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Everything posted by QuirkyKidAcademy

  1. The prudent answer is probably "what will the market in your area stand?" but MY answer would be "IN A HEARTBEAT!" Our house has been on the market for 2yrs without a single offer. We are even willing to take less than we owe at this point, and just make up the difference ourselves. Good luck!
  2. I fight anxiety attacks on a regular basis. Not being able to reach them in 48hrs would have me hospitalized. I'd have sent the police a lot sooner, and I'd have been a basketcase upon reaching the house. I applaud you for keeping your cool.
  3. The only thing I can think of is this: are you sure you are looking at lesson grades and not quiz grades? They are two different sections. Otherwise, I can just give this a bump. Hope you figure it out!
  4. That happened to me. Let me think about how I solved it - I was finally able to save to iTunes and burn to a disc for listening in my car on a long trip alone. Hmmmmmm......
  5. But if your insurance pays for them, you ARE entitled to them. Call the insurance company.
  6. I'm so sorry. I hope the interview turns into something good.
  7. I am a Christian and totally believe that the things your boys have described could happen. Since you have tried spiritual things already, why not test the mold theory too, since mold spores could affect all the children? I'll be praying for your family.
  8. I second the crate idea. I would use the crate over a leash when he's in the house. My DS is a huge Hank the Cowdog fan, so Hank would win here. He is a beautiful animal. I hope you can find the best choice for your family.
  9. I fail to see how this is disgusting. It's not like the three of them sleep in the same bed; they don't even live in the same house.
  10. Huh. I went to the wrong college if that's what the rest are like. I graduated 8th in my high school class with the highest ACT score. I worked my butt off in college for a BS in elementary education. I did not graduate at the top of that class, and I had the bruises to show for it.
  11. Non-mathy 10yo boy PS --> MUS --> TT4 We chose TT for the audio/visual aspect AND for the fact that DS can do math without much input from me (all our other curricula is very instructor-hands-on). Does he always love it? No. Did he always love other math programs? No. Is he progressing with TT? Yes. It's not a perfect program, but it is the best we've tried. It fits our needs, and I'm quite pleased with it. Nance's results ^^^ give me hope!
  12. The point of TT, for us, was the audio/visual aspect of the CDs. DS would love to skip the book, but I force him to do some of the longer multiplication problems in it. (He refuses to use scratch paper.)
  13. Mine has NO knowledge of geography, so we are dropping Ancients and picking up Geography in anticipation of his attending a B&M school next year. Farrarwilliams, thanks for asking that. I hadn't considered what exactly I wanted from an atlas, just that I wanted one. Does any atlas have real paragraphs of information or are they all bullet-point type info? I think I'm looking for something that could be a jumping-off point for our study of world geography. Is that a spine? I've never used that term. Neither of these is available at our library. (I am knee-deep and wading thru the many geography posts here at WTM. Thank goodness for the search function.)
  14. 10yo/4th grader Do I want Usborne Children's World Atlas or Atlas of the World by Discovery Kids? Thanks!
  15. I tried to leave a thank-you on the blog, but it wouldn't go thru. Please pass my appreciation to your friend!
  16. That is a kick he will replay in his mind for a very long time. Unfortunate ending. Therese, just hush up! And stop that fool dancing up there! ^^^ :D:D:D
  17. Average humidity inside our house is 16% - my hair is usually standing on end. The obvious choice is a humidifier, but we haven't spent the money yet. The only product I've found that helps my hair is Suave Professional Shampoo/Conditioner. I use the green bottles but I don't remember the name. Leave-in conditioner helps somewhat but leaves my hair feeling icky by the end of the day. Otherwise, I'd recommend braiding their hair while it is still damp everyday. I'm sure it's not ideal, but I cannot stand my static-y hair and imagine they don't like it either!
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