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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. :iagree: Another option would be to make them volunteer somewhere like an elderly neighbor's yard or a soup kitchen.
  2. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Bleck...She should have asked you ahead of time.
  3. Well then, there is your bright side; she sounds lovely btw.
  4. My dd was born, healthy and happy via a c-section. I had no complications, just the regular recovery expectations. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  5. I could live comfortably in a tiny house...if the weather was nice all the time. A confined space in the winter would drive me nuts though.
  6. Mine liked going outside as a little guy. For me, the 8 year old would have cleaned up his own mistake;); your 10-yr old deserves an award or something.
  7. Poor kid, some of them just take the test so personally.
  8. I've learned something this morning, and finally know what happened to my tomatoes for the past two years...Thank you ladies.
  9. Well that stinks, but her guilting her son and causing stress in his marriage....isn't something a loving mom should dish out. "We can't afford it, we love you...send money or zip your lips."
  10. :grouphug:Thanks for updating us; I'm sending hugs and prayers.:grouphug:
  11. http://www.k12.com/participating-schools/indiana The above link is a free on-line option for them.
  12. We need to rethink and update our wills; it just isn't easy though. I'm seriously considering my oldest.
  13. The Easy Grammar series might be a good option.
  14. :grouphug:He's a 10/11 year-old, little boy; I'm sure he didn't mean to hurt your feelings...But I understand.:grouphug:
  15. That sounds just awful, and the prices over the top. You need to check with someone.:grouphug:
  16. I had one that loved any craft inspired assignment, and one who hated them.
  17. You would probably be a very smart person not to rely of her.
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