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What are you doing this summer?

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I love summer! It is such a great time to cross all the stuff off your to-do list and start the fall fresh! Here is what I have planned besides get ready for next year.


~declutter laundry room

~finish 3 scrapbooks (more if I'm able)

~scan all old negatives

~fill freezer with meals for my 'maternity leave'

~organize kid's books


There is probably more but that will get me started.

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1. School... light schedule, but school nevertheless.

2. Volunteer at Cub Scout Day Camp for a week :tongue_smilie: (but, it's a 2 hr. round-trip, so it will actually save gas, and get our new Tiger in for "free.")

3. Trip to Annapolis.

4. Trip to Mt. Vernon

5. US History Museum

6. Cub Scout belt loops and pins.


On a personal note...


1. Clean out office area.

2. Clean out mom's junk stuff in basement storage.

3. Go through packed boxes to find our missing stuff that was "packed" by dh and MIL (by packed, I mean put into boxes w/o rhyme or reason and boxes not labeled.)

4. Start building house (end of summer).

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I usually reserve summer for lesson planning but I'm hoping to have most of it done before the end of this month so I can enjoy summer. My plans are:


- I'm working on writing a book (okay more than one). I hope to finish at least one more, edit another in full, then 2nd edit a third one.

- Read...while lying in the hammock, while lying in bed, while sitting in my favorite chair. :D

- Do a few spontaneous day trips since I have a car and gas isn't 4.00 a gallon.

- Go to the lake and walk

- Go to the beach and hang out (see if any have recovered from the hurricanes :confused:)

- Visit my family at least one (800 miles away).

- Fine tune the lesson planning (who am I kidding I can't go a week without touching something school related) :lol:

- Work on more of my self-educational goals

-Re-Accessorize a few rooms

-Possibly paint kitchen cabinets and redo countertop

-Stay out of poison ivy (note to self)

-Get out in the sun a little so I don't look so ghastly pale

-Ponder the meaning of life

-Figure out how to post video using the software that came with the video camera

- Actually put more music on my Mp3 player

-Find some cool (literally & figuratively) places to take ds

-go to the local waterpark

- some school activities (light and very flexible)


Ah, I can't wait. I guess I should get busy with that lesson planning then so i can enjoy my summer.

Edited by elegantlion
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-growing a baby

-building a dairy

-teaching Miss Bossy to swim

-making sure my middle 2 are really solid on their multiplication facts

-Great courses Biology

-starting Sonlight 5 with Miss Beautiful

-taking as many naps as I can get

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-tubing down the river

-visit my sisters in Atlanta and hang out at the lake

-I am possibly going to meet dh in England

-drive across country to Tucson

-visit San Antonio

-visit SanDiego

-rent a cottage at lake guntersville

-rent a cabin in the mtns

-bring the kids fishing

-beach for a couple of days.(that's all I can stand there)

Then it will be time to for school to start once again.

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A friend is teaching me how to can this weekend, and I plan on canning as much fresh fruit and meat as I can :D

I didn't know you could can meat, but she has quite a supply of all kinds of canned food.


Dh's job is light in winter months, so I'm planning on squirreling away this summer.


We are also taking a field trip to Boston and looking forward to that!

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School. I don't think we'll get much of a summer this year. Of course, I'll probably interrupt school to get some planning in, but then it'll be back to school. The boys & I are thinking of visiting my parents for 2 weeks this summer, but I think I'll even have to take some school along to do while we're there.

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Visiting some colleges with ds - including two far enough away to justify a mini-road trip with the entire family. I need to plan another long jaunt with just ds and I to see Gettysburg College and Geo. Washington University.


We're going to visit Gettysburg in the next few weeks. It's a great school.



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My five sons will be in Canada for the summer (wilderness canoe camp; 4 campers, 1 on staff). My dd will be home but will be working full-time. I work part-time, but will be trying my hand at raising veggies in my new raised beds. I just ordered the square foot gardening book....



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Well, dh is the organizer of a big Christian festival and I'll be running the kids area. So.... that pretty much consumes most of my summer, other than keeping the house clean, feeding the multitudes that descend on us to help out with the festival, and taking the kids to the beach on the days that the sun actually manages to shine.

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I hadn't thought too much about what we're doing this summer until now! Guess I should start planning a little, here's what I'm thinking of off the top of my head:


Trip to Seattle to see my family

Trip to Idaho to see DH's family

Swim lessons for 5yo and Mommy & Me lessons with 2yo (Just 2 weeks)

Keep up with learning violin

Keep plugging away at Ear Training & Sight Singing

Gardening, with its requisite canning...and trying to eat more of the garden directly from the garden!

Putting in some miles on my new serger

5yo might start soccer at end of summer

I'd like to get outdoors a whole lot more...hiking, nature viewing, camping, etc. I don't want my girls growing up to be pansies.


I'm also toying with the idea of starting up a neighborhood enrichment "school" for the summer that us moms could run and do fun things with the "at home and bored" ps kids (I get tired of watching them wandering aimlessly around and the inevitable vandalism and mischief that starts happening about the end of June...)

