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Everything posted by QuirkyKidAcademy

  1. That light at the end of tunnel started to glimmer when DS was 9yo, so I know your excitement! Congrats to you and DD for pushing onward!
  2. Oh, what a good point! I may need to print this and leave it on the fridge - and the doorpost, and the chalkboard.... ;) Thank you.
  3. Thank you for the kind and thoughtful replies! I will certainly listen to the audios, as advised, as well as give DS input into the new curriculum. I appreciate your encouragement. I'm not sure why I needed to hear this from y'all, but apparently I did because...well, I just did. Thanks again!
  4. We've been homeschooling for 13mos, concentrating on bringing up reading and math skills. We've come a long long way, but it hasn't been nearly as rigorous as a WTM education. The time has come, now that he is nearly on grade level, to decide our next step: back to B&M school or continue homeschooling. (This would be next fall, not now. We still have some catching up to do in 4th grade.) I can see how beginning with classical really trains a child, but how hard would it be to conform my less-than-motivated son to classical education? Okay, now that it is in black and white, that sounds like a dumb question, but if you have any words of advice, I'm :bigear::bigear::bigear::bigear:. Thanks!
  5. I do have a screen cover on mine - buy on eBay; much much cheaper. I also have a red leather flip case on mine (DS doesn't have a flip cover; just a silicone case). It really isn't too cumbersome in my purse or bag. I also got it on eBay for about $6 (and I never pay for shipping on eBay). I mostly play games on mine - whirly word, words with friends, solitaire. I'm not much of a music person, so I load mp3 audios on my touch - I have some Dianne Craft and Susan Wise Bauer, along with audios from our state convention last spring. Hope you enjoy your touch!
  6. Hi! I'm new here myself, only I was rude enough to jump in with no introduction. *blush* Hope your school year is going well!
  7. You could move to southeastern New Mexico, USA. Trust me, Roswell is a different country altogether. :tongue_smilie: But cost of living isn't cheap here. Your projected income would do nicely though; as it would back in my home of North Mississippi. Best wishes, whatever you decide!
  8. While I think that Stbx has betrayed their mission by producing instant coffee, I am so very grateful! VIA saves me when we go to visit MIL who buys the cheapest coffee available in her little town. "Swill" is a kindness, but since this is a family forum I won't use the most appropriate word. So I say HURRAY for VIA!
  9. I understand that you are not afraid of this guy barreling out of the house to attack you on the way to donuts. You are afraid that he will notice your teen daughters and seek them out in some way. I totally get that. Use this as an opportunity to teach your kids - we can't live in fear. We take appropriate safeguards and don't take unnecessary risks. Best wishes
  10. We started Zoology 3/Mammals last week - our first Apologia science book. We did as the previous poster said - downloaded the first chapter of Zoology 1 and did it first. (Chapter 1 is available on the Apologia Zoo 1 page as a sample download. Someone else here helped me find it.)
  11. Jennifer, thanks! That's just what we need for this week.
  12. Oh my. I replied to this thread earlier with a "Thanks for the heads up!" but it went to moderation instead of posting. I have no idea why.
  13. I could decipher her scientific data. Just like any other mouse! Too funny!
  14. Cooking oil I've also been told that rubbing alcohol will work, but I've never used it successfully.
  15. China thing aside (enough in its own right), my biggest beef about the memorial is the quote they used - which isn't in context at all. MKL would have been mortified with the final version. Memorial quote: "I was a drum major for justice, peace and righteousness." What MLK really said: "If you want to say that I was a drum major, say that I was a drum major for justice. Say that I was a drum major for peace. I was a drum major for righteousness. And all of the other shallow things will not matter.” The memorial version gives him an arrogance that he simply did not possess.
  16. If anyone has reservations about our homeschooling (1 full year now), they've kept it to themselves. Hope all your reactions are positive!
  17. I also have blog, but it is for family only. I am real. If I'm not, then somebody has to answer for these hips that follow me around!
  18. I chose Zoology 3 as the start of our Apologia science because I knew my kid would not stay interested in flying creatures for an entire year. While researching Zoo3, I read - I KNOW I read that we should go back and cover chapter one of Zoo1. Something about classification. And it was available on line for us rebels who don't like to color inside the lines (or study books in order). Now that we are ready to start, I can't find that classification lesson online. Does this ring a bell with anyone? Can you guide me to the right place? TIA!
  19. I made one of THESE clocks for my son. It has helped a lot.
  20. For anyone else whose kids might be interested: curriculum to go with the movie from homeschool movie club
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