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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I'm sorry you're caught in the middle, but your dh is lucky to have you.
  2. :iagree: Go to almost any store and pick up a pre-paid phone. Just look for the best deal of minutes and overall price. There are so many options and they vary depending on your location. We've used Tracfones and AT&T in the past; none were more than $30 and they included 30 - 60 minutes of text/calling. (The last one we picked up at Walmart for our youngest to use and it was $14.99 and had 30 minutes; the features were phone/text/camera.)
  3. :grouphug:That stinks. I'd check our contract and local state laws and decide how best to proceed.
  4. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: You poor thing.:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  5. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I only have a few minutes, but wanted to send a little support your way.
  6. How strange...We had a package delivered before 5am last year. I was freaked out by the big bang at the front door.
  7. If you haven't ordered yet...coupon code RLFN; It's good for free shipping on $100 orders good through May 19.
  8. I've trained my mouth to answer with the following question. "Why do you ask?" If I'm not feeling all warm and fuzzy that day:glare:...I'll hit with a string of..."I beg your pardon...could you repeat that?" No one has ever made it past the third repeat without giving up. (My mil believes I have very selective hearing.;))
  9. :grouphug:Have you checked the zoning regulations? That would make my hair stand on end.
  10. I'll commiserate with you. Our neighbor has a beagle that barks for pleasure, and he must be the happiest dog on earth. (They think it's cute:glare:)
  11. I've been very happy with my classic plus for years here. We're a family of four, and I don't need to make huge batches. It easily preps a double loaf. Enjoy which ever you choose;).
  12. I'm sorry.:grouphug:. Personally her response adds salt to the wound, and sounds like the place isn't well managed. I fail to see the humor in their handling of it either.
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