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weird people in your neighborhood...this tops it for me

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so I was closing the blinds to the front window and saw a flashlight across the street. A man(obviously not my neighbor) is walking around the side of the house....comes around front flashing light in the windows/front door...moves around to the other side and goes through the gate. I see the flashlight shining inside from where he's shining it through the back glass door! He proceeds around the other side and then back up front. crosses the yard where he gets into his car. At this point I realize the car is blocking our driveway.


I go outside at this point to write down the license plate.


he drives off a minute later and goes left....which goes farther back into the neighborhood.


I didn't call the police b/c it happened so fast what point would it serve?


But it's weird right? I rarely see this neighbor, but plan to tell him and give him the plate # so he can do as he wishes.


We have a lock on our gate that requires a key to get in...and now I am glad we do!

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I would have called the police, too. In fact, since you have the license plate number, you could still make the call, just so the police can check to see what was going on.


In our neighborhood, heaven forbid if a strange car parks on the street and the person sits inside for too long. (Hello -- 911!) If the car is old or beat up, the police are on their way within minutes. Our neighbors are very vigilant about watching for strangers, and while some people might think we're all a bit extreme, it keeps us all feeling safe, and our local police always encourage us to call them if we see anything at all unusual or suspicious.



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I'd call the police, too.


I called 911 last summer when I noticed two people using a crowbar to get into the house across the street. Turns out, they were the owners, who'd been out of state for the previous year. Why they had no key is a mystery to me, but the police were there within minutes, questioning them.

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the neighbors got home and said their alarm had gone off...so perhaps it was an undercover policeman.


still, weird. It wasn't a police car...


That sounds reasonable. Unless, of course, the man with the flash light was the one who tripped the alarm in the first place.


Anyway, the license should be easy enough for the neighbors to check. You've been a help, and they can decide what to do from there.

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Am I really reading what I'm reading? You really and truly did not call the police? I don't mean to sound rude, but I think that was really, really dumb of you. If that were me (you) I would have been in my house and on the phone. I completely doubt that he was an undercover policeman. Wow, truly, I'm glad you're not my neighbor.

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I'd call the non-emergency number and report it. They may put your mind at ease or at least be alerted to possible criminal behavior in your area.


ime, Walking outside if it is safe with your phone in hand and calling in a report can send many a wacko or criminal on their way. Fleeing is often a good sign someone is up to no good.

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I would have called the police and given the license plate number. When I was a child there was a series of burglaries in a very wealthy neighborhood not far from where I grew (but a world away). It turned out the burglar was a man who lived in the neighborhood. By his familiarity, he had gotten to know everyone's habits and everyone's security system (I remember this part because having a security system was so foreign to my upbringing).


You can probably still report this. Even if it's nothing now, it might be good to have it on their radar later --but hopefully it's unneeded info.

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Am I really reading what I'm reading? You really and truly did not call the police? I don't mean to sound rude, but I think that was really, really dumb of you. If that were me (you) I would have been in my house and on the phone. I completely doubt that he was an undercover policeman. Wow, truly, I'm glad you're not my neighbor.


I bet she's glad you aren't her neighbor too.

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Am I really reading what I'm reading? You really and truly did not call the police? I don't mean to sound rude, but I think that was really, really dumb of you. If that were me (you) I would have been in my house and on the phone. I completely doubt that he was an undercover policeman. Wow, truly, I'm glad you're not my neighbor.


Harsh and unnecessary.

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I think you've just witnessed their house being cased for a break in. They were prob. checking to see what kind of TV and stuff they had, and how easy of a hit it would be.

I had a similar experience with being a s*cky neighbor. I watched my neighbors house get robbed, and was so naive that I didn't realize it until the alarm went off a minute later.


Criminals are brazen (this was in the daytime!), totally casual about it, and work quickly.


If it were me, I would call the regular police department phone # (it isn't an emergency at this point) and tell them what you saw. I'm guessing that they'll laugh at you if you tell them you think it could be someone looking for their kitty or an undercover police officer, so I would leave those parts out. They may already know the guys using that car, and the car prob. turned down into the neighborhood to either case or rob another house.


Neighborhood watch alert...go get 'em girl!

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Am I really reading what I'm reading? You really and truly did not call the police? I don't mean to sound rude, but I think that was really, really dumb of you. If that were me (you) I would have been in my house and on the phone. I completely doubt that he was an undercover policeman. Wow, truly, I'm glad you're not my neighbor.


well, my dh and I talked about it. I could call, but first I wanted to talk to the neighbor. What if he sent a friend over to check on his dog while he was out of town? This person knew where the gate was and walked through it.


The neighbor got home less than 10 minutes later and when we talked he was clearly uninterested and seemed to think me being nosy. They didn't want the license plate info!!!


I wanted to call but it was over and done and dh said to keep the info and let the neighbor know first in case it was someone he asked to come over. I kept the curtain open and watched until they got home...which wasn't much later.


