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Ear ringing/Tinnitus-Anyone have this, or know someone who had it, and it went away?

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I keep reading @ people having this start one day and have it for life. Are there people out there who have this and it goes away? I'd love to hear success stories.


I am not dealing well with this at all. I can't sleep, can't eat and have lost 5#s since Friday. My heart keeps pounding and I feel shaky. I don't know what I am suppsed to do now. Ignore it? HOW?



Coudl you please pray for me? Pray that this will simply go away . I am really struggling with why me. I have had enough health issues in the last year that this is just too much .


UPDATE: I went to an ENT yesterday and he thinks it's stressed inducded as he couldn't see aything wrong ith my ears. Now what do I do? I heard the more stressed you get the worse it can be, which kind of makes sense as it's the quietest in the morning. But the longer the day goes on the more upset I get @ this, the LOUDER the noise gets! HOW am I to not stress?


He is going to do a high decible hearing test next week and then possibly an MRI, but he said it will most likely either go away on it's own or I will get used to it. So otherwords he has no clue. I feel completely helpless.

Edited by Quiver0f10
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I have had it before. It was at a time when I was already highly stressed about some health issues. The ringing started and of course, I googled it. And like you I thought I may have it long term. Turns out, I had a build up of wax in my ears. The doctor cleaned my ears out and the ringing went away. That was about 2 years ago. It happened again a few weeks ago and sure enough, I had a build up of wax again.

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I have had it for years. It doesn't look like it's going away. But I have found some things that help to improve it:


1. Getting lots of sleep. (8-9 hours)

2. Treating allergies that cause fluid build-up in my ear. (I use a Rhinocort, nasal steroid spray, seasonally.)

3. Cutting WAY back on the amount of sugar I eat. This helps a LOT!

4. Cutting WAY back on the amount of sodium I eat.


Hopefully these will help improve things for you as well.

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Yes and No. I was lying in bed last night listening to the ringing and wondering how you were doing. I have a sinus issue right now too and the ringing is pretty bad, it is a lot less when I don't feel stuffy.


I keep a clock that ticks beside my bed. It helps me focus on something else.


Mine never really goes away but I think that is more a side effect of radiation tx years ago, I never had ear infections before that either.


Prayers here. :grouphug:

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I have had it since 8th grade. The only way I survive, and especially sleep, is to utilize "white noise". I run an all room air filter 24 hrs. a day. My house can never be completely quiet or I feel almost panicky.


Keep looking for the source with your doctor, especially if this is unusual for you.


Hope you feel better soon!


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Jean, did you discuss the tinnitus with the Dr.? What did he say? I really think this is related to your sinus problem. Sinuses & ears are kinda joint structures (Hence the specialty Ears, Nose, & Throat Dr.). I think once your sinus clears up your tinnitus will too. It is scary to think it might not go away, but for most people it does. Are you keeping some background music on to mask it? Do you have an MP3 player you could listen to something at night (on very low volume) Or even during the day? I've had some brief bouts of tinnitus (and extended bouts of other ear noise problems) and I really feel for you having an extended bout. It is not fun. ((())))) Jacqui

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My MIL has been struggling with this for two years now. I would honestly get a referral for an ENT asap if this happened to me. Some of the damage she has they thought could have been avoided with faster expert help.


She has been going to an atlas chiropractor and doing accupuncture with some success now. She has exhausted her options as far as western medicine is concerned. She has also done lots of different diets (like avoiding MSG) to help. She's lost a lot of weight and at times has been very depressed and anxious with the issue. I hope that yours clears up quickly. It can be very debilitating.

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UPDATE:I went to an ENT yesterday and he thinks it's stressed inducded as he couldn't see aything wrong ith my ears. Now what do I do? I heard the more stressed you get the worse it can be, which kind of makes sense as it's the quietest in the morning. But the longer the day goes on the more upset I get @ this, the LOUDER the noise gets! HOW am I to not stress?


He is going to do a high decible hearing test next week and then possibly an MRI, but he said it will most likely either go away on it's own or I will get used to it. So otherwords he has no clue. I feel completely helpless.

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Are you talking about a low high pitch ringging noise in your ears. I have had this for years and learned to ignore it. If you concentrate on it, it will get louder and annoy you.

