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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. Nothing beats fresh air and nice breeze coming in. Thanks for sharing your dollar savings too. Our windows aren't that old, but I'd love more efficient ones that I didn't have to lift to open or go outside to clean the weather battling side.
  2. He's a cutie...How about calling him... Mr. Darcy:001_smile:.
  3. :iagree: I'd let her keep it, but go for a little trim...not a foot, just above her skirt or jean line. This also helps keep the tangles down. My dd still has really long hair, but I tended to it for the first 12 years or so. Bore bristle brushes are a wonderful thing with long hair. We purchase ours at Sally's.
  4. :iagree: I love sending a meal of thanks along with a pretty note. I keep the meals simple, like veggie lasagna, bread, salad and a dessert. A beautiful cake or pie is aways welcome.
  5. Raising my hand here to join in sheepishly...
  6. Budget your printer ink...:glare: Nutritional needs...Mom will not always be there ensuring you eat well and take in plenty of fluids. How to prevent and deal with illness. Gas and basic car maintenance. Laundry, and not loaning out all your things. Basic sewing etc. Know the weather report and take your coat, umbrella, gloves, boots, sunscreen or what ever.
  7. :lol::lol::lol: You're asking us?:lol::lol::lol: I skipped facebook and twitter, because I simply don't have time to add one more time sucking thing. My biggest limit is only allowing myself on when both kids are working or done with their lessons, and the house isn't a mess.
  8. :grouphug:LisaK:grouphug: :iagree: Dh's grandfather passed away last month. I'm glad he was a grandchild not a son or daughter because it was a mess.
  9. :iagree: And join others who say, people who don't want pets shouldn't get them, and don't feel guilty. You (the mom) will be the one ultimately responsible for the pets care, feeding and vet bills until it dies.
  10. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:Poor kiddo and mom, what an awful thing for him. I'm glad you little guy is okay, and my heart breaks for you and the little fellow. He's so young and innocent.:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I know of a number of dog owners who defend their dogs by insisting it was a scratch vs. a bite. Some as your friend have it happen before their eyes and just can't believe their baby bit someone. I do hope they will take this seriously, but it sounds like they aren't. We've had two big dog attacks here recently, one a three year old was killed by her family's dogs and another needed so many stitches. (Tragedy) Pet owners should be accountable and many need a reality check. I'm sorry if this sounds harsh, but too many people, especially innocent children suffer because animal owners are irresponsible or can't control their animals. I hope and pray your little guys heals.
  11. My first purchase from the Homeschool Buyer's Co op is a done deal. I need to find and plan some time to begin reading my deal that was too good to pass up. Now that I have it in my hot little hands...I'm a little excited. Jftr this is for next year. I'm not a curriculum junkie, I could be, but I'm good at resisting after all these years. (LoL, just not in this case.)
  12. Thank you, JudoMom. I don't think I can pass up the sale either. Help for High School too...Oh, I missed that.
  13. Oh, I think I want it. It seems like I've been looking at BW for years and the dollars were holding me back. Did you print it out? My eyes give me fits if I try to read too much on the computer screen. The savings would be worth the time and effort to print it vs. purchasing the binder version directly. I wonder why I'm so chicken to try BW, maybe it's my last hope and I don't want to let it go. Thanks. I think I might just do it.
  14. Was this the digital version though the Homeschool Buyers co op? I'm so tempted...
  15. My thoughts and prayers are with everyone in Japan. We lived there for three wonderful years and my heart aches with sadness.
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