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Everything posted by stephanier.1765

  1. I would be furious. I hope they make it right and it looks just as good if not better than the quartz you have now.
  2. Does anyone know of a link to Wheelocks? When I Googled it, a bunch of options popped up so I'm not sure which one is the actual book from this thread.
  3. Do you have enough to do a garage sale? They are a pain in the butt and you don't get as much for your stuff but at least it's moved out of your house.
  4. Spring is nuts. Last week, we had days with lows in the 30s and highs of 60. Two days later, we had lows in the 60s and a high of 90. I'm dumbstruck by having to suffer through the 90's already. Couldn't the weather be polite and what until a decent August to pull out the 90's days?
  5. I love their plants! I especially love the pots with a mix of plants. I couldn't put together a pot like that for what it costs me to buy the Costco one and they look so good on my porch.
  6. That's crazy! Right now there is a 30 cent difference between the gas station near me and Costco. Usually though, it runs closer to a 20 cent difference.
  7. Gas. If nothing else, I get gas even if I still have three-quarters of a tank left.
  8. I wonder if they realize how many of us use fake dates. Whatever they are trying to conclude by collecting the dates is skewed beyond all usefulness.
  9. Re: daylilies - if you have outdoor cats, I would stay away from these plants. If a cat consumes any part of the lily, they have to be rushed to the vet immediately. https://www.petpoisonhelpline.com/poison/day-lily/
  10. After reading this thread, I tried this method the last time I dusted. It's amazing how much of a difference it made and how well the furniture looked days after.
  11. That's incredible! One day it's my hope to see that in person.
  12. The capacity human beings have for doing things like this is amazing. Thank you for sharing!
  13. Just bought a new mop today because my other ones disappeared into the ether of maleness. And when did such tiny mops become a thing? It was nearly impossible to find one big enough to fit a mop head.
  14. I hate change too. Even when I know there is absolutely no reason to be nervous, my stomach will have a multitude of butterflies flapping like crazy little demons inside it. I wish you the best of days!
  15. It's ridiculous and makes no sense. Don't they want people to know where they are located? Geesh! You'd think someone in the company would point this out to the website designers.
  16. My body does that too. I almost never take a nap but on the days when I give in to the tiredness, I'll sleep for a least a couple of hours. Then that night, I'll fall right asleep (also something that never happens) and sleep solid through the night. It blows my mind every time that not only did the nap not negatively impact my nighttime sleep but actually made it better.
  17. I've found the older I get the harder it gets for me to adjust. I'm sitting here now feeling out of sorts because I'm setting an alarm to help get my body adjusted to the new time. I'm not sure it's going to get me out of the house for errands any earlier like I had hoped because I'm feeling like a slug.
  18. Yeah, what is up with that. Mine is the same way and is so incredibly aggravating. Someone who has never needed to clean an oven came up with that design.
  19. As I was walking out of Walmart this morning, I overheard a man's phone conversation. "I was telling them, 'You don't know what I'm going through.' Then I started taking out as much money as I could.'" Are people everywhere taking money out of their bank?
  20. I use Weiman, as well, using both the the daily cleaner and the heavy duty cleaner depending on the dirtiness of the top. The key is to stay on top of it and never use the stove if there is any dirt already on it. My DH will leave grime behind after he uses the stove which means I have to clean it before I use it. Also the razor blade tip from above is a life saver for any really stubborn spots.
  21. Your house sounds like my house, except that I have white furniture in a bedroom that's just as bad. I thought dusting the ceiling fans would help but it didn't make one iota of a difference. Of course, I have 5 cats so there's that. Super frustrating!
  22. Put it towards a new roof. Oh yay, a new roof. How boring of an answer is that?
  23. I don't do it at home but my stylist is doing a blend of my gray with my highlights. My hair is naturally, or was naturally, a very dark brown. She uses a blonde-ish highlight to help disguise the gray so as the highlights starts to grow out it doesn't have a harsh line since my new color is still a blend of gray and brown. If I didn't still have so much brown left, I'd probably let it go gray but for now it just looks mousy on its own. Good luck, this is a hard juggle of options to find what looks best on you.
  24. Oh, I didn't realize but I do too. I try to have everything done by at least 3:30 so I can work on my cross stitch until dinnertime.
  25. My son's cat can open doors. They are the lever kind and the cat figured out all he had to do was hang on and his world would open. They are planning to change to knobs to keep their little menace in check. His favorite room to open is their game room where all their collectibles are displayed. The cat firmly believes he is being denied the best cat toys known to cat kind.
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