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Everything posted by QuirkyKidAcademy

  1. I loaded a few of my books on the iPad using notability. Super useful!
  2. I can see this happening to my child at that age. He is small for his age, pretty quiet in a group, unassuming, not likely to fight back. If he's humiliated, he's not likely to talk to his dad or me about it. He's not in public school - he's on the other side of the wall right now - and I'm heartbroken just thinking about it.
  3. The middle school where I worked in my previous life - the 7th grade math teacher was poisoned by students who put something in the soda on her desk. I had left the area by then so I don't know the outcome as far as punishments.
  4. I'd tell them to babysit next time. If they are involved with the kids, they don't have time for all that other stuff. They should also find a way to address the time factor. Maybe they aren't available all day next Saturday?
  5. We've homeschooled thru most of 3rd and all of 4th grades. We touched on Ancients this year, but I gave it up and settled into world geography instead. Yes, for us it had to be "either/or", not "in addition." So I'm planning 5th grade - and had planned to pick up Ancients again. But I'm really leaning toward American History instead. We haven't followed a WTM schedule - I've just been trying to keep my head above water mostly. I honestly don't know if we will homeschool beyond 5th or 6th grade. I don't have the spousal support I'd like in order to commit that far ahead. In that case, does it really matter if we study ancients or US history? (Mostly I'm just talking out loud. Opinions and feedback welcome but not necessary. Thanks for listening.)
  6. (((hugs))) I understand how your own hearing loss will make this difficult. Good luck. I hope it all works out.
  7. I'm in the Southeastern Plains, so I can't answer your questions. But I'll bump for you.
  8. It's the driving down to CR that I wouldn't do. I hope to fly down soon to visit my father and his wife. As for driving in-country, I'd have to take my dad's advice on that so I don't know right now. Daddy is always posting FB pictures to make us jealous, especially in winter. Yesterday he put up a picture of his banana tree where a huge rack of bananas are ready for picking. He brags on the weather all the time. If you go, I hope you enjoy your trip!
  9. My father moved to Costa Rica a couple years ago. He sold his vehicle here and bought another in CR just so he wouldn't have to drive thru Latin America. To say the roads between the US border and your destination are unsafe would be an understatement of epic proportions. If I were ... naive...enough to place myself in danger, I would never ever put my children in that position. Please reconsider.
  10. I completely agree with you on why workbooks are better than PDFs. I buy the ebooks/PDFs because I don't want to pay shipping or wait for them to arrive at my door. I'm an instant gratification kind of girl.
  11. Oh, Kalah. You have a lot on your plate right now. I'll be thinking of you today.
  12. I'm sorry you can't follow your desire, but it sounds like a good decision. I hope DH continues to heal well.
  13. I didn't think I had the personality for it. I'm a classroom teacher, I thought. My son and I would never make it work. I wasted 4yrs of his life on traditional schooling. I kick myself everyday.
  14. DS9 1st dentist: 4 cavities and 4 extractions immediately 2nd dentist: 2 cavities and no extractions (we agreed to a wait-and-see approach with spots on baby teeth; fillings in permanent teeth) A second opinion was worth our time/money!
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