I am a pretty nosy neighbor in the sense I am home all day and see who's normal and who's not as far as walking around. OBVIOUSLY, if the man busted a window and entered the house I would call the police. OBVIOUSLY if he went inside the house and left his car blocking my driveway I would have called the police. I did not call first thing b/c I was accessing the situation and dh said to wait to talk to them since nothing bad had happened. he looked, he left. And then the neighbor could have cared less when I said this person went in his yard. so apparently he was glad I didn't call the police!

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Am I really reading what I'm reading? You really and truly did not call the police? I don't mean to sound rude, but I think that was really, really dumb of you. If that were me (you) I would have been in my house and on the phone. I completely doubt that he was an undercover policeman. Wow, truly, I'm glad you're not my neighbor.



That's a bit rude, don't you think? Perhaps the feeling is mutual.

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We have police that live in our neighborhood...so maybe a local officer that lives around there was there to see what triggered the alarm...or maybe it was a bad guy and he triggered it!


I know how it feels to not want to call the police...I feel kinda silly sometimes when I've had to call b/c I keep thinking it's just no big deal and they are going to think I'm over reacting. And kinda regretful when I haven't and maybe should have. My dh was a firefighter and the emergency service guys get a rush from having calls to make and don't mind one bit! Even if it is nothing...they get to drive fast and turn on the lights sometimes even if all they do is turn around. :001_smile: That's their job. And they don't talk about or make fun of "false alarms" either. I promise! It just rolls off like all the rest of the false alarms.


Next time, I'd call though..in fact, I'd call and tell them you just want the info logged...your house could be next on the list and having the info already there is an excellent start to helping you and everyone else around.


To the rude poster, I hope you never have an uncertain or scary moment where you second guess yourself and your responses...your lack of consideration and cooth may come back and bite you...hard. I really want to say some very harsh/mean/sarcastic things back to you as well...but some of us have self-control. Hopefully, you were just having a brain fart and aren't really that cold.

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Am I really reading what I'm reading? You really and truly did not call the police? I don't mean to sound rude, but I think that was really, really dumb of you. If that were me (you) I would have been in my house and on the phone. I completely doubt that he was an undercover policeman. Wow, truly, I'm glad you're not my neighbor.


It never ceases to amaze me what other people will say online. Would love to see this comment made face to face. :glare:


I think you did the right thing waiting for the neighbor since the guy DID leave and all. I am like you...I watch for things that are weird, but I don't want to go calling the police and reporting stuff when I am not even sure of what happened. How totally weird that the neighbor didn't care!:001_huh:

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We were helping our son chase a pet rabbit the other night, and we ended up in several people's yards. I hoped no one would meet me with a shot gun. :)


After 20 minutes, we gave up running around. I just thought it was sweet that after a tiring night at martial arts, and before eating dinner (at 9:00 at night), he would even care enough about a neighbor to try to catch their bunny.


Hopefully that was all it was, but I would still call the police. If the person is innocent -- has a good reason, no harm done. :) If not, you've helped your neighbor. :)

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Oh, this reminds me. My mother and father-in-law were freaking out one night because they saw someone walking around their property with a flashlight. After a while, they called the cops. Immediately, someone rang the doorbell. It was the police man who had the flashlight. The local police office called as well to confirm.


Turns out, a neghbor had called on some suspicious behavior, and the policeman was checking it out. :)

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The neighbor got home less than 10 minutes later and when we talked he was clearly uninterested and seemed to think me being nosy. They didn't want the license plate info!!!.....



That's unusual. It sounds like your neighbor may not have been surprised that someone was on his property looking in his windows. Something may be going on that he isn't telling his neighbors about.

Sometimes people put their house up for sell but do not display a "for sale" sign. That's one possibility; that his house is "for sale" and the stranger was a potential buyer.

Or did something happen on the property or in the house and the stranger was an investigator? Very mysterious. I think I've been listening to my daughter talk about the Nancy Drew books she's read for too long now. :001_smile:

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The neighbor got home less than 10 minutes later and when we talked he was clearly uninterested and seemed to think me being nosy. They didn't want the license plate info!! .... And then the neighbor could have cared less when I said this person went in his yard. so apparently he was glad I didn't call the police!


Wow, that sounds a little fishy to me. I wonder what your neighbor has inside his house that he would prefer to keep private from the police...


If it were me, I would be very happy that you had taken the time to get the license plate number of the car for me, and I would have contacted the police immediately. I would have also told you that if anything like that ever happened again, to please call the police right away, because no one should be wandering around the yard, looking into windows with a flashlight. I would have been very glad you got involved and went to the trouble of watching my house when I wasn't at home.


As it is, it sounds like you would have upset this particular neighbor if you called the police, and I can't help but wonder why they reacted the way they did. (I wouldn't ask them, though!)


