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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. I cook breakfast every day of the week but one. In my life before kids, I ignored breakfast for the most part. Everyone here knows how to cook, and will help or do it if I ask them. I like to keep my kitchen in order, so I prefer to do it myself.
  2. Mine have both had their own cards for years. We have on-line access which makes keeping track easy, although mine are old enough that I don't need to keep up with their accounts.
  3. Did you try a board search? A number of members used it a while back, and there were numerous discussions. I'll leave out my 2 cents, since I haven't used it.
  4. :grouphug: This is a big adjustment, but spring is a great time to put yourself and ds out there to find new friends and support. Visit the library, try activities with your son, go walk at the mall. You'll likely run into moms with children your ds's age. Smile and say hello. Welcome to the board. This board has been my support for years:grouphug:.
  5. No store here would allow extreme couponing. There isn't even one that doubles coupons anywhere around here. I use coupons, but they don't save all that much imo. Most of them seem to be for certain brands of air fresheners or candy that I would never use.
  6. Good idea. Then give yourselves a bit of time to look around and decide.
  7. I'm right there with you. It used to be easier to buy and sell when the board was smaller, just my opinion of course. The smaller group seemed easier to navigate and my impression was a lot fewer unhappy buyers and sellers. However, I'm in need of space and find myself thinking....You should do this, but I'm always a bit focused and frazzled trying to finish up the year.:willy_nilly:
  8. :grouphug:I couldn't adjust to the progressive lenses. Days and days of migraines, nearly falling down the stairs, bumping into things, and all around blurry vision sent me running back to the eye doctor. My prescription was wrong. I hope you can adjust with a little effort and time.
  9. :iagree::iagree::iagree: Check out some vegetarian cookbooks and try some new recipes.
  10. Yes...I do. In-laws were so full of compliments.... like you look so healthy when I gained weight, and now...bleck. A sales clerk told me to just keep eating, and then directed me to the petite department.
  11. :grouphug: I hope he's okay, and you're able to reschedule the test.
  12. The TM does have the author information, and the answers to the questions. The TM's can be a time saver, especially if you don't have time to read ahead or with your student.
  13. :iagree: It was shocker for me too, but he looked so lost. The judges already used their save, maybe they made the mistake.
  14. Yep, we've heard that if you only have horrific nightmares...you're lucky. We opted to just not take it. I'm glad you're okay.:grouphug:
  15. Dh's office will continue to work, but the pay will stop after this pay period. I'm a bit miffed by the whole thing.
  16. I felt so bad for Stefano after the judges reactions. It just made me feel uncomfortable, kwim? This year my dd hasn't bothered voting even once. I think the shine is worn off, and we miss Simon. (Paula, was always interesting to say the least.) He was a stinker, but he knew how to help and hurt at the same time.
  17. We actually just listened to them on the audio Cd's.
  18. If you link in through another site, you can read each article you like past the twenty a month limit. It's a drag, but I'm not willing to pay for access.
  19. LLATL in the early elementary years is very gentle. A blue or red book comparison to a purple or green are different as night and day. Have you looked at the samples you can down load and try? A number of board members have used LLATL through the upper grades and have posted their experiences. You might try a board search.
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