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Everything posted by QuirkyKidAcademy

  1. We are at the grandparents' house this week. I told DS he either has to go fishing with Daddy or do school with me - an effort to keep him off the tv. Need I tell you he's helping hook the boat up now?!?!
  2. Money isn't everything, eh? That is a sweet sweet story!
  3. Chalk worked well for the headstone rubbings I did long ago. Pastel chalks, rather than blackboard chalk. They are square, so easier to hold and have a better contact with the paper. I don't remember a special paper, so we probably used printer paper.
  4. In case anyone else wondered (as I did), you can use the app Rover to access Reading Eggs on the iPad. I just pulled it up tonight, so we haven't worked with it much, but so far so good.
  5. My dear friend is using POS with her 5th grader this year, and they are both loving it! *I* want to use it, but I know it involves too much reading for my kid. It is the kind of curriculum I'd have loved as a child.
  6. I can't find the Barton pretest. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
  7. OhElizabeth, I appreciate your thoughts. I agree that it's past time to dig deeper. I'm starting with the OD and will move on from there. Who does one see for working memory or executive function issues? I will also look into the Barton pretest. Thanks again, everyone.
  8. Thank you He doesn't like to read aloud, but he won't read on his own. The books that fit the "below level" criteria have pictures - and he can pretty much narrate the story just from the pictures. I've used some of CHOL's grammar ancients, so I do know what you are talking about. Thanks for the info on her logic stage. In just the last short while I've seriously considered that he has a visual processing disorder that I am unable to help him with. When he came home at 3rd grade/1st month, he was testing at a 1.6 reading level. By the beginning of 4th grade, ten months later, he'd gained to a 3.6ish level. And he's stalled there. I tried the Dianne Craft exercises, and we just didn't see any progress. I am searching for a OD now, but it will have to be out of state (at least 8hrs from home). One of the disadvantages of living on the backside of nowhere.... Thanks, everyone, for the input. I feel very needy when I post this kind of stuff and greatly appreciate your advice.
  9. Christina, thanks for pointing that out. I was able to easily increase the difficulty level for DS. Thank you!
  10. Rising 5th grade boy. Reading below grade level, so lots of oral reading, working on fluency, trying everything I can think of to get him to read by himself. Anyway, what does 5th grade "reading class" look like for your DC?
  11. We are still good. DS is using Reading Eggspress. I too wish there was a way to skip ahead, but the skills are useful for him. Probably more my ego than anything.....
  12. Yep, I was on the pill for a few years. Then we found out I couldn't get pregnant anyway, so no more pills for me.
  13. Elizabeth, I haven't used a book like you describe, so I should have qualified my answer. We have a 32G first gen iPad. It's loaded with games galore and tons of books (not imbedded with video though). I load PDFs using Download Pro and put them on Notability for DS to use. My husband uses it for his flight charts and weather data. The first gen doesn't have a camera, but we use a real camera or our phones so that isn't a problem for us. If the OP is going to use her iPad with the type of interactive texts you describe, sounds like a 2nd generation would be better - just to be on the safe side.
  14. DS wants a spy bday party next time. I've seen some fun ideas online.
  15. That locator was exactly what I needed, wapiti. There are four in this state and one of those is a fellow. Thank you!!!
  16. I love it! So altruistic as to let you temporarily relocate..... Hilarious!
  17. visual processing disorders? (in 10yo boys, if that matters) If you are in the Albuquerque area or the Las Cruces area and can recommend someone, I'd love the hear it. Thanks!
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