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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. Kerfuffle.... What a strange word. I've never seen or hear before this morning, and now I'm reading a book with that word in it over and over. :blink:
  2. She is a beautiful baby. Congratulations!
  3. Looks like I should have chosen an untimed test. Anyone know if the ITBS deducts for wrong answers? I'm in the camp of not randomly filling in bubbles, but many here locally are advised to try and fill them all in leaving no empty bubbles.:confused: I'm pretty conflicted as a parent trying to advise him. Thank you both for helping me think this through. Any more thoughts?
  4. My goodness, your Lucy, is one cute puppy.
  5. :iagree: I totally agree with your reasoning. He however, is discussing testing with friends who are full of advice based on their experiences. Thank you for answering. I guess statistically, he couldn't miss more randomly filling in the bubbles vs. leaving them blank. Logically this does trouble me, and I'm betting we will be having further discussions regarding the statistical probabilities. Another reason, I wish my state didn't require testing/reporting.
  6. You know, $7000 USdollars a day, would be pretty good money, and he is a REV/DR. Just to be safe though, I'd call him collect.
  7. Ds wants opinions and his best options for the following standardized test situation. (He's taking the ITBS.) The test proctor gives a time warning, or you notice yourself that time is running out and you have a number of questions to go... Should you quickly fill in the bubbles in a random order or hurry up and answer as many as you can leaving the rest blank?
  8. I'm glad you found an appointment today, and pray your new pair is in your hands and on your face... asap.:grouphug: PS....I keep my old prescriptions in the house if I don't have 2 pairs, just in case something like a toddler event happens. The prescription isn't perfect, but can work in a pinch. You may want to go the two pairs route if you can.
  9. I'm very slowly working my way through TWED and studying ahead in Latin. One day I'd love to add Greek, but that just isn't on my radar right now.
  10. :iagree::iagree: They just look so easy to implement without a lot of fuss. On a bright side, we have all month to think about it.
  11. We went with inexpensive wood and our total cost the first year was about $60 per box. The seeds set me back an additional $20, because I went with heirloom seeds. However, I still have plenty of seeds three years later.
  12. http://www.setontesting.com/ http://www.bjupresshomeschool.com/content/testing http://www.pesdirect.com/ https://www.familylearning.org/tests_cat.php
  13. What a cute little guy:001_smile:. Congratulations~
  14. If I'm remembering the discussions correctly, it was the hardback editions that were out of date. If you have a trade-paper back 8/7, it is current to jump to Algebra 1.
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