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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. The local Extension Office of 4-H will have lots of local gardening information. That sounds pretty high for Mel's Mix...Our boxes run around $60 the first year, but after that it's just amending and much less.
  2. :iagree: Keep the card. I'm pretty sure it would make them feel uncomfortable.
  3. :grouphug:I suffer this almost every year; the winter here is cold, dark and gloomy and I have to force myself to go through the motions. Having high school students really puts the pressure on me to work through it. Big hug...
  4. :iagree: I would be sad to eliminate them from my favorites, but I would do it. This could set up an easy way to discriminate against homeschool grads that more anti homeschooling factions could follow.
  5. I have a friend whose dd has used uses LL through 11th grade. I'm not sure what their plans are for next year; her ds/9th uses it too. (Btw..She isn't a board member.)
  6. It would make me uncomfortable.:tongue_smilie:
  7. We live where basements are the norm, and I've never heard of anyone being sucked out of one...But who knows??? When we moved here, I wouldn't even look at homes without a basement; they save so many lives.
  8. It sounds like he needs lots of exercise and maybe a little tomato staking with mom.:grouphug:
  9. I agree with the above posts. If he does take the class, please share the experience with us.
  10. Same here in the Midwest. We are skipping them this year.
  11. I'm not a big fan of them (Twaddle imo..no tomatoes), but yes... I'd let him read them. (I do have one policy and that is to pre-screen what makes it into our home; other than that...read what you want as long as you get your lessons done.) Loving a book or series usually leads to a love of reading.
  12. I also would check with Catholic Charities. (Btw, you do not have to be Catholic.)
  13. Doors always locked at night, but during the day if we are in the yard they aren't. Windows are closed and locked on the first floor at night if we're upstairs. I don't walk alone at night. No security system other than deadbolt locks. I only answer the door if I want to. It's just too bad if a sales person gets his/her feelings hurt because my windows are open or they know I'm home. I'm the same way with the phone. (I had to learn to do this.) Personal safety and our privacy is more important.
  14. Are you working with a realtor? They should have all the information; even a RE office secretary should be able to steer you in the right direction. I'd do an energy audit to see how well it will heat and cool. The yellow pages should list home inspectors; they will also have the information. I just love old houses. (The local electric and gas company often allow you to see the heating and cooling bill for the past year.)
  15. :grouphug: I'd blame the weekend candy, and the person who gifted breakable eggs:001_smile:. You are clearly the victim of very bad gifts.:grouphug:
  16. :iagree: Many nice stores will have a computer you can check; they make shopping easy.
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