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Everything posted by QuirkyKidAcademy

  1. I applied for my first passport in Feb 2001 and had to include an original birth certificate. It came back fine, but I ordered a backup copy of both mine and DH's at that time so that we'd never be without one if a similar situation arose. I made an appointment with a new doctor last week. The lady on the phone wanted my SSN because "that's how we file patients' records." Not mine, you won't. Use my insurance number. "No, that's not how we do it." Okay, then you'll have to put my records in the PITA file because I'm not giving you my SSN. I imagine when I go to the actual appt next week, I'll be given more grief about it, but it's something DH and I feel strongly about.
  2. My first time through was a read-aloud. Like most people, I can read silently much faster than I can aloud. My eyes scanned the page - and I burst into tears.
  3. We are just starting out, but I put together a binder last night (much like BugsMama described above). I will make an actual pocket for each civilization to keep the loose things together, but the rest goes in the binder properly behind the pocket.
  4. I don't know about versions of TT7, but both TT4 and TT5 that we have used were self-checking. The books, last fall, cost about $30. Don't know about shipping. I have to order a TT5 book soon though.
  5. I also borrowed mine from a friend. Registration wouldn't go through, so I called. The lady took the serial number and in just about 1 minute, I was able to complete registration online.
  6. I'm impressed you got them so quickly. I ordered last weekend and won't get the box until next Wed. Not much about this company has impressed me in the slightest. It's been one frustration after another since we decided to do CC this year. I am glad to hear you like the quality. I'm looking forward to seeing them for myself.
  7. While I do not want that in my house, I've loved hearing about your daughter's experience from the beginning to its happy ending. Congrats, new snake owner!
  8. Oh, my friend! I can't imagine what it's like to be you right now. Know that I'm holding you and the boy close to my heart. (((hugs)))
  9. Mine is high - too too high. BUT it is 4 points LOWER than it was six months ago, so at least I'm headed in the right direction!
  10. As I called around the various PO units charged with looking for packages, mostly what I got was, "Hmmmm. How strange. I don't know where it could be. We'll just see if it shows up." Helpful.
  11. I sympathize. I sold a math curriculum to a lady in HI. Sent it first class; should have arrived in 4 days. It fell off the radar on the 4th day and took TWO WEEKS to resurface. By that time I'd refunded her money. She was a doll to work with though, so patient. As soon as it arrived at her door, she sent the money again. It could have turned out badly for me though.
  12. I'm impressed with how articulate your son seems to be. I don't see my 5th grader being able to discuss with adults like that. How ever the judging ends up, your DS has already won - he's grown and matured and learned, something no prize can do for him.
  13. Thanks so much! ETA: I actually already own the Fingerprinting guide! Picked it up at a Half-Priced Books in Austin last summer. Yay!
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