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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. Check the reset button and run outside to see if the fan is spinning. You may need a repair man. Sometimes if you call with enough information/details they know a few things to try before coming out. I hope it works, Texas must be nearing hot by now. (Our temp is 47' here.)
  2. Is the cooler on??? I mean, is the ac currently working/blowing air?
  3. My 2005 revised edition Chapter 10 Special Gardens and Gardeners No Yard Wooded Yard Hillsides Decks Railings Grandparents Gardening for Seniors Special Needs Gardening Gardening in Schools Community Gardens Group Projects Humanitarian Projects On my soap box
  4. :grouphug: Bleck:tongue_smilie:. They are horrible, horrible creatures. In Japan, we kept the garbage outside the kitchen door. (I wanted to lure them to a feast outdoors vs. inside my home.) Most everyone used the glue trap houses there in hide away places; under the refrigerator,dishwasher and other dark warm places. They will also love your toaster...gag. I learned how to make toast in the oven. I'll second taking stock in zip-lock or good sealing plastic containers for just about everything. Steel wool stuffed in and around vents or other places like pipes is another option. You can defeat them with lots of effort.:grouphug: In an old home, I'd make sure the bug guy sprayed under it if possible.
  5. This sounds right. It would be wonderful if we could tax deduct our homeschooling expenses.
  6. Oh, Beth...you must be young at heart. I know this, because I have proof. My Sixteen year-old also hasn't finished her writing assignment either. I'm bribing her with home-made fudge...Definitely treat yourself to an extra special dessert.:001_smile:
  7. Yes it was rude, but at nine I'd be more unhappy with the parents behavior than hers.
  8. :iagree: Charlotte Mason's The Original Homeschooling Series is so worth reading.
  9. Yep, and they soaked up rain water like a sponge. But....they were so nice when the weather cooperated. Enjoy your new space!
  10. Oh, what a sweet wand. A crown??? My ds loved a superman cape at that age.
  11. I think they look pretty cool. If my ceilings were higher I would definitely get one.
  12. I use the hardwood floor cleaner or vinegar and water. The floor cleaner works well and doesn't smell like vinegar;).
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