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Everything posted by stephanier.1765

  1. When I was younger, I wish I had known what that was. What a difference in my life it would have made.
  2. My DIL's sister had hers stolen at an apartment complex. They couldn't shut of the alarm so they kept driving around the complex until they found another one, stole it and abandoned hers.
  3. 1200 sq ft! That's going to be amazing when done. That's the square footage of our entire house. LOL Good luck! Have you already put down an offer?
  4. I wonder if they recently put out a plea for them and got over run with donations? Our animal shelter just put out a plea themselves and a couple of rescues, as well. When it's kitten season (isn't it always kitten season?), towels are in high demand.
  5. Congratulations! There is nothing more special than bringing a tiny new life into your home.
  6. We are under a heat advisory, as well, even though the sky is completely covered in clouds and it's going to rain. And it's going to rain the day after that and the day after that and on and on and on... I can't remember a year so hot or a year with so much rain. It's normal for us to get rain this time of year but it's usually an afternoon affair where the mornings and evenings are clear. The Sunshine State has become a misnomer for Florida. Yuck.
  7. About a week ago in my city, a golf cart with a lithium battery, which was housed inside a garage, caught fire which then in turn caught the home on fire. Luckily, no one was hurt. There has to be a better way, a better battery. I sure hope they are working on finding one. I'm so glad no one was hurt or more damage happened in your case. https://www.news4jax.com/news/local/2023/06/21/home-destroyed-in-e-town-after-lithium-batteries-in-golf-cart-catch-fire/
  8. Me too! Then my mind went to grandson dog and thought what an odd thing to call a dog. Then finally, after much mental gymnastics, I got there. LOL OP, my son sleeps with two large dogs and often complains of being pushed off the bed. So yeah, I would I put dd(dog) back in the crate too. May you have a better night tonight.
  9. I've learned my fair share of hobbies from classes at the library. These are taught by folks who just want to pass their love of their pastime on to others. All of them were free and I often think back to that advice I learned whenever I get stuck. Plus classes help you connect with others who are learning. Often you can learn from others' mistakes or have someone to work with as you start your new project.
  10. I don't know the risks of ignoring it but when I could ignore mine no longer I went to the doctor where she put me in a boot. I think if I had gone sooner then I might have had better results but that area still bothers me quite a bit on occasion, especially after a day of walking. If I were you, I'd go now. Better to find out and get started on a treatment rather than risk a lifetime of pain.
  11. Or maybe humidity. LOL We once had a cat with a tail like that. I think the most very handsome cats do. Aslan is gorgeous.
  12. One of my cats sits on the right arm of my chair constantly demanding to be petted. She does this by shoving her head on my hand. I can't tell you how many times I've clicked the wrong reaction to a post. Once it was a "like" to a really sad post. I was horrified and hoped no one noticed while I was fixing it. Edited to add picture of the villain, except this time she was sabotaging my cross stitch.
  13. I still live in the same house I raised my boys. I regularly drive by the ballfield where they spent many hours playing baseball and I spent watching. It's a pang to my heart every time. I still live in the same community where I was raised and visit my parents who still live in that same home. It's a pang to my heart as I drive by homes in the neighborhood where I spent many happy hours playing with friends or the fields where we picked blackberries. I want to say it's a longing for simpler times but my life is pretty simple now. So it's more likely I'm missing the people who were a big part of my life then and I'm definitely missing my children being small. I don't know if it would be harder to see these places only rarely or on a regular basis, but it's definitely hard either way.
  14. Because my craft room is tiny, I decided to remove everything before I removed the wallpaper and started sanding the walls. I could just imagine all that dust in my craft things. Oh. My. Word. The amount of stuff that came out of that tiny 9x11 room is unreal. I don't know where all that crap came from. It's now filled my closet, a wall in my bedroom, and the center of the living room. The only good thing is that I have a powerful incentive to get this done and done as quickly as possible. So yeah, I would rent storage and put all your "extras" in there before I started showing because otherwise you take the chance of them being everywhere. Like literally everywhere.
  15. Ugh, having to do the repairs and sanding after just doing that to the walls...well, I don't know if I'm mentally up to that. It would be what I just did except over my head. Yikes! Thank you (and everyone else that replied), I think I've talked myself out of this.
  16. I've been removing wallpaper and fixing walls in one of our rooms. Since the room is empty, I'm considering removing the popcorn from the ceiling. I hate how it collects dust. Would I be getting myself in over my head with this project? Let me tell ya...the wallpaper removal just about killed me so I don't know if I'm capable enough to tackle the ceiling too. It seems like a horror show just waiting to happen.
  17. I don't know if this would be your cup of tea but this series, The Unconventional Heroes, is a light, fun and humorous read. I originally picked it up because book 1, Two Necromancers, a Bureaucrat and an Elf, was free on Kindle Unlimited. Plus, the title pulled me in. All the titles in the series are off the wall like that. Cracks me up.
  18. For me, reading books is like watching a movie so I definitely don't read horror, not only because it can be upsetting, but because those images transfer into my dreams. I don't watch horror for the same reason. Not until this thread, did I truly understand why I don't read or watch sex scenes. I either skim through pages to find the end or fast forward a movie. I don't want those images stuck in my heard either.
  19. She is completely and utterly adorable! I hope she starts feeling better soon and is cooperative with all the wound care for your sake.
  20. Please let us know how it goes. I hope your sweet baby is feeling better soon.
  21. I'd be in except for the colonoscopy. Every time I have one, I'm miserable and the diarrhea last for days so the last thing I'd want to do is go to more appointments. Shudder! But then again, if I skipped it, I'd probably never schedule another appointment to get one done.
  22. In our household, the mama cat always cleans her daughter but daughter never cleans mama, except for a couple licks after mama is done with her. Our latest addition to the household, who is still more feral than tame, goes to mama to be cleaned and he would definitely reciprocate, but she doesn't want him cleaning her. All that to say, I have no clue whatsoever. Our other two cats never lick other cats and other cats never lick them. It's a cat eat cat kind of world.
  23. Also facing away. It's easier to pass someone's knees using the back of my knees. It gives me more room. Also I can lean forward towards the front seats which also gives me more room and is less intrusive for the folks I'm passing.
  24. Oh wow, I was just thinking about this today. I bought my first stick shift car as a young woman with an infant. My DH was out to sea. My father helped me bring it home, gave me a quick lesson, and then I was off. With an infant in a car seat, with a car I'm unfamiliar with, new to using a stick, and just off I went without a care in the world. It didn't even occur to me to be anxious or worried. Now, I don't even like driving cars I've never driven before. I get anxious about not knowing how everything works, so there is no way I would buy a new car with a new way of driving with a baby in the back and be perfectly fine. Nope, no way. I get anxious just thinking about it. I think a lot of it is that we have become wiser to the way things can go wrong. We've seen numerous news stories or even undergone terrible experiences ourselves. But boy, do I miss that brave and carefree young woman.
  25. This is what I would do too. My grandparents always had us sleeping on pallets on the floor in the living room. It was a novel things for us to get to sleep on the floor so we saw it as fun and never complained about it.
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