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Do your children cry when they outgrow clothing?

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We brought in the summer clothes in today. Both of my boys get sad when something no longer fits. Ben only had two shirts that didn't fit, but Nathan lost about 8 shirts. He has plenty more, as I buy end of the season clearance for the next year.


He cried and cried about a lime green shirt that no longer fit him. I told him he could wear it for a bedtime shirt. He asked about a purple one from last year that I had tossed at the end of summer because it was stained and too small. He bawled at that.


I told him we could go shopping for two new shirts to replace them. He just cried.


He's fine now. He was fine soon after. He isn't scarred or anything.


When Ben tried on a particular Veggie Tales shirt, he closed his eyes and said, "I cannot bear it -- just tell me if it fits." He was relieved that it did.


But, I'm just wondering if any other children here get so emotional about outgrown clothes.

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I had a pair of jeans when I was 8. They were dark denim with orange stitching and my mom had to patch the right knee. I loved those jeans, and I was so sad when I got too tall for them.


My sister got to wear them, and I was flabbergasted that she seemed to think of them as just another pair of jeans.


My kids couldn't care less.



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Shoot, *I* cry when my children outgrow clothes! :lol:


Seriously--all their cute stuff, no longer fitting...and I have to somehow get more stuff...


But I can't say the children have ever cried. They have been disappointed to lose a favorite shirt, but no tears.

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My girls do this. I just let them keep the items until they decide it doesn't fit. It helps if they can pass it down to someone they know instead of it just going away. I also started a keepsake box for them with items that they can't bear to part with. They will quickly outgrow this sentimental stage, so I am not going to force the issue.

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The girls get a little wistful over their favorite dresses. We get so little really hot weather to wear some of their favorite summer shorts and tops, but they are rather matter-of-fact about handing them down to someone else. We've been the lucky receipients of too many hand-me-downs to not pass along the favor. We have clothing that has been through our nieces and our children and it is a relief sometimes to say farewell...HealthTex and the old 1980's Sears brand wear like iron:D Even with that said, I get attached to my favorite jeans and t-shirts, so I can empathize with your boys.

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My girls do this. I just let them keep the items until they decide it doesn't fit. It helps if they can pass it down to someone they know instead of it just going away. I also started a keepsake box for them with items that they can't bear to part with. They will quickly outgrow this sentimental stage, so I am not going to force the issue.



Hmmm. Maybe I should just let him keep them. I'm really not that concerned about their clothing at this age. I know a day will come when they are concerned -- like my 19 year old. ;)


Last night Nathan wanted to honor Aaron at his martial arts graduation to blue tip by wearing a white t-shirt WITH A TIE ATTACHED TO IT and a button down plaid shirt. He thought he was HOT STUFF! I didn't dare tell him otherwise. ;)


BTW -- We always pass on our outgrown clothes to people at our church who have lots of little ones. Easter Sunday, I saw FOUR shirts/sweaters I recognized from Ben. That's when I get teary.

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I don't think I actually cried, but it sure was hard to pass down my plum-colored corduroy overalls with Hello Kitty embroidered on the pocket!


Dh is 25 and still gets sentimental over his favorite shirts being retired from everyday use (even when they are fraying horribly!).

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Yes, it's quite hard to get either of my girls to let go of their clothing. The other day I caught my 8yo playing in a knit dress that was made for a 4-5yo child--it's loose enough that it fits her like a (very ugly) tunic. She's just always really liked that stupid dress.


I remember when I was little I had a playsuit that I loved and I wore it long after it was too small. My mom practically had to rip it out of my hands. I think she is quite enjoying the 'revenge' my kids are taking on me, especially the Star Wars mania--she had to ban Star Wars from the dinner table and now it's the incessant topic of conversation around here....:lol:

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I can relate. My youngest had a hard time with the fact that he outgrew his beloved red barn coat, which he wore from the time he was three to five years old. No tears, but he a) insisted on wearing it long after he'd outgrown in, short sleeves and missing buttons and all, and despite the fact that he had plenty of other coats to choose from, and b) vehemently insisted that I NEVER get rid of it.

I finally got lucky and found a similar, though BLUE barn coat that he was willing to wear "some of the time." He gradually adapted to it as his every day coat. Now IT is too small, but he hasn't fussed the way he did with that red coat...

My older kids haven't displayed this behavior with clothes (though my dd is sentimental about old toys). At the time, it was sort of a problem - the coat had gotten so unsightly - but looking back, it just seems like a sweet phase. Like Linus with his blankie.

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Sometimes. I took one of ds' favorite shirts (I think he was 5 or 6 then?) and made it into a small, decorative pillow for his bed. I haven't done that with other items of clothing, but this particular one was very special to him.


Do you sew at all? Could they select some pieces of clothing to set by and use towards a quilt at some point?

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My ds gets attached to certain styles of clothing. When the same store doesn't carry the exact same thing the following year I scour the thrift stores. So far I've done okay with shorts for this year.


He has a few shirts he mourns that loss of. I keep the beloved ones and my mom makes quilts out of them. She has made one for me and dh as well.

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When my ds was younger he would cry every time he would grow out of a favorite T-shirt. I started saving all of his old t-shirts (and his sisters). I saved all the t-shirts from vacation, sports teams etc. Someday I want to make a quilt out of all of them. This is what I told my ds and he felt better about giving them up. The problem is that I don't know how to sew so I'm not really sure how I'm going to accomplish making a quilt:confused:

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Yes, mine have. I usually let them hang on to a particularly favorite shirt. They can put it on a stuffed animal or just let hang in their closet. Usually, a year later I can get let it go then. FWIW, I have a couple shirts that both boys have worn and loved that I couldn't part with. I keep them in my hope chest.

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Diva has a cpl of old things she keeps tucked away in her drawers. Tazzie I didn't think would have any problems...boy was I wrong! Complete meltdown a time or two, and then when he saw Princess wearing something that had been his...ewww boy. I figure he'll out grow it, since he's 4...and Princess will quickly get to an age where wearing her BROTHER'S hand-me-downs will be complete toxic to her, lol!

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I bought Tigger costumes from the Disney store for three years running when DS was a little kid.


Right now he is wearing some jammie pants that are WAY too short because he says they have "just now gotten comfy".


I informed him that we were going to have a sewing project to turn them into shorts...




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When my ds was younger he would cry every time he would grow out of a favorite T-shirt. I started saving all of his old t-shirts (and his sisters). I saved all the t-shirts from vacation, sports teams etc. Someday I want to make a quilt out of all of them. This is what I told my ds and he felt better about giving them up. The problem is that I don't know how to sew so I'm not really sure how I'm going to accomplish making a quilt:confused:


You can pay someone to do it! Supposedly there are ads in running magazines for people wanting to make all their race shirts into a quilt.


I've also seen people who make them into teddy bears and other toys.


You could Google or find a local quilting club.

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