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Everything posted by QuirkyKidAcademy

  1. Cool! Good job! I couldn't figure out how to take a picture, but the eclipse glasses we had were great. Guess we'll have to rely on the memory instead of a photo.
  2. Just wanted to add that 12hrs in one day is totally doable. My family has driven that - and a lot more - dozens of times over the years. That doesn't mean you have to do it all in one day, but it is possible. Good luck with your decision.
  3. Thanks to everyone for advice! Tibbie's and Lara's posts especially spoke to me. OP, our biggest problem is *my* lack of consistency as well, so I sympathize in that regard. Let's hang in there together!
  4. That is almost exactly what my wedding cake looked like 19yrs ago. It is beautiful!
  5. The photography was absolutely stunning. The story line was typical Disney Nature - not gory but not sugarcoated either. Baby chimp's mom dies and he has to fend for himself - broke my heart. It is resolved in a remarkable way though.
  6. Cool! Our homeschool group went to see DisneyNature's Chimpanzee movie today.
  7. My son is older, but we did Zoology 3 this year (never done any Apologia before). It was fine. You may need to help him with some of the reading, but I saw no reason to worry about being out of order.
  8. Mine's pretty average - and even below average in some respects. As the poster above said, his "smarts" are not all academic related.
  9. Oh, Mama. You must be bursting! What a hard-working and accomplished young woman she is. Thank you for giving me hope for DS10 who is less than stellar, academically speaking. I needed that today.
  10. Darn these allergies. They chose the end of that commercial to act up. My eyes watered so that I needed a tissue.
  11. I haven't, though I've been on the Registry for several years. I hope the patient finds his/her perfect match - and if that's you, I hope your healing is swift and easy!
  12. So wrong. I hope they find the driver. Hugs to your friends.....
  13. I right click the picture and open in a new tab to look at the pin - for that very reason.
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