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At the risk of embarassing myself...does anyone watch those Real Housewives shows?

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I have an illness. I simply cannot. look. away. from this awful Real Housewives of NYC show. I've never watched the others, but I guess because I can identify more with the NYC lifestyle, I got hooked on this one. These people are so incredibly awful, it takes my breath away. Yet I can't turn it off.


I'm sure I'm the only one here. So embarrassing!



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Oh, gosh, yes. I'm not a regular viewer but I catch them on occasion. All the housewife shows make me sit there with my mouth wide open. I can't believe they want their lives out there on tv like that. I'd like to say it is bad editing but these ladies come back season after season so they must be fine with it. shudder.

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There's a marathon on right now :blush:


Do you think these women realize just how awful they come across on the shows? They all seem like they're so proud to be showcased like this. I don't think they realize that the purposethe shows ultimately seem to serve for most of us in the undersociety is that they make us feel better about NOT being rich and awful! It's almost sad that they're so oblivious. How can they not see it?!


Normally I can't stand manufactured angst, but I'm fascinated by this weird social experiment.

Edited by melissel
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I don't :D but my sister does. She told me that they are going to do a New Jersey one. Wouldn't it be a hoot if they asked you, Melissa!:lol:


Bwaaahahahaha!!! :lol::lol::lol:


I heard about the NJ one. This can only do very bad things to NJ's already tarnished reputation. Of course I won't watch it. (May 12 May 12 May 12!)




So far, my favorite moment from this current season is when the Countess (who has written a book called Class with the Countess, of course), went to a Boys & Girls Club in the Bronx to discuss and model self-esteem to the girls. When one girl mentioned she wanted to be a model when she grew up, the classy countess told her that was great and that she was only 10, so she had plenty of time to lose the weight. Countess: 1, Self-Esteem: 0 The NJ women will have to go pretty far to beat that :rolleyes:

Edited by melissel
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I watched the first season of NY, but I've not watched much of this season.


I heard the Countess and her Count have separated, but I can't remember where I heard this.


Yeah, I happened across an interview with her and it seems to be true. That's very sad for her. What a terrible thing to suffer, and even worse to suffer on national TV.

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I am absolutely a ...fan...This is frequently a source of discussion around here as I really think Bethenny is smart and lovely but he thinks the Countess is fabulous. What can I say? Too many years around eurotrash , I know what I know...Seriously is anyone else really creeped by Ramona and Mario and their complete disregard for civility? And what of Simon and Alex is that a circumstance of "odd bedfellows" or what? It is really interesting and ultimately tragic that these ladies believe their public image is anything but grotesque. I mean that strictly in the academic sense of the word. What praytell does it say about me that I simultaneously loathe and relish my time with the Real Housewives??? Too late for deep thought here.

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I am absolutely a ...fan...This is frequently a source of discussion around here as I really think Bethenny is smart and lovely but he thinks the Countess is fabulous. What can I say? Too many years around eurotrash , I know what I know...Seriously is anyone else really creeped by Ramona and Mario and their complete disregard for civility? And what of Simon and Alex is that a circumstance of "odd bedfellows" or what? It is really interesting and ultimately tragic that these ladies believe their public image is anything but grotesque. I mean that strictly in the academic sense of the word. What praytell does it say about me that I simultaneously loathe and relish my time with the Real Housewives??? Too late for deep thought here.


Well, crap. Now I have to turn it to Bravo and peek at the marathon.

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They're not "real" housewives.


I want to see them show a real housewife's life. The mess, endless chores, limited budget, errands, commitments, and so forth. I guess that's not entertaining though. :tongue_smilie:


Nah, I live that. Why would I waste my time watching it on TV too?!

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They're not "real" housewives.


I want to see them show a real housewife's life. The mess, endless chores, limited budget, errands, commitments, and so forth. I guess that's not entertaining though. :tongue_smilie:



ha ... as someone who lives a bit to close to the "OC" I can tell you that YES the Real Wives of the OC are very much as they are shown on the show!

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Oh, alright!


I see your Housewives and I raise you Keeping up with the Kardashians.:lol: There I said it. I can't get enough of the Kardashians and Bruce Jenners botoxed face.:D



Are the Kardashians one of those families who are famous for being famous, or have any of them actually done something and I'm just out of touch?

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I have an illness. I simply cannot. look. away. from this awful Real Housewives of NYC show. I've never watched the others, but I guess because I can identify more with the NYC lifestyle, I got hooked on this one. These people are so incredibly awful, it takes my breath away. Yet I can't turn it off.


