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Everything posted by QuirkyKidAcademy

  1. I'm so blind. It was there all along. (I did look, for all the good it did me.) Thanks for pointing it out for me!
  2. I've found a few that line up Usborne but not Kingfisher. Any help is appreciated!
  3. You can buy a workbook on various levels or you can design your own per Writing with Ease. I'm not good at coming up with my own selections, so I bought the workbook (which is also available as a PDF download, as mentioned above).
  4. Back when dry erase boards were just starting to replace chalkboards in the classroom, I hired in at the last minute to a local middle school. No plans were in place to replace my chalkboards, so I bought the shower board from Lowes and asked the school maintenance man to hang it. It worked beautifully for the 6+ yrs I taught in that room. I used dry erase markers and a felt eraser - and lots of each as I taught 8th grade grammar. Wet erase pens write very finely, so it is hard to see from a distance. They wouldn't have been practical in a classroom, but perhaps in a home setting they'd be more useful (but certainly not necessary to replace dry erase).
  5. That's what I figured. Thanks, y'all! I'm ordering the book this week.
  6. This will be our first year in CC. The director is telling us that the iPad app will be sufficient - that it will have everything the Guide would have. iTunes doesn't have a Cycle 1 app yet. If you have seen/used the app in the past cycle, did you think it was interchangeable with the printed Guide? Not considering things like being able to highlight, makes notes, etc - just a direct content comparison. Thanks!
  7. Elizabeth, I'm using your phonics lessons with my DS10/rising 5th grader. His reading has improved in just the short time we've been watching your lessons. This mama is so appreciative of your generosity! Thank you!
  8. There are some who do so much you gotta wonder when their kids sleep. There are those who take a more relaxed approach. And then there are those in between. You will find what works for your family - and these awesome parents will be here to encourage and advise you along the way. Welcome!
  9. I was going to post the same question today, so thanks for beating me to it!
  10. If The Nanny Diaries doesn't move any mom to tears, then she has no soul. That poor little boy......
  11. I just don't have the "won't power" (as in "I won't eat this or that) to stick to a VLCD. If I did, I wouldn't be in the shape I am. I used the hCG pellets to help me retrain my brain, as well as lose pounds. I did 40 days on the pellets and lost 20lbs. I did NOT adhere to a 500 calorie eating plan. Instead, I used the combination of feeling less hungry AND seeing the numbers on the scale change to reprogram my brain and my stomach. I probably ate under 1000 calories five days a week and under 1500 the other two days. I'm sure it was a psychological thing, but feeling less hungry helped me to evaluate - am I really hungry or am I bored? am I hungry or is this emotional eating? 40 days on hCG and only 20lbs down might seem like a failure according to the protocol, but for me it is a huge win. I plan to do another round in October. My long-winded way of saying - it doesn't have to be an all-or-nothing diet.
  12. I love to highlight and add sticky notes and flags!
  13. I was preparing my "Yes, you NEED an iPad" speech when I saw that eclecticmom had already done the work for me. We love our iPad and use it for tons of stuff. DS hates to write on paper, but for some reason he doesn't mind using the stylus on the iPad in the Notability app. I hope to find many more ways to use it in school this year.
  14. What age did you start noticing them? right at my 40th birthday How did you handle them? not very well
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