I do have allergies and sinus issues and had it so long I couldn't tell you when it started. However it has made me more sensitive and can tell the difference between it and the high pitch ringing noises of electronic stuff around the house. Those I can hunt down and unplug or turn off. I have a air filter in bedroom for white noise to sleep.


I don't know what to tell you except to learn to ignore it, if you discover it isn't a medical issue causing it.


Take care.

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I am surprised by how many of us have had or have this. I had it once so loud that I thought that the neighborhood crickets had gone mad. When I realized that it was just me hearing it and that it wasn't stopping it was unsettling. It lasted several days. I googled it, too. I had some luck with warm olive oil drops to sooth the ears and sort of hush the noise. Mine seems to come and go, too. They are buzzing now. It seems like sinus congestion and my neck out-of-whack are factors. There may also be a connection to my migraines...I plan to cut out all the caffeine and give the 1 -2 -3 headache plan a chance(when this last container of coffee runs out). I am praying here that yours calms itself and lets you get some rest!

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I had this once for about six weeks. I never knew what started it or why it went away. It was terrible, though. My heart goes out to all of you who have it chronically.


I hope you find the cause and are able to get rid of this Quiverof10.



Did you do anything different after it started that might have helped it go away? Where you on any medication at the time that you stopped? Ear infection etc? I would LOVE for mine to simply go away!

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I am surprised by how many of us have had or have this.


I,too, am amazed by this! From what I have been reading there is something like 60 MILLION Americans suffering from this. There is no known cure and for some lucky folks it goes away, but the rest have to just put up with it. The ones that seem to go away are medical related like taking certain meds, when you stop it will clear up, after ear infections or ear wax etc. When they can't find a cause you are usually stuck with it. I am praying the Lord removes this frome as I am NO doing well at all. I am an absolute wreck. Please tell me how to simply ingore it so I can move on with life.

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I have lived with this since I was 10. Mine has gone along with a gradual loss of hearing, which has progressed to the point of my needing hearing aids. At 3-4K for digital ones, that just isn't going to happen anytime soon.

(Hey, but maybe next year!) :001_smile:


My ENT has told me to lay off caffeine, reduce stress (ha, ha), sugar, sodium, etc. The ringing is worse when I am in a room with fluorescent lights that "hum". My ds, an IE major, said that they studied this in one of his classes, and I am not imagining things! The "hum" does affect my hearing.

So Jean, stay away from those humming fluorescent lights! ;)


Honestly, I have learned to ignore the ringing for the most part. It does help to listen to some soft music when I cannot ignore it! I also try to get busy doing something physical, like playing my cello or quilting. I guess I am combating noise with noise.


I definitely know what you are dealing with, and I will be praying for a quick end to this maddening thorn in the flesh!



Yvonne in AL

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I have lived with this since I was 10. Mine has gone along with a gradual loss of hearing, which has progressed to the point of my needing hearing aids. At 3-4K for digital ones, that just isn't going to happen anytime soon.

(Hey, but maybe next year!) :001_smile:


My ENT has told me to lay off caffeine, reduce stress (ha, ha), sugar, sodium, etc. The ringing is worse when I am in a room with fluorescent lights that "hum". My ds, an IE major, said that they studied this in one of his classes, and I am not imagining things! The "hum" does affect my hearing.

So Jean, stay away from those humming fluorescent lights! ;)


Honestly, I have learned to ignore the ringing for the most part. It does help to listen to some soft music when I cannot ignore it! I also try to get busy doing something physical, like playing my cello or quilting. I guess I am combating noise with noise.


I definitely know what you are dealing with, and I will be praying for a quick end to this maddening thorn in the flesh!



Yvonne in AL


Thank you for the prayers! I am hopeful that HE will remove this from me.

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Do you have any updates for us? How are you doing? I think & pray for you a lot on this issue. Jacqui


Thank you so much for praying for me! I know He can stop the ringing instantly and I am waiting on Him. In the meantime, I am getting used to it some. I am able to sleep some nights ( last night was a bad night:() and if I am busy it's in the back ground.


I am thinking it might be related to TMJ/D and am seeing a dentist on Thursday.


I appreciate your continued prayers! :grouphug:

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This is not medical advice. It is anecdotal information.


When I was a licensed massage therapist, I found that many of my patients who were suffering from tinnitus also had muscle spasms in their sternocleidomastoid muscles (SCM), By gently working these muscles, many of them experienced some degree of relief. For some, the relief was long lasting. For others merely palliative, but when it's your palliation, even an hour can seem like a Godsend.


