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Everything posted by QuirkyKidAcademy

  1. What's the teacher of your homeschool reading over the summer? I have lined up: When Children Love to Learn by Elaine Cooper et al some Charlotte Mason-type material and then I fizzle out...... I'm looking for other books that will refresh my love of homeschooling, perhaps challenge my existing thoughts/methods, and inspire me for 5th grade, so feel free to drop suggestions! Please share what you are reading!
  2. Sounds similar to my experience with my DS10. :bigear:
  3. July 31 is our last day of the 2011-12 school year. 2012-13 starts on Sept 1.
  4. Thank you! The generosity of you and so many others on this board is amazing! Thank you!
  5. The "Clean Sweep" blog posts are by Heather Sanders in TX, not PW.
  6. Thanks for all the notebooking suggestions. I have lots to look at now!
  7. Does anyone know of NOTEbooking pages for SOTW v1? Lapbooking makes my son's eyes cross. TIA!
  8. Sean, we tried to just go with the flow in SOTW v1 this year. It didn't work well for *us* but might for you. Try mapping out the first couple chapters and see what you think. Amy, thanks for that mega-post about your file planning. I think that is what I need to do this year. Thanks!
  9. I found this on Pinterest over the weekend. It's perfect for your trip! http://www.onthewayapp.com/
  10. Thanks for sharing your finds and favorites, everyone! I always get the best suggestions here!
  11. I've also sold some things (and bought a lot more) on http://www.vegsource.com/homeschool/.
  12. We left public school one month into 3rd grade because DS was falling further and further behind.
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