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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. Great job! We have a one 35lb can a week limit here or you have to purchase $1.75stickers and place the extra in a black trash bag:tongue_smilie:. I'd love to wow the trash men:001_smile:.
  2. My ds enjoyed reading this too, much to his surprise. The math and star shootings hooked him.;) Boomerang List: The Endless Steppe A Wrinkle In Time Ender's Game Murder on the Orient Express The Scarlet Pimpernel The Master Puppeteer Slingshot List: Animal Farm The Hobbit Sophie's World The Witch of Blackbird Pond
  3. You may want to send something with delivery confirmation and a signature requirement. I sure hope it works out.:grouphug:
  4. I wish we had a decent convention anywhere near here. My 10 were Boomerang and Slingshots. It was hard finding things we haven't read or studied, but I'm pretty excited about our list.
  5. I'm placing my order today, and 5 seems too difficult to choose. Looks like it will be 10 here too, but choosing still isn't easy.
  6. Thanks, that's what I was thinking. Now I just need to choose the five.
  7. Tomorrow is the last day for the Homeschool Buyers coop deal. I'm enjoying my reading of BW and HFHS, but I hate to miss the Arrow/Boomerang discount by waiting. Tell me what to do....Order, wait???:willy_nilly:
  8. Don't let her keep you from using your time as you choose. Bring your reading material and highlight away. She wasn't curious or trying to be helpful, and I wouldn't want her to feel she wins by changing my/your behavior. Living well, is the best revenge. Not that you need revenge, just the freedom to use your time as you choose. kwim;)
  9. Same here, but I have a dd & ds. I appreciate that it goes up through high school. The DIVE or SaxonTeacher cd rom lessons are a plus here too. The first three levels are pretty teacher intensive and that is an deal breaker for some home educators, but 5/4 and up much different.
  10. I'd take the phone away for a few weeks and the next plan would not include texting. Eleven is pretty young for a phone to me, and a parent should be checking appropriateness and ensuring their safety. I'm thinking you pay the bills, your the parent and your responsible, so they get privileges not blanket rights. You love them and you gotta take care of em, even when it isn't easy.:grouphug:
  11. Sounds like you did the best you could for everyone. I hope you dh's back heals soon.
  12. :grouphug:Jennifer:grouphug: You can do this, you already have...remember. Dig deep and jump in when you are ready. I'll try to come back with some tried and true suggestions later.
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