The SCM makes a long, narrow triangle shape from the corner of the top of the sternum near the notch, out along the upper edge of the clavicle, and then sweeps up to the mastoid process, the round, lumpy bone behind the ear. If a person lies down, face up, placing the opposite hand on the neck below the jaw area, and begins to lift their head toward the ceiling, the SCM will contract like a cord under the fingers.


This is one of the muscles that keeps your head hooked on! So if you are often about to lose your head, you may have SCM troubles. Seriously, if you spend a lot of time with the phone cradled to your ear by one shoulder or any other similar activities, your SCM can develop problems. If you strain and lift heavy loads improperly, pulling with your neck and shoulders, you could also have SCM trouble. Carrying heavy loads, purses, or children can also cause SCM strain.


This muscle is often very tender in most people. Gentle massage, rolling, or squeezing between the fingers can help relieve the spasms. Patients often felt relief when gentle pressure massage was applied to the SCM attachment sites along the notch in the "breast bone", along the top edge of the clavicle, and on the mastoid process behind the ear. It is critical to apply the pressure very gently as a chronically spastic or inflamed SCM can be incredibly sensitive to pressure. Both sides should be treated equally.


During treatment, some patients reported an increase in the loudness of the ringing, but this was immediately lessened when treatment stopped. Be careful if you have long fingernails! This is a job for the stubbynailed among us. Many of my patients learned to do the procedure themselves and would do it at home 2 - 3 times per day for about 10 minutes per session. Some got long term relief, others got some short term help, but if it is driving you crazy, then short term is better than no term! HTH


Please consult a physician or other appropriate professional before taking advice from some person you have never met from the internet. I could be a real bean head!

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This is not medical advice. It is anecdotal information.


When I was a licensed massage therapist, I found that many of my patients who were suffering from tinnitus also had muscle spasms in their sternocleidomastoid muscles (SCM), By gently working these muscles, many of them experienced some degree of relief. For some, the relief was long lasting. For others merely palliative, but when it's your palliation, even an hour can seem like a Godsend.


The SCM makes a long, narrow triangle shape from the corner of the top of the sternum near the notch, out along the upper edge of the clavicle, and then sweeps up to the mastoid process, the round, lumpy bone behind the ear. If a person lies down, face up, placing the opposite hand on the neck below the jaw area, and begins to lift their head toward the ceiling, the SCM will contract like a cord under the fingers.


This is one of the muscles that keeps your head hooked on! So if you are often about to lose your head, you may have SCM troubles. Seriously, if you spend a lot of time with the phone cradled to your ear by one shoulder or any other similar activities, your SCM can develop problems. If you strain and lift heavy loads improperly, pulling with your neck and shoulders, you could also have SCM trouble. Carrying heavy loads, purses, or children can also cause SCM strain.


This muscle is often very tender in most people. Gentle massage, rolling, or squeezing between the fingers can help relieve the spasms. Patients often felt relief when gentle pressure massage was applied to the SCM attachment sites along the notch in the "breast bone", along the top edge of the clavicle, and on the mastoid process behind the ear. It is critical to apply the pressure very gently as a chronically spastic or inflamed SCM can be incredibly sensitive to pressure. Both sides should be treated equally.


During treatment, some patients reported an increase in the loudness of the ringing, but this was immediately lessened when treatment stopped. Be careful if you have long fingernails! This is a job for the stubbynailed among us. Many of my patients learned to do the procedure themselves and would do it at home 2 - 3 times per day for about 10 minutes per session. Some got long term relief, others got some short term help, but if it is driving you crazy, then short term is better than no term! HTH


Please consult a physician or other appropriate professional before taking advice from some person you have never met from the internet. I could be a real bean head!


What a great post! :001_smile:



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Honestly? I think from what you mention yours might be Candida related like mine is.


If it is, these things that will help - cut out all sugars, all grains and pasteurized dairy (possibly raw dairy too especially cheese), add magnesium for the stress and Vitamin C for the ear/sinus. There's more that I would suggest but I know how hard it is for many of us to make changes so I am suggesting the most important. If it is Candida related, antibiotics might appear to resolve it only to have the yeast overgrowth come back exponentially or appear so!


