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Everything posted by QuirkyKidAcademy

  1. I apologize. I thought I had. Our 4-H is so low tech that enrolling online never even occurred to me. "Sometimes"? What else have I misread? I didn't realize I'd made a habit of it.
  2. Then make them blatantly false: 123-45-6789 and 987-65-4321. Still fraud, but you will be making a point. Although I don't understand the "won't accept blank" thing - she can't force you to put pen to paper. Is she refusing to enroll your children unless you fill in that blank? I'd be calling the higher ups.
  3. Why go down? Did you try going up to iOS5? I also have a 3g and recently installed iOS5. Works great. I can't help with the downgrade; sorry!
  4. We had a similar bet with DS10 - it was only a dollar and only 11miles home - but he still lost. Good luck, Diva!
  5. There's something wrong with freckles? I'm so glad my mom didn't feel that way. ETA: Okay, I unbunched my knickers long enough to read what you are really concerned about. I'm sorry. I hope you find a solution.
  6. At least five, during most of the year. I don't cook on Sunday night and usually there is a reason for just sandwiches another night. During baseball season, between practice and games and my board member duties, I'm doing good to get 3 home cooked meals on the table. Is it July yet????
  7. Since I rely on lip-reading for successful communication, it would throw me for a loop. That's based on what *I* need as a hearing-impaired person, not for religious reasons. Other than that, not a problem.
  8. In that case, don't do anything. Only you can know when the time is right - and it may never be right. Other people don't get to make that decision for you. From a different angle, my son (adopted at birth) knows he has a bio-sibling and is most anxious to meet her someday.
  9. We have a miniature schnauzer who is nearing the 16wk mark now. This may be the most encouraging thing I've read all month! Thanks for the hope! Thanks also for the "bite stops here" link. I welcome all advice.
  10. Y'all rock! Congrats on losing whatever amount you've lost - any number down is a good number! I started at about the same weight as Nance - 247ish. I'm down 10lbs. I still have so far to go, but I love that just that 10lbs put me in a different pant size. Like Chucki, Easter weekend is going to do me in, but Monday is a new day, right?
  11. We would try "Mrs. Sally" but if that didn't satisfy her, I'd have to rethink it - honestly, in 10.5 yrs we haven't encountered that situation so I don't know what I'd do. Several posters above have put into words what I cannot this morning - my coffee isn't ready yet. For me it boils down to this: my child isn't friends with adults. He can be mentored by adults, but it isn't the same as a friend. The title of Miss/Mrs./Mr. implies a more formal relationship, a boundary that he isn't ready to cross yet.
  12. But it has to be COLLEGE football. I'm a huge NFL fan but don't care much for college football. I'd stick out like a sore thumb in Tuscaloosa, just like I do a couple hours west in Oxford (MS, near my hometown). Best wishes on your decision.
  13. It doesn't really matter *to me* what other kids call me, but my child does not call adults by their first name. He can do that when he is an older teen/adult himself.
  14. I buy thru Vegsource.com - more reasonable usually.
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