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To Kill A Mockingbird

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Guess what my sil named my nephew?




(Although his middle name is Geronimo, and he goes by Mo, but that's a whole 'nother story. . . . . )


For a gift, when he was born, my dd16 did a beautiful picture frame, with the quote about courage from the book (I don't know it word for word, sorry!) - sil loved it, which is really saying something.


I think the book has even more meaning for me, after moving down South.

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I have to admit I've never read the book-until now. I just finished it. It's possible that it's the best book I have ever read. I haven't read anything in a long time that has moved me like this one has.



I'm 47, and I just read the book two weeks ago for the first time (all three of my dd's have read and reread the book). I was left with a feeling of awe. Not only was the writing and story compelling, but the levels of complexity in the relationships, emotions, characters, etc. Truly inspiring.


I also found myself envious of Atticus's calm parenting style. He had such confidence that all the "bad" stuff the kids did was temporary. Before kids, I thought I would be that way. Nope, didn't happen.



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I have to admit I've never read the book-until now. I just finished it. It's possible that it's the best book I have ever read. I haven't read anything in a long time that has moved me like this one has.

Just wanted to share!



That's one of my top five favorite books. If there's anyone around when I'm reading it, I keep reading passages aloud and saying, "How did she learn to write like that?"


Strangely, the first time I started reading it, it just didn't grab me, and I put it away. Later, when I tried again, I was incredibly impressed and moved. I guess I was too young to appreciate it the first time.



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I'm so looking forward to when Diva is mature enough to read this book! She could handle the language no problem now, but she's not mature enough for the subject matter yet. I love this book, and heartily agree...Its one of the very few times I've ever had to debate about if the movie might actually be as good as the book! Gregory Peck...*sigh*


Absolutely wonderful!:001_smile:

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One of my favorites too. I haven't read it in a while. What would be an appropriate general age to do this as a read aloud with ds? He is just turned 9....is that too young?


I would think that 9 is way to young to read about rape and incest. If it were just about racial tension, no --- but the other subject matters are just to intense for a young child, imho.

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I would think that 9 is way to young to read about rape and incest. If it were just about racial tension, no --- but the other subject matters are just to intense for a young child, imho.


I agree.


I think the earliest I've seen it taught is 8th grade. Most wait to teach it in 9th and 10th grades.

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I just read it for the first time a couple of months ago and was so sad it ended. I took my 10yo kids skiing the day after I finished it and spent the whole hour long drive reliving it for them and they were spellbound in the telling of it. It was one of the easiest books I to narrate.

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I had never read this book and never had a desire to read it --- until just a couple months ago --- and I thoroughly enjoyed it - couldn't put it down, and was sorry when it ended. We had an opportunity to see a live performance recently but missed it due to unforeseen circumstances. I'll have to catch the movie since several on this thread have highly recommended it.:001_smile:

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It's been awhile since I read it, but I loved it too. I remember thinking after that that I wanted to read more books like that, but had no idea where to find them. I was a wierdo in school, though, in that I loved most of the books we had to read in Lit class and read ahead in all of them.

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