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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. My vote would be no. A $300 dollar investment in a job / business he doesn't want to do in the long term would be a deal breaker for me. The long hours and inconsistent pay would be difficult on the family. This doesn't even sound like a deal to good to pass up; it sounds like a money pit for someone who isn't into road trips.
  2. :grouphug:Molly, thanks for updating us. I'm sending prayer your way.:grouphug:
  3. Focus on test taking skills. The directions do cover them and the less stressed your student is the better. Reassure them that they may not be able to complete every section and that is okay. It's just a test; make sure they understand it's really a bunch of little timed tests;). You can see a sample report on the BJU website.
  4. We've done them. Flexibility, little presents, snacks,a car dvd player and bubbles for rest stops were our best tricks. If they slept; we drove.
  5. Moby Dick... Yuck, my ds loved it. It was the worst read aloud ever.
  6. I'd check with a doctor and LLL.:grouphug:
  7. :iagree: And please don't update me later; cause I just don't want to know that information tyvm.
  8. No I'm not thrilled with the ITBS spelling section; it throws a number of kids. :iagree: That it's more editing than actual spelling, but it is what it is:tongue_smilie:.
  9. A Beka or BJU (Protestant) or Seton or Kolbe (Catholic) Calvert preK - 8th or K12 free in a number of states (secular)
  10. :iagree: But she didn't mention her homeschooling choice; he just brought it up. I'd still attempt to be nice, but he'd need to quit repeating himself.
  11. I hear you; my baby is almost 14. The mom is probably kicking herself for passing on your offer.
  12. We started with two, and they just took off. Be sure to consider the kind of strawberry plants you get. We started with the bloom in June ones and needed to add another variety for a longer season. In June we are literally giving them away though;).
  13. I'm sorry. Maybe it was just a no stranger or I'll scream kind of baby.
  14. We did a few squares of strawberries a few years ago; one plant per square. They sent out so many runners, that come back year after year; it's now an strawberry box, because they took over. Luckily we love strawberries and had another square foot box.
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