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Everything posted by QuirkyKidAcademy

  1. mathfactcafe.com is what I've used recently.
  2. That does make a difference. I hope you get it resolved soon - a pain-free 2012!
  3. I could see where a chiro could help with the headaches, but a cyst? All I can see (from my limited experience) is that being anti-antibx for ear problems that clearly need them - will end you up at the hearing aid place with me. Don't mess around with your hearing. Seriously. Whatever avenue you pursue, I hope you heal quickly!
  4. I make my own extract but didn't know what to do with the used beans. Vanilla sugar! Excellent idea! Thanks!
  5. I like to think I can write, but more practically, I am a pretty good editor. The blog is a good idea - and very doable.
  6. Help for adapting this great system to your own family - On the Google screen, click file/download as/word - this will open it in Word (or Open Office, which I use) and allow you to customize the boxes to fit your needs. You can then print or save as desired. Thanks again, Mum! This is really going to help!
  7. We also ditched our landline over six years ago. It may not be the right option for everyone, but it works for us.
  8. I wholeheartedly agree! It is a terrific movie. Thanks for saying what I couldn't articulate in the other thread.
  9. I understand what you are saying. Thanks for adding your thoughts. I think the best summary of what I was thinking is just above this - I'm looking for an academic magazine.
  10. Exactly. I checked out HEM online and noticed the unschooling bent immediately. Thanks, everyone!
  11. Adrienne, I wish I'd taken my 4yo a little more seriously back in the day. There is a balance - I'm sure you and DH will find it. Best wishes!
  12. Eh, don't get too excited. Our Belgian waffle iron came from the bank when we opened a new account. ;) and (((hugs)))
  13. That's the most ridiculous thing I've heard in a while! What is wrong with people? Sorry this happened....
  14. Those of you who purchased the PDFs previously - you could reuse them. Just think in terms of "week 1, week 2, week 3 etc." The dates won't match, but the chores should be the same. I have 2010 PDFs that I'm going to reuse. If I can find the file on my external hard drive.....
  15. I'm not offended by the two I've read. I just don't find a lot of value in their articles for my family. I get my religion at church and thru my personal walk with God. I am a newish homeschooler and need *homeschooling* information.
  16. I understand the CM philosophy, but I need practical ideas on how to make it work for us. On the above advice, I checked Amazon and bought the Kindle version of When Children Love to Learn to read on my iPad. Just FYI in case someone else wants instant gratification.... I can't wait to read it this week so that I can implement the info when we return to schooling next week.
  17. DH was laid off on Christmas Eve of 2008. We contacted WF to let them know and to ask for a loan modification. They modified alright; we got shafted. We were able to recover and keep our house, no thanks to WF. If we ever sell this house (on the market 1.5yrs), we will never have another WF mortgage.
  18. Anyone used Mango Languages thru their library? After reading the above, I found Mango on our library website. I'd love to know what others thought of it. Thanks!
  19. I'm going to use one of the "make your own" listed above using lines from our poetry study. We also need a good deal of work on handwriting.....
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