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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Oh, dear...my oh my...How did your heart stand it. I'm glad all is well, but man oh...man...That will be a story forever.
  2. Homeschool Buyer' Co-op has a smart-point bonus / special today. There are a few arrow and a boomerang free with a smart-point Mother's Day bonus. There are also other vendor smart-point freebies. Don't miss the (500) extra points! Happy Mother's Day~ PS...The deal ends tonight!
  3. Homeschool Buyer' Co-op has a smart-point special today:001_smile:. There are a few arrow and a boomerang free with a smart-point Mother's Day bonus. There are also a few other freebies. Happy Mother's Day~
  4. What a nice update. I'm glad he's doing so well. :grouphug:
  5. The JGEMom mess surprised and left me pretty jaded. There was another ?tara? who used board member's sympathy for financial gain, but that somehow was more reasonable to me. It was wrong and greedy, but made more sense than enjoying and manipulating strangers heartstrings and sympathy just for the fun of it.
  6. You could also encourage her to turn the questions back on the inquisitor...Why do you go to public school???Your missing out on so much fun by not homeschooling??? My kids both just blame me...They're standard answer is..."Ask my mom."
  7. You did her and everyone else a big favor.:grouphug:
  8. :grouphug:I so glad to hear you are safe, and can only imagine how heartbreaking it must be.
  9. :grouphug:Amy:grouphug: I'm so sorry.
  10. :iagree: And enjoyed reading your descriptive posts. The details and documentation:tongue_smilie: take a bit of getting used to, but we've had no problems with them. I do love the NARS Daily Log Book, even used it for a year before making our decision. It's very easy to follow.
  11. I have a one time free shipping code; pm if you need it. Secrets of Mental Math was received well here too.
  12. Oh, I hope this works out easily in your favor. Thank goodness, you found out before checking in. :grouphug:
  13. Nioxin shampoo, is available at Sally's Beauty Supply or your local salon. It can be very helpful for thinning hair. Btw...The Sally's brand is under $10 per bottle, most hair salons charge $20 or more per bottle.
  14. We used to reheat a meal for one or two in the oven. If cleanup was a fuss, we would line the baking dish with foil. Some plates can even go into the oven on a cookie sheet; just be real careful and alert the diner.
  15. :iagree: And would set some very clear consequences / punishments for touching it. They would also have to somehow make up for destroying this one. I don't know their ages, but they would be putting in some sort of community/labor service work; the kind of work you dread, and makes you sweaty sounds about right. I just read their ages...The older one would have a stiffer punishment. KEEP THE PHONE OUT OF THEIR REACH!!!
  16. I love white linens... To keep them sorted, and know which end is the top vs. bottom; stencil, cross stitch, embroider, or use a permanent marker on a corner. You can be very decorative if inclined.:D. Our experience with the dyeing fabric was a disappointment due to super fading. It was fun, but didn't last. There must be a trick to setting they dye.
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