Do this (no sugar, no grain, no pasteurized milk, add magnesium, add Vitamin C) for a week or two and see if you improve. I take both magnesium and C and have nearly cut out sugar and grains. I cut out most pasteurize dairy and need to give up any cheese that is pasteurized next. I might even end up giving up raw dairy since it contains lactose and may contribute.


When I have either sugar or grains, I notice pain in my left ear or a wet ear or eczema. I can make that go away with Vitamin C, but if I have grains or sugar again it comes back. You think I might have learned by now to cut out all the grains and sugar, but no I struggle, daily at times!


About a year ago I had Vertigo and ear ringing. For.a.month. A.month.of.no.driving. A.month.of.feeling.nauseous. So far I've been able to remove the Vertigo and ringing, but until I get free of the Candida I feel this is just going to keep recurring. I am transitioning (again) using this site http://www.naturallythriving.com/basics/cfd.php I'm of step 6 of the transitioning foods part, and I already eat mainly a MOVES diet plus the dairy and the condiments. Ds is allergic to nuts so we don't bring them in the house. There are a few things that I do not necessarily agree with in this plan, and that's mainly that I don't think I will eat the seed oils after seeing Sally Fallon of the Weston A Price Foundation speak on the Oiling of America including her showing the results of the research studies on these oils that were mainly new to the 20th century.


I take Natural Calm's brand of magnesium and I get it from Vitacost. Natural Calm with Calcium is one choice, this is the plain magnesium.

I rub magnesium oil on my feet at night, followed by coconut oil, followed by cotton socks especially when stressed. Many of us lack magnesium since it is depleted from our soils and modern farming is generally not replenishing it. Vitaglo also carries Natural Calm but it is more expensive but since shipping is $5 or free of $50 it might not be "more expensive".


I take 2000 mg of Vitamin C per day, but I need 4000 mg or more when I have sugar or grains. I use the NOW brand of Ascorbic Acid, but recently purchase Acerola. Acerola is a great natural source of Vitamin C that is not too acidic or harsh, but it provides 180 mg per teaspoon and I get 2000 mg per 1/2 of Ascorbic Acid and I think I will purchase Vitamin C Complex Powder (there is also an 8 oz. for $9+ ) next since it is milder but provides more Vitamin C per teaspoon so it is more cost effective than Acerola alone. I have taken up to 12000 mg when I had a cold/sinus infection plus I was eating these foods that contribute to the overgrowth of yeast. I wouldn't take that much for a long time though because it can be hard on the stomach and possibly on the liver. 1000 - 2000 mg per day is likely all that is needed if there is no sugar for it to "manage".



Edited by girligirlmom
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I didn't read this in any of the other posts, but there seems to be a connection for some people between tinnitus and metabolic syndrome, or often, full-blown diabetes. The theory is that high levels of insulin in the body can damage the inner ear, specifically the nerves and (if I remember correctly) the little "hairs" that are part of the motion/equilibrium sensing mechanism of the ear. (I wish I were not so bad at describing this, but it's been a long time since I read the studies.)


The point here is that you are doing yourself a favor when you choose a way of eating that isn't high carb --> high insulin production, as having low insulin levels in the body is not as damaging to the delicate tissues in the ear.


I have a family memeber who has been living with tinnitus for a number of years now...it's a wretched nuisance, but not one of the deadlier issues.


I hope you find some help!

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I have had tinnitus for about 4 years. It never stops, but it is worse in the am, I believe due to fluid buildup overnight. I mostly ignore it. When I first got it, I was very frightened that I would go crazy if the noise didn't stop! It is not a big deal now, but I would be happy it went a way! I have had audio tests, normal, and a test where I had to be very still- I think it was like the Baer? one that small children get.


I recently read that there is a treatment that could help 90% of the sufferers, the Neuromonics Tinnitus Treatment-but costs about $5000.http://www.henryfordhealth.org/body.cfm?xyzpdqabc=0&id=46335&action=detail&ref=854 .


I'm going to look into the massage of the SCM- thanks Hillfarm!

Quiver, you will be in my prayers.

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This is not medical advice. It is anecdotal information.


When I was a licensed massage therapist, I found that many of my patients who were suffering from tinnitus also had muscle spasms in their sternocleidomastoid muscles (SCM), By gently working these muscles, many of them experienced some degree of relief. For some, the relief was long lasting. For others merely palliative, but when it's your palliation, even an hour can seem like a Godsend.