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I hope I'm moving to Kyrgyzstan this summer, but if not, I hope I'm in Seattle where the weather is nicer than the other places I could spend the summer. The not knowing about the move part makes planning tricky. We finished our school year a week ago and won't be starting up again till the end of June, at the earliest. I also have a little spot in a community garden, so I'll be eating bok choy and spinach and peas soon.

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We have only two things planned right now, but they're biggies:


-Our annual vacation/family reunion in WI.

-Moving!!! We found a house we love and will be closing after the 4th of July weekend.


Once we're settled in, then I'll plan what's left of our summer. :)

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Cool thread!


My plans for summer:

*read, read, read

*plan for next year

*clean my house

*play with the baby goats :D

*enjoy the time off

*I think I might be forced to go camping. :tongue_smilie: We aren't going on a "real" vacation this year because we spent a small fortune at Disney last year. So the girls and Patrick want to go camping. I am not a camping kind of girl. I guess I will have to put on my big girl pants and go for it...

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I always love to see what others have in the pipeline! Here's our summer so far.


-- I MUST organize our office/schoolroom and I may paint it a brighter color... we'll see...

-- Visit family in NH

-- Visit my college roommate and her family in Colorado

-- Host a soccer coach from England while ds attends British soccer camp

-- day trips here and there

-- gardening

-- LOTS and LOTS of reading (my favorite activity!)

-- a light school-load in between it all.


I'm excited! :D

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Lots of free kid/family activities (Regal Free Cinemas, free movies in the park, free concerts in the park, puppet shows, etc)


Visiting parks and spray grounds


Library summer reading program


Going through this year's work; storing monthly reviews and a few work samples


Turning in curriculum orders to our virtual academy


Going through said curriculum and filing all consumable work by week for each student


Finishing daughter's new room; painting, buying furniture, moving her stuff in


Decluttering my bedroom; moving toddler's stuff into big brother's bedroom


Delivering a baby and spending the end of summer in postpartum recovery

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I love reading everyone's responses!


I'm just going to do spring cleaning on my house to get ready for next school year. No trips planned - just cleaning!


Almost forgot - the boys are doing baseball, karate camps, and two are starting rowing! We'll also be spending a LOT of time at the pool just relaxing.

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Well we'll keep doing school unless we have a planned activity for a break, we'll be moving in August so we'll take a break around that time.


**househunting, decluttering, preparing for our move to Austin at the end of the summer


**kids have VBS, a possible trip to stay with grandparents, and swim lessons


**hanging out with friends here that we're going to miss so much when we move

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The first thing I'm going to do is go through and get rid of as much stuff in my house as I can! Then:


Spring cleaning

Finish up planning and preparing for next school year

Go to the pool with my kids

Take a trip to Florida to visit family

Go camping at the beach for a week

Go to Savannah, GA for the AAU National Gymnastics meet (family trip)

Go to Greensboro, NC for the State Junior Olympics, and again for Nationals

Follow my 10yo ds around playing baseball for the All-Stars

Continue to run my kids to gymnastics, ballet, Junior Olympics, baseball, etc.

Sleep late when I can

Read as much as I can

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*read lots and lots

*work on my latin

*do some fun school light stuff with boys (music stuff, art stuff, nature journals...and of course make sure they are reading everyday)

*VBS - I'm craft director for our VBS so I've got a lot of planning and crafting to do

*go to lots of parks

*organize the school books and plan for next year

*works on scrapbooks

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Vacation for a week - Our family plus grandparents and aunt.

Send Bear off to Florida with grandma, and aunt to see great grandparents

Kid's day camp at local park

Kid's Camp at church


Swim, bicycle, hike, fish, canoe


finish painting my bedroom

tend the garden and care for our chicks

build a new cage for our guinea pigs

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  • School
  • VBS
  • Getting together with friends more often before the baby comes
  • Swimming lessons for my girls
  • Nesting like crazy (cleaning, organizing, going to yard sales, cooking ahead and freezing meals)
  • If we can afford it - renovating our bathroom


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I'll be an empty-nester with my youngest going to Belgium for seven weeks as a missionary intern. What ever will I do??? :D


Summer hopes...


lots of outdoor time. Grilling, splashing in our little pool, hanging out on the porch swing.

Gardening--veggies and flowers

Piece a quilt top during the hottest days.

Play with stained glass

Travel with dh to Seattle and Vancouver

Write like a manic--no excuses this summer!



My youngest will go to the community college next fall. I'll be a retired homeschool mom. I hope to spend part of my summer deciding what I'll be next.

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-hope to declutter the basement playroom and the laundry room--it's grossing me out

-girls to American Heritage Girls Camp

-son to baseball camp


-lots of swimming

-water park/amusement park

-playing outside 'till they drop--I don't let them in the house much when the weather is nice!:)

-play in the sandbox with baby, 18months


-reading, reading, reading (me and the kids)

-get ready for upcoming school year (also directing a CC campus this year)

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I did sign the boys up for one summer camp at the end of June. We will host some Chinese students for two weeks.


But no swim lessons. No golf lessons. No karate or piano or gymnastics. No school. I decided that no matter how tempting, we will not sign up for any summer activities.


We will get up each morning and decide what we want to do that day, and it won't matter if we end up not doing any of it.



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