Save the license plate number in case you hear about anything bad happening in the area, and keep your eyes open for anything else that looks suspicious. I would also warn your other neighbors to be vigilant, because nosy neighbors can prevent a lot of crime.



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My mother periodically reports suspicious activity to the police and requests periodic drive-throughs, when she attends neighborhood watch meetings. My parents have had break-ins of cars on their street several times (including smashed windows on theirs), and some years back someone broke in to a neighbor's house while they were home and assaulted them, so she takes this stuff seriously. She does not live in a skanky neighborhood at all -- people know they might have decent stuff. It's good to have a nosy neighbor when the nosy neighbor is looking out for safety. It's odd that your neighbor doesn't care. But if you are uncomfortable having someone peering through your windows at night (!) then I'd call the police. There are sex offender issues here too as well as property owners. I've read my fair share in the local newspaper about men outside the window at 2 AM watching someone undress. Yuck

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How well do you know this neighbor? I would appreciate a neighbor looking after my house. I'm confused why your neighbor didn't seem concerned about someone lurking in their yard. Does this neighbor have a meth lab in their basement? I'm joking of course, but it is odd that they didn't want you to call the police. I guess some folks don't think that their house could ever be broken into.

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I'd definitely call the police! It's not too late to do so. You can't assume it was an undercover policeman.


We shouldn't be too cautious about helping a fellow neighbor or person, even if we don't know all the facts, or the person for that matter. The other day I was in the store with my 10 y/o son (who is small for his age). My husband knew we were at the store and he playfully snuck up behind my son, whisking him away. I had turned to look for something on the shelf and when I turned around to ask my son if he found what we were looking for, it was that split second of turning my back that my son was gone. There was a man standing there looking at me funny, but he didn't say a word! He saw my husband whisk my son away and he could have said something, but he said nothing. My husband came back to me and pointed out how easy it was to snatch my son, right in front of a stranger who was watching! I felt terrible! My son said that at first he didn't know it was his dad b/c it was so fast and he had come up behind him. It really bothered me that the man watching didn't say anything to me at all, even when he saw me looking for my son. Now I tell my son to help me push the cart in the store instead of walking a few steps behind me. It still bothers me that the man didn't say anything at all. He just looked at me funny and left. To me, it was a harsh reminder that I need to be even more vigilant.


My point is that it's better to be cautious and watch out for each other, even if in the end it's nothing to worry about.

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It really bothered me that the man watching didn't say anything to me at all, even when he saw me looking for my son.


I'm glad you posted that. It's amazing that the man saw you looking for your son and never said a word. I mean, I know people don't always want to get involved, but that was just awful! What if it had been a real emergency situation???


Well, maybe the guy walked out to the parking lot and someone had hit his car and driven away, and none of the witnesses bothered to leave a note... you know... because they didn't want to get involved.


I just think that guy was unbelievable. What kind of idiot would stand by and not say anything when there was even a remote possibility that a child was in danger?!?!?!



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Ok, I see this guy a few times a week outside stacking up boxes from his business for trash day. He has a live in girlfriend and a son who's there from time to time(my ds's age). They keep to themselves. Once in a blue moon he will hang outside with us and chat. It's rare though. He seems nice enough. They don't get a lot of visitors over so I don't think he's dealing Meth out of his home ;-) Her aunt babysits once a month.


so to me, pretty normal busy family.


I will say when I walked over last night when they had just gotten home.....the girlfriend was in her robe :001_huh: kinda weird to get out of the car in a bathrobe.....


but that is another thing to ponder, lol

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I think you did the right thing waiting for the neighbor since the guy DID leave and all. I am like you...I watch for things that are weird, but I don't want to go calling the police and reporting stuff when I am not even sure of what happened. How totally weird that the neighbor didn't care!:001_huh:


This guy has the firetrucks show up a lot when he son purposely turns the alarm on, so I don't like to call the cops on people right away. I like to save my calls up for the backyard neighbors who shoot off firecrackers during the dry summer up against the houses and I need the cops to come right away. I dont want to be the caller they ignore you know?

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They don't get a lot of visitors over so I don't think he's dealing Meth out of his home ;-)


Well, that may only mean he's not the most successful dealer in the world... ;)



I will say when I walked over last night when they had just gotten home.....the girlfriend was in her robe :001_huh: kinda weird to get out of the car in a bathrobe.....



Maybe she had some sort of medical emergency or something. If the guy was worried about his girlfriend, it might explain why he didn't seem to care about the stranger in his yard.


Or maybe they're just nuts! ;):D



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If the neighbour didn't seem concerned but didn't identify the person immediately as a dog sitter, friend, potential buyer or whatever, I'd immediately assume that he had something in the house that he'd prefer not to be seen. You'd be amazed how many grow ops police stumble on that way.


You really don't want that sort of thing in your neighbourhood.


I'd have reported it and would still report it for the sake of the neighbourhood if not the sake of the neighbour.

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