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Everything posted by stephanier.1765

  1. Oops. Accidentally quoted myself.🤦‍♀️
  2. That's exactly what I did. I made these to go over a dresser in my bedroom. I'm looking to do one with shark teeth too but I haven't decided what wall I want them on so I'm waiting on that so I'll know what size shadow box I need. ETA: You can see I have some in a bowl, as well.
  3. Some years ago, my DH would be mad and acting put out about it. Now that he's older, he's softened and that's affected his feelings and thoughts about animals. He's turned into the one bringing stray cats into our home. It feels strange for me to be the one saying, "OK, that's enough." LOL I'm still not sure if he would pull over to help a lost dog but he wouldn't be upset if I did.
  4. I tried a number of things and, unfortunately, didn't check after trying each one. However, I think it was the unplugging of Alexa and replugging it back in that worked.
  5. I was listening to a book last night when all of a sudden it stopped playing. I tried numerous times to get it re-started but never could. I figured Audible was having difficulties and stopped trying but I still can't get any book to play today. I'll tell Alexa to play "book name" and it says, "Getting your selection from Audible. Resuming 'book name'" but the sound just stops there. No book actually begins. Super weird. ETA: It's resolved. Technology is weird.
  6. I am so lived, horrified and heart broken for you. All those years of work and care. All those thoughts of your future garden just gone. It makes my stomach sick.
  7. It is on the same side. I googled pictures of shingles and they don't look the same but maybe those are pictures of it later in the progression. I also considered I was causing it by scratching but I stopped pretty quickly because it hurt and the rash extends outside the area I was touching. It's so weird. I did fully expect it to be gone by this morning but it's still there. No worse though so that's good.
  8. Last night as I was lying in bed reading, I realized I was scratching a place that hurt. I looked and there was a huge rash of what looked like tiny, red pinpricks. The rash was as big as my hand. Later I found myself scratching a spot on my back. Again, a huge pinprick rash the size of my hand on the right side of my back about midway up. My mind has gone over and over anything that might be different. The only thing I could think of was when I last washed my towels I threw in the rags I had been cleaning with (some with dish soap and one with Pine Sol). To counteract any nasty germs that might be on the rags, I washed on hot and used a laundry sanitizer. Could it be the laundry sanitizer or maybe the Pine Sol? I honestly can't remember when I washed the towels to know if this had been the first or second time I had showered since washing them, but I had definitely used one of the wash clothes to wash my face the night before I showered as well as using hand towels for drying my face and drying my hands. No rash on face or hands. The rash is still in both places and hurts.
  9. Thank you so much for sharing the love. They are such incredibly beautiful and precious babes. ❤️
  10. I have. One mom was saying not nice things about my son. Saying isn't the right word. Yelling at her son on the field about my son. I was in a different spectator section and another mom alerted me to the situation. The mom was so intent in her yelling that she didn't notice me slide in behind her so I could hear her for myself. The next time she started the yelling I leaned forward and told her quietly to stop talking about my son. Oh boy, did that set her off. She jumped up and started yelling in my face and acting like she wanted to fight. I guess I should have walked away but I didn't. I just sat in my spot and kept saying, "I'm not afraid of you." Over and over again until she realized what an ass she was being and sat back down. I went back to the section where I had been watching the game. After that, surprisingly, she was friendly with me. For years our boys were on the same team but she never yelled like that again and was always kind. I don't know if she was embarrassed or not but it worked. Can't say I'd suggest this for everyone but for this person that was what was needed.
  11. First, thanks! I love to listen to old favorites while crafting. They don't need my whole brain to focus on the story. Second, I wish I was that smart and creative. Truly! No, I found them at this Etsy shop which is chock full of literary cross stitch. I want to do them all! Of course at the rate of my cross stitch capabilities, I may not have enough of a lifetime left. Third, the bee is my needle minder. I love those little things and I'm starting to get a small collection of them. LOL Edited to add link to Etsy shop
  12. My doctor told me that I should start feeling relief right away. In some cases I did and in others I never had any relief at all. I've had them in my shoulder, hip and foot. The ones in my hip were usually the most effective ones. The ones in my foot and shoulder never worked. I hope you find some relief soon. Foot pain makes everything more miserable.