The SCM makes a long, narrow triangle shape from the corner of the top of the sternum near the notch, out along the upper edge of the clavicle, and then sweeps up to the mastoid process, the round, lumpy bone behind the ear. If a person lies down, face up, placing the opposite hand on the neck below the jaw area, and begins to lift their head toward the ceiling, the SCM will contract like a cord under the fingers.


This is one of the muscles that keeps your head hooked on! So if you are often about to lose your head, you may have SCM troubles. Seriously, if you spend a lot of time with the phone cradled to your ear by one shoulder or any other similar activities, your SCM can develop problems. If you strain and lift heavy loads improperly, pulling with your neck and shoulders, you could also have SCM trouble. Carrying heavy loads, purses, or children can also cause SCM strain.


This muscle is often very tender in most people. Gentle massage, rolling, or squeezing between the fingers can help relieve the spasms. Patients often felt relief when gentle pressure massage was applied to the SCM attachment sites along the notch in the "breast bone", along the top edge of the clavicle, and on the mastoid process behind the ear. It is critical to apply the pressure very gently as a chronically spastic or inflamed SCM can be incredibly sensitive to pressure. Both sides should be treated equally.


During treatment, some patients reported an increase in the loudness of the ringing, but this was immediately lessened when treatment stopped. Be careful if you have long fingernails! This is a job for the stubbynailed among us. Many of my patients learned to do the procedure themselves and would do it at home 2 - 3 times per day for about 10 minutes per session. Some got long term relief, others got some short term help, but if it is driving you crazy, then short term is better than no term! HTH


Please consult a physician or other appropriate professional before taking advice from some person you have never met from the internet. I could be a real bean head!


Thank you. I am going to mention this to my Dr and then the massage therapist I started seeing this week.

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Honestly? I think from what you mention yours might be Candida related like mine is.


If it is, these things that will help - cut out all sugars, all grains and pasteurized dairy (possibly raw dairy too especially cheese), add magnesium for the stress and Vitamin C for the ear/sinus. There's more that I would suggest but I know how hard it is for many of us to make changes so I am suggesting the most important. If it is Candida related, antibiotics might appear to resolve it only to have the yeast overgrowth come back exponentially or appear so!


Do this (no sugar, no grain, no pasteurized milk, add magnesium, add Vitamin C) for a week or two and see if you improve. I take both magnesium and C and have nearly cut out sugar and grains. I cut out most pasteurize dairy and need to give up any cheese that is pasteurized next. I might even end up giving up raw dairy since it contains lactose and may contribute.


When I have either sugar or grains, I notice pain in my left ear or a wet ear or eczema. I can make that go away with Vitamin C, but if I have grains or sugar again it comes back. You think I might have learned by now to cut out all the grains and sugar, but no I struggle, daily at times!


About a year ago I had Vertigo and ear ringing. For.a.month. A.month.of.no.driving. A.month.of.feeling.nauseous. So far I've been able to remove the Vertigo and ringing, but until I get free of the Candida I feel this is just going to keep recurring. I am transitioning (again) using this site http://www.naturallythriving.com/basics/cfd.php I'm of step 6 of the transitioning foods part, and I already eat mainly a MOVES diet plus the dairy and the condiments. Ds is allergic to nuts so we don't bring them in the house. There are a few things that I do not necessarily agree with in this plan, and that's mainly that I don't think I will eat the seed oils after seeing Sally Fallon of the Weston A Price Foundation speak on the Oiling of America including her showing the results of the research studies on these oils that were mainly new to the 20th century.


I take Natural Calm's brand of magnesium and I get it from Vitacost. Natural Calm with Calcium is one choice, this is the plain magnesium.

I rub magnesium oil on my feet at night, followed by coconut oil, followed by cotton socks especially when stressed. Many of us lack magnesium since it is depleted from our soils and modern farming is generally not replenishing it. Vitaglo also carries Natural Calm but it is more expensive but since shipping is $5 or free of $50 it might not be "more expensive".


I take 2000 mg of Vitamin C per day, but I need 4000 mg or more when I have sugar or grains. I use the NOW brand of Ascorbic Acid, but recently purchase Acerola. Acerola is a great natural source of Vitamin C that is not too acidic or harsh, but it provides 180 mg per teaspoon and I get 2000 mg per 1/2 of Ascorbic Acid and I think I will purchase Vitamin C Complex Powder (there is also an 