I'm sure I'm the only one here. So embarrassing!




*embarrassed* Guilty as charged... I got hooked watching the OC version. I feel soooo shocked at their outrageous behavior and often my mouth is hanging OPEN as I watch... and say to myself, "Oh NO -- she didn't!". It is like watching a trainwreck in slow motion. I love Bethany. Not so crazy over the new gal, Kelly. I DVR it -- and end up watching it late at night. Eeeek.

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They're not "real" housewives.


I want to see them show a real housewife's life. The mess, endless chores, limited budget, errands, commitments, and so forth. I guess that's not entertaining though. :tongue_smilie:


Oh but they did! The countess' maid went home for a month (central america or somewhere) and she told her when she came back how happy she was she was home. And then went on how hard it was without her as she (the countess) had to do all the cooking and laundry and everything "And you know how I hate doing laundry!" she said.


It sounded like it was a really rough month for her. In the Hamptons. :rolleyes:

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*embarrassed* Guilty as charged... I got hooked watching the OC version. I feel soooo shocked at their outrageous behavior and often my mouth is hanging OPEN as I watch... and say to myself, "Oh NO -- she didn't!". It is like watching a trainwreck in slow motion. I love Bethany. Not so crazy over the new gal, Kelly. I DVR it -- and end up watching it late at night. Eeeek.


My sister got me watching. I'm not a regular viewer, but if I see that it's on I must watch. It's like Pretty Woman. I don't think I've ever been able to change the chanel when I've come across it on tv. I've only seen the NY season once, but I could probably answer some trivia questions about the OC seasons and perhaps ATL as well. I can't help but think, none of it could REALLY be real... but I keep watching.

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I've been watching. It just proves that there is a segment of society that is out of touch with most of the real world....or just stuck in their own world. I have to say that I do like the Countess the best though. She tries to be both "proper" AND REAL. She tries to reach out. She sees her "status" as something that comes with responsibility and that it's not all about her. And Jill cracks me up!

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*pointing and laughing at you* :lol:















Now I'll come sit next to you and enjoy a good brain-numbing episode. :001_huh: Yes, I'm a watcher too. I have to catch up on my NY housewives - I was out of town and still have last week's episode on my recorder.

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Oh, alright!


I see your Housewives and I raise you Keeping up with the Kardashians.:lol: There I said it. I can't get enough of the Kardashians and Bruce Jenners botoxed face.:D

I am right there w/you. On the Housewife end, I love the NYers. They just say it like it is.

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Oh, alright!


I see your Housewives and I raise you Keeping up with the Kardashians.:lol: There I said it. I can't get enough of the Kardashians and Bruce Jenners botoxed face.:D


OMG totally me too!


I watch all of the housewives (the Orange County ones, the Atlanta ones, and the New York ones . . . and I'll be front and center at the New Jersey debut as well) and the Kardashians are just a hilarious train wreck I can't stop watching.


I use my dvr and watch late late LATE at night so no one else has to suffer my illness with me . . . but I'm totally addicted.


How much fun would it be to be so oblivious!?:tongue_smilie:

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(Hanging head).


Although...I've quit, cold turkey.


My favorites are Jill (of course!) and Bethenney. ("So...you come from a place of 'no'.")


But you know what gets me, as someone trying desperately to get a book published? Three of them getting book deals. Just because they're on this show. It's too much.


The parents of preschoolers putting out a book on parenting. The Countess (who points out everyone's faux pas--the height of bad manners, IMO) writing a book on etiquette.


Just because they're famous.


(But yes...I've been hypnotized, too, lol.)

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How much fun would it be to be so oblivious!?:tongue_smilie:


I live for the day when what to wear at a photo shoot is my biggest dilemma!:lol: And that Khloe Kardashian, boy can she curse like a sailor! She is my favorite Kardashian.

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OMG! The NYC Housewives positively mesmerize me! That creepy Simon with his creepy wife and kids! Yikes. I hate reality tv, but for some reason, I just cannot look away when I'm channel surfing and come across that show.


Keeping up with the Kardashians is similarly freaky, but mostly because Bruce Jenner , who is now the poster boy for BAAAD plastic surgery, lays around all day in track suits, flying remote-controlled helicopters and whining about his family. ICK!



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Oh, alright!


I see your Housewives and I raise you Keeping up with the Kardashians.:lol: There I said it. I can't get enough of the Kardashians and Bruce Jenners botoxed face.:D




OMG did you see Bruce's colonoscopy?!!! EEWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Bruce Jenner is the posterboy for BAAAD plastic surgery! And hair plugs!


