❤️ ETA: I just placed it on hold at my library. It must be popular because I'm 28th on the hold list.
  10. I haven't but you have me intrigued. The paddling with a ball and stretchy band sounds like something I'd really like to try. When I tried the stretches from above replies, I couldn't do them, but the ball and bands seem a really good alternative. Yesterday, I was trimming our palm trees. I spent hours on my feet walking, standing, bending, and stretching my arms over my head and never once did my back or hips hurt. It makes no sense that a 10 minute walk causes me pain but hours of yardwork doesn't.
  11. Yikes, its eyes, but so very cool! I love learning about things like this.
  12. What would we call them? Sharkrays? Stingsharks? Or a shorter name like Stark? LOL I can't wait to see them.
  13. Here's an article about it: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/stingray-charlotte-prgnancy-shark-myster-b2494790.html I don't know what I'm hoping for: clones or baby shark/stingrays. Either's pretty interesting.
  14. When I go shopping for extended periods, I also suffer from back pain. This fall I bought these boots from Orthofeet and my back never hurts while wearing them, so now I wear them every chance I get. The height of the heel must do something to my posture to help fix whatever is wrong. For just a moment, I wondered if I needed sneakers with heels to walk in. LOL https://www.orthofeet.com/products/emma-taupe
  15. I think you are probably right that I need to make sure it's me before I buy shoes. I do stretch but I've been stretching with my tight calves in mind rather than my hips or back. I can touch the top of my shoes when I bend over. Just a year ago I could touch the floor but not now. So I'm going to try the Nourish, Move, Love stretching that was mentioned above and see what happens.
  16. I can absolutely believe I've been doing it wrong my whole life. My theory as to the reason for it is that as a small child I was constantly trailing behind my father who didn't change his long stride for me. So I was always leaning forward, lengthening my own stride and moving as quickly as I could just to keep up and I don't think I ever changed from that. I'm trying hard to work on this as I'm walking but as soon as my attention slips I go right back to my regular way of walking. It's going to take me a while, I think, to make it a habit. I do have bursitis in my right hip but the pain I'm experiencing now makes me believe I have it in my left as well. I thought I was ready to try again this morning but I didn't even make it 10 minutes before I had to turn back because of the pain in that left hip. Thank you for saying rest is the cure because I have a hard time making myself do that. I'm definitely going to the stomach/butt clench. It makes total sense and I'm excited to see if it works for me.
  17. Thank you! I use Orthofeet for all my other shoes but I've never tried their sneakers. I don't know why but it only makes sense to give them a try too. Thank you! I'm going to look at these too. The pain is so miserable I really need to do something or give up altogether.
  18. I've been trying to walk for exercise but need to continue taking breaks from it due to back and hip pain. I've been researching which shoes might help with this problem only to discover that the two pairs of shoes (Brooks and New Balance) that I've been using are often on the lists of recommendations. Ugh. Does anybody else have this problem and found a pair of shoes that keep the pain at bay?
  19. Thank you! I have dry, nearly 60 yo skin and struggle with find anything that works. I'm going to have to try this.
  20. Us too. It's usually the only time I see deer too, even though I see the occasional deer sign in our area. The only time I see alligators on the side of the road is on our way to Tampa, even though we have plenty of those around.
  21. I agree with the zinc recommendation. I was having trouble falling asleep and staying asleep until I saw that recommendation here. It's been life changing. Occasionally, I'll have a problem falling asleep but that's usually because I had caffeine sometime after noon. I never wake at 4am any more.
  22. I don't know how I missed this but I'm so relieved you are home. How incredibly scary this is!
  23. If that one doesn't work out, this is my favorite queso recipe: https://www.theppk.com/2011/11/cashew-queso/ It's more work than I prefer to do on a regular basis but I love it for the Super Bowl or New Year's Eve.
  24. One day, we had turkey vultures eating cat food on our patio. I'd never seen one up that close. Ugly but interesting to look at. Lots of hawks, blue jays, woodpeckers (pileated, downy and red-headed), Cedar waxwings, warblers, wrens, sparrows, cardinals, starlings, sea gulls, hummingbirds (I have a potted powderpuff set outside my window so I can get close up views of them), mockingbirds aka the jerks of the bird world, crows, egrets, the hateful Muscovy ducks and Canadian geese.
  25. To add to my strange bird sightings, I just saw a wren in our shrubs with one of its feet pointing backwards. It doesn't seem to be hindering him any but he sure does move oddly. I heard the sounds of a cardinal so I grabbed my phone and rushed to the window to see our regular bright red male. Still a beauty but not quite as amazing as his yellow counterpart. I tried to get a picture of the wren with the funky leg but he camouflages too well with the shrubs to get a good shot.
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