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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. (((Cindy))) I wish you and your ds peace in your decision. Bullies should be kicked out of school...period. It's heartbreaking to watch the bullies be coddled, while the kids trying to learn are tormented.
  2. I see today is your deadline, and just wanted to send a little cyber support for what ever decision you come to.
  3. I voted no. If only I could vote no for my own state too:glare:.
  4. :grouphug:(((Katie))):grouphug: No words of wisdom, just a little support.
  5. :hurray::party::hurray: That is wonderful news!
  6. :iagree: I had one young man call me over and over one day. It was early release from the local schools. Finally, I told him I would be calling his parents after work. He never called again.
  7. (((Christine))) Prayers for you here sweetie.:grouphug:
  8. My yogurt recipe is from a fellow board member, but I don't remember who to credit. It's so easy too. 1. Bring 4 cups of whole milk (I've used lower % milk) or 2 cups whole and 2 cups half and half up to 180' in a pan. 2. Remove from heat and let cool down to 120' (no cooler that that!) 3. Meanwhile heat some water in a quart jar in the microwave to get the jar nice and warm. Empty the water out of the jar and put 1-3 Tablespoons of plain yogurt in the bottom, add the warm milk and stir well for about 20 seconds. Put the lid on and wrap in a blanket or towel for 6-8 hours. 6=less tart. That's it! It will thicken up after refrigerating. Remember to save some yogurt (plain) for your next batch. I add in homemade vanilla or other flavor to the milk before pouring into the jar. Once the jar or bowl is wrapped in the towel I usually let it set in the microwave (or some undrafty place) for around 7 hours. This recipe is easy and flexible. I know some use a big thermos to incubate it vs the blanket wrap.
  9. I hear you:grouphug:. Our cost have gone up with the grade levels as well.
  10. I'm not sure about your exact question, but I've made lots of batches of yogurt with skim milk that you can enjoy in a glass. I didn't use the crock-pot method, just the simple jar or glass bowl one, wrapped in a towel.
  11. My state is pretty regulated and yearly continues to up the restrictions and requirements, so we joined last year and are members.
  12. My two always shoot for 90% or above, anything less and they aren't happy. It's easy as homeschoolers to work towards mastery. I do keep grades, and only insist on a do-over if the grade is below 80%.
  13. Clear Contact Paper. I cover them with it. It's simple, easy and inexpensive.
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