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Everything posted by QuirkyKidAcademy

  1. Christina, they have helped me with phone conversations, but it isn't perfect. I still prefer texting, but I don't make a big effort to avoid the phone like I did before. Pamela, I want blue tooth! THAT is amazing!
  2. Two weeks ago I got the most wonderful hearing aids. I can converse in almost any situation. I can *understand* the conversations of those around me (that's the biggie for me!). My life has changed so much in just two weeks. Until a month ago, I'd have recommended an audiologist over an audioprosthologist (hearing aid guy), but I love my hearing aid guy! He's been soooo much more informative than my former audiologist ever was. He's even "counseled" my husband about being the SO of a hearing-impaired person, which helped our relationship, believe it or not. My audioprosthologist sells Nu Ear products - if they are all as well-trained as he is, I highly recommend them! Definitely get a test!
  3. Everyone knows that a mom doesn't have a choice - just like the burnt toast/grilled cheese, she only gets the broken candy canes. ;)
  4. Lemon chicken soup sounds wonderful! If it does turn out too strong for your taste, feel free to send it to me. :D
  5. Does it have to be the Lego brand? Walgreens has some kits for $7-8.
  6. Your plan sounds good - and your understated holiday sounds quite lovely. No wonder dd wants to come home for Christmas!
  7. I'm so sorry! What a storm of things to happen. Praying it will all get worked out!
  8. In each of the last three cities (different states) I've lived in, we had trash pick up twice a week. Two of those had recycling - one every week; the other twice a month. Our current city doesn't have recycling service.
  9. I'd have to check the exact number, but it is very close to 80 days with another 10 to go.
  10. I'm sorry. Could you translate your list to English please? :o
  11. I voted "other" as I have been pulled over for violations 3-4 times (though not ticketed so far) but none in the last year.
  12. That is the cutest thing! DS10 wants snow so badly, but we live in the desert - not likely.
  13. I'm new to HS'ing as well so I can't help with curriculum, but I can tell you this with all sincerity: take a deep breath. You won't ruin her education in the time it takes to get your feet under you. It's okay to not know what you are doing. It would be okay to quit if you felt that HS'ing wasn't best serving your child's needs. It is not okay to quit because you are overwhelmed. (well, maybe it would be okay, but it isn't necessary.) You will get plenty of good advice here and you will find your way. Hang in there!
  14. While I agree with you, I don't think the fault lies with TLC exclusively. These people agreed to parade their lives on national television. They have to know that TLC won't portray them in a good light. TLC = The Laughingstock Channel. They chose to be part of the sideshow. I'm sure these couples had visions of using their story to bring more people around to their way of thinking, but I'd bet the monetary gains were a factor as well.
  15. If he knows the material, move on. You are frustrating him and yourself. If you are afraid of missing something, have him do 3-5 problems from a section to prove mastery. If he can do them, go to the next lesson. He doesn't need to watch Mr. D if he knows the skill. (I do like MUS for the younger grades. Try moving at a quicker pace and see if you like it better. We didn't do every workbook page for every lesson. If my son knew the material, we moved on. We covered Alpha, Beta, and Gamma in 8mos - well worth the review as it brought my son up to speed on missing skills.) By allowing him to wallow in boredom, you risk squashing his love of learning.
  16. Until 18mos ago, I lived in an area where the noon meal was "dinner" and the evening meal was called "supper." Now we live in an area where it's "lunch" and "dinner." I've found myself conforming to the local term, so "dinner" it is.
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