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Everything posted by QuirkyKidAcademy

  1. I don't care who he told after the fact. I wouldn't care if he shouted it from the rooftops of Happy Valley for days on end. The fact is he walked away from a child being raped. Nothing he did after or tries to do now will make up for that.
  2. I've done that with a few documents, but I don't like the way the print is so small on the Kindle. I'm going to try to convert via Calibre. I have it downloaded; just haven't used it.
  3. What little I know about notebooking, I learned from The Notebooking Fairy. DS despised lapbooking - much too tedious for him. I'm going to implement notebooking this fall, in hopes that it will help his retention.
  4. I understand exactly what you are saying! My bookshelves have done that as well. We are also a moving family, and I think the constant rearranging has put stress on the shelves that might otherwise have held up well.
  5. Our DS10 is never at the ballpark or practice field without one of us, so it never occurred to me to worry about that particular danger. That said, the woman was wrong simply because she didn't abide by your wishes.
  6. To me, it sounds like the seller is doing her best to be really honest. She doesn't want you to get the book, thinking it looks absolutely brand-new, and be disappointed because it is apparent the book has been on her shelf for a while. I'd actually respect that over a breezy "looks brand-spanking new" description because, unless it is still wrapped in original packaging, there *will* be some wear.
  7. Thanks for the heads up. I don't want to share - just transfer. DH doesn't want my stuff on his iPad so I'll delete it after it's moved over. It's good to be aware of that though, so thanks.
  8. DH and I have been sharing a iPad - he for work, me for homeschool. We were able to get a refurbished iPad this week for me to use for school stuff. Now I need to figure out how to get my files from one iPad to the other. Mostly, I am concerned with transferring my Notability app AND the PDFs contained in it. As I'm sure you know, Notability allows DS to write on the PDFs directly on the iPad so we don't have to print pages. It's a big paper/time-saver. If I backup to iCloud, will it keep my files/data? Can I choose which apps to transfer from the cloud? I don't need DH's work apps, for instance. There's probably more I need/want to tell you, but my coffee hasn't kicked in yet. Thanks for any help!
  9. That's exactly what my son would say!
  10. Your DS is coming to school here, right? Honestly, there is little to do here - and the few tourist activities are a considerable drive from one another. Ruidoso is about 80mi from Roswell. Carlsbad Caverns is 80mi in another direction. And that's it for about 200 miles in any direction. Roswell itself has a mediocre alien museum made entirely of enlarged newspaper clippings. Nothing you can't read on the internet at home. Since the govt confiscated everything at the crash site, there is nothing to display. We have a very small art museum and a small historical society museum as well. And that's pretty much it. I've been here 2yrs and am finally content, but I would never travel here for a vacation. It's a nice place to live (if you have a good job), but I wouldn't want to visit. Your son may want to share his new town with you though, so that's a consideration. Feel free to PM me with any questions. I almost messaged you a week or so ago myself. If your DS needs anything, don't hesitate to let me know. We will be happy to help.
  11. My 10yo/4th grade son has enjoyed: Soaring with Spelling 4 Winning with Writing 3 Teaching Textbooks 4 Story of the World He liked Apologia Zoology 3 - as long as I read it to him. He was not capable of reading it on his own. Next year we are going to try Mr. Q Science. As Paradox5 said above, find what fits him - pace and learning style - and adjust the level to what he is capable of doing. DS could do grade-level spelling but needed extra work in writing, so we backed up a level. We will do the same with grammar next year (Growing with Grammar 4 in 5th grade). Best wishes!
  12. 1. Teaching Textbooks - I congratulate myself at least once a week on this choice! 2. Reading Eggspress 3. our mini-geography course
  13. Thanks, everyone! I've added several to my wish list at Amazon. I also forgot that I have Deconstructing Penguins right beside me (buried under magazines and other books). Definitely moving that to the top of the pile. I think I'll reread the logic section of WTM too. I'm ordering The Minds of Boys as well. Thanks again!
  14. I do that too, Heidi. My son is math-reluctant (and reading-reluctant, and grammar-reluctant...) as well, but he battles himself to keep 100's down the page of the gradebook. Yes, those options are on most of the problems, though some just give the answer and move on to the next question. It is my rule that my son MUST retry the problem. I can tell from the gradebook exactly what he did/attempted for each problem. If he misses it on the 2nd try, he must watch an explanation of how to work the problem correctly before moving on. That's my long-winded way of saying that the options are there. It's all in how you and he manage those options. TT4 has been a god-send for us this year.
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