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Everything posted by QuirkyKidAcademy

  1. I bought the one at Walmart two days ago. There is no indication that it is chelated or picolinate or anything else. I got it anyway because we don't have a health food store. PSA: when they say it will make you nauseous if not taken on a full stomach - they aren't kidding! Just a cracker won't work.
  2. I've thought the same thing, just haven't printed yet. I'm a hard-copy gal too; I want those papers in my hands. I'm going to have DS read and work on the iPad. Mom may just have to suffer through NOT having those papers in hand. Good luck!
  3. You wrote what has been in my head since last week, after yet another ambush. Obviously, I have no advice. Just know that you are not alone in your feelings about God.
  4. As someone who suffers from hearing loss, I'm so glad your DD's can be fixed! I'll be praying for complete recovery of her hearing.
  5. Those poor babies. I'm so glad they have you to advocate for them and to love them. I'll be praying.....
  6. Go quietly into the back room. Shut the door. Break into quiet song and dance!!!!
  7. In all my 45 years, I have never been really cool - until now! No idea; just glad they let me back in!
  8. I love that schoolroom! Especially your bookcases! Thanks for the info. I think we will give it a try this year!
  9. If you have time, would explain how you do poetry study? I'm interested but don't even know how to start a lesson.
  10. Look over the 6th grade placement test yourself. You will know just by looking, at least I did, what you could expect her to know/not know. Sounds like she's ready for TT6 though. If she does encounter difficulty, you can always stop with the CD and work with her personally until she's up to speed again. Good luck!
  11. We had that earlier in the week. 108* on Monday; 107 Tues; 105 Wed. Today is a balmy 96* and we are glad for it!
  12. I'm Tammy, mom to DS10, married for 19yrs, former public school teacher. Mississippi girl currently living in New Mexico. We've homeschooled for 1.75yrs because it was the right decision for our family. We look forward to 5th grade with excitement and trepidation! I've been on WTM for about a year now and am grateful for the advice I've received. ETA: Hobbies? I'm supposed to have hobbies??? Does curriculum research count? :) I'm a reader, a scrapbooker, and I'd be a gardener if anything grew in this desolate place.
  13. The Phonics Page has been a great thing for my son. I thank God daily for that woman!
  14. I don't have a houseful of littles, but during the school year my elementary-aged child doesn't have to want to do school. Non-negotiable. I hope you find a solution that works for you. Best wishes!
  15. I remember how hard Mother's Day was the first few years after my mom died. Gentle (((hugs))) dear one.....
  16. What an amazing little boy! Hurray for coming home!
  17. I just came to post about the pinterest vinegar soak! Good luck!
  18. I've just discovered the wealth of information and guidance you've been providing - and have been reading and bookmarking and notetaking for a few days. Thank you for sharing with us! I'm off to see the presentations now. I bet the judges loved them!
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