UGH, it's so awful! And yet I cannot look away!!!



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OMG did you see Bruce's colonoscopy?!!! EEWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Bruce Jenner is the posterboy for BAAAD plastic surgery! And hair plugs!


UGH, it's so awful! And yet I cannot look away!!!






Did you see the episode where Khloe calls him crazy and old?:lol: Girlfriend kills me.


My husband calls Bruce Captain Plastic.:lol: My husband doesn't watch it with me, but he has seen it in passing, he would want you to know that.;)

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Did you see the episode where Khloe calls him crazy and old?:lol: Girlfriend kills me.


My husband calls Bruce Captain Plastic.:lol: My husband doesn't watch it with me, but he has seen it in passing, he would want you to know that.;)



CAPTAIN PLASTIC!!!!!!!!!! Now THAT is funny!! Tell your dh I applaud creativity!


Yes, I saw Khloe call him crazy and old!! Did you see him try and explain what a colonoscopy is to his two bio-kids? "where the poopy comes out" ROFLOL!!!


Or the one where they decided it would be "fun" to have chickens?!

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Oh, alright!


I see your Housewives and I raise you Keeping up with the Kardashians.:lol: There I said it. I can't get enough of the Kardashians and Bruce Jenners botoxed face.:D


I really don't know poker lingo....but I'm goin' all in with...


























Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders...Making the Team.


I've watched the marathons of 2 seasons late, late at night. I was so tired I doubted my sanity but I could not turn it off.

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I really don't know poker lingo....but I'm goin' all in with...


























Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders...Making the Team.


I've watched the marathons of 2 seasons late, late at night. I was so tired I doubted my sanity but I could not turn it off.


Oh, dear. *gulp* I have to admit to this, too.:tongue_smilie:


What can I say, my husband works crazy hours and a lot of overtime. Late night trash TV keeps me entertained. That Kelly lady is hard-core. Being a DCC is no joke!

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CAPTAIN PLASTIC!!!!!!!!!! Now THAT is funny!! Tell your dh I applaud creativity!


Yes, I saw Khloe call him crazy and old!! Did you see him try and explain what a colonoscopy is to his two bio-kids? "where the poopy comes out" ROFLOL!!!


Or the one where they decided it would be "fun" to have chickens?!


Yes! He is a piece of work.:D

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Oh, dear. *gulp* I have to admit to this, too.:tongue_smilie:


What can I say, my husband works crazy hours and a lot of overtime. Late night trash TV keeps me entertained. That Kelly lady is hard-core. Being a DCC is no joke!


:lol: hard -core!!!! :lol:


That is so true. Her attitude is what makes me sit there with my mouth hanging open.

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Yes, yes I have watched them all!!!:blushing:


Usually I watch by myself, because dh gives me a hard time. I can't help it, they're addicting.


Could you believe it when Ramona was talking to the Gov. of New York & comparing her sight to his???? I had to tell dh about that one!

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I like the women of NY, except Kelly who is really subnormal. They are all faulty but endearing (except Kelly). OC women are boring (I like Vicki though) and they all look the same to me. Jeanna's sons are awful, her daughter is a gem. Lynn's daughters are shaping up to be useless. Sorry, Lynn is no kickboxer. Tamra is like a mean chihuahua. Gretchen, well, she snorts too much.


Atlanta...everyone there is a hot mess. I am so addicted.

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I really don't know poker lingo....but I'm goin' all in with...


























Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders...Making the Team.


I've watched the marathons of 2 seasons late, late at night. I was so tired I doubted my sanity but I could not turn it off.


Shoot! Is nothing private around here? I totally heart that show. I love the Kitty lady they bring in to whip their dancing into shape. She's so mean and nasty and I LOVE IT!!!


Oh, the shame. I'm a slave to reality tv. :tongue_smilie:

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*gulp* Okay, I confess. I was sick a lot this winter, so while stuck on the couch, I got sucked into the whole Housewives drama.


Should be start a Housewives social group? :001_rolleyes:


(My all-time favorite episode so far was Kelly going crazy on Bethanny in the restaurant. Oh my goodness!)


I have to watch it when dh is not around. He *hates* it!! Thank goodness I can DVR it.


My girls think this whole thing is hilarious, as it is way out of character for me to even *watch* TV much, let alone shows like Housewives. LOL


ETA: I am really laughing over this whole thread, because I was going to post this very question, but I figured I'd get laughed off the board.

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