  13. I have been working on this project since November. Except for the month of December when I worked on it periodically, I've been working on it every day. I've listened to all the Harry Potter books, all of the Expanse series (9 books), 2 of the Mistborn series and a couple of random books in between while working on this. I truly am the slowest crafter on the planet but I'm enjoying it. It will be Freud as the caterpillar from Alice in Wonderland. Both side sections need to be finished and there is still the whole bottom of sections yet to go.
  14. I have one missing right now - next to the last tooth on the bottom. I had the bone graft done at the time it was extracted in the fall but, as of right now, I'm waiting to get caught up on other dental bills before I decide if I want to get it replaced. I do notice that I eat on the opposite side more. I recently needed a crown on the second to last tooth on the other side of the bottom. The first temporary fell out and it was a couple of days before I could get in to get it replaced and I really noticed then how much I use that side vs the one with the missing tooth to eat. I don't know if that will affect me down the road but it's something I'm keeping in mind.
  15. Agreed, not bad at all. My experience has been some work and I get no relief to working so well that I was pain free for months.
  16. That's a "wow" of a birth story! Your dd is just amazing! Those girls! Those precious, sweet little girls. You guys are killing me with all these beautiful babies and me not being able to hold them. I might need more grandchildren in my future. Congratulations to you all! I think the mayor needs to give your dd the keys to the city for that heroic act of childbirth.
  17. My elderly mother had Covid in June, took Paxlovid and ended up with rebound symptoms. She had Covid again in January and this time decided not to do Paxlovid. It seemed to us that she recovered more quickly without it but that could be just the difference in strains. My heart goes out to you all because this is a hard decision.
  18. I was having trouble having Alexa play a Kinde Unlimited audiobook. No matter the way I phrased it, nothing worked. She would start playing the same random book from my library. So, just now, I pulled up Audible on my phone, started the book there, and then stopped it. After that, I told Alexa to "play book" with no mention of the title and she played it. So weird. I guess that's just the way it's going to have to go for this particular book.
  19. I'm on the last ten pages of The Martian Chronicles. As part of the library reading challenge I'm participating in, I needed to read a librarian recommended book and this is the one I chose and probably never would have read this book otherwise. Boy, does that man have a way with words. Sometimes I feel like I'm reading the sentences just for the art of it and not the story. I also read Half of a Yellow Sun for the challenge. Not the writing of Ray Bradbury but still a good and thoughtful book. I wanted more when it was over.
  20. To be honest, it would bother me if they both chose to sit in back. If they are at the fiance level, then all the newness of their relationship is over and they could stand to be separated by the width of car seats. For conversation to include everyone, it'd be better if fiance sits in front. That way she won't feel left out and would be more likely to engage.
  21. I tried yesterday to get one to play without any luck. I haven't deep dived into figuring it out yet but the way I listen to books from Audible on Alexa definitely did not work.
  22. Oh my gosh, I didn't even know there was a term for that. I just thought I was weird when that happened at my youngest's birth. Thank goodness your dh knew what was happening. Going from 6 to 10 like that, you should start driving for the Daytona 500. LOL I'm so glad you guys are all well and thank you for sharing the picture. That sweet little face! He looks all ready for a snuggle. ❤️
  23. I still remember the very first time I ever had it. It was in downtown St. Augustine, off in a little side alley. You couldn't even see it from the main thorough fare. I was there on a field trip and the mom supervising my group knew of the little amazing place. After that, I never went to St. Augustine without going down that side alley for the best treat in the world.
  24. I automatically start spelling our last name too. Doesn't matter if we are ordering pizza (back in the day when you had to call) or at the pharmacy.
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