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Everything posted by QuirkyKidAcademy

  1. (((hugs))) I've never had a positive pg test, so I understand your pain. I started perimenopause when I was 40, so it could be that your hormones are fluctuating. I'm sorry you were disappointed.
  2. Thanks so much, everyone! I will pass this info to DH. Merry Christmas to you and yours!
  3. The info he found online said to heat it at 325* for 15-18min per lb. That equates to 5+ hrs in the oven. That thing will be like shoe leather. The ham is a whole (bone-in) hickory smoked 21lb chunk! Guidance, please? Thanks! It's stupid stuff like this that makes me miss my mom even more.
  4. I took solace in the fact that my late reader has/had an amazing sense of direction from the time he was 2yo. Before he could speak well (late talker too), he could give directions (by pointing) to the park that was 5 miles from our house, including many turns.
  5. My father had Arabians when I was a kid. Such beautiful animals. Rafiqa is lovely!
  6. Yes, it would "let" her but the message is just lost out there, same as if you text someone's cell but they don't have texting service. (My dad's phone doesn't accept texts. Instead of a per-text charge, he just doesn't get them, but there is no way for me to tell that from my end.)
  7. Then you are 1000% better off than I was with my failed pralines yesterday. (Never made spritz cookies so I can't help. Just wanted to whine about my pralines again. Sorry!)
  8. Of all the wonderful things you listed, the singing for a returning soldier made me tear up. So glad your son has had a great experience!
  9. (((hugs))) Aime I don't know the answers to your questions, but I know The One who does. I firmly believe He will guide you if you continue to seek Him.
  10. It is a joke! That picture has been on Pinterest lately - makes me laugh every time I see it!
  11. We are skipping the communion service and having friends over instead. I'm putting together an appetizer buffet to go with our movie and adult beverages. Baked spinach dip, sausage rolls, chips/dip/salsa, veggie tray, something sweet....
  12. I made THIS scarf in less than 24hrs last weekend. I used a bamboo yarn that was bulkier than that shown, so the shells had dimension.
  13. I know nonresidents can get a card for the Philadelphia free library for $35 fee.
  14. For most of 10yrs, DH has had jobs that took him away during the week. It is hard. You adjust, find a routine, but it is still tough. (((hugs)))
  15. Rubbing alcohol will take it off. Then use wet erase markers from now on. I have the Vis a Vis brand.
  16. DS is happy about homeschooling. I'm happy to be homeschooling. DH is not happy about our homeschooling. Next semester may be our last.
  17. Many hugs for all of you. This is my fifth Christmas without my mom. I miss her voice more than anything. It has gotten easier, but it will never be "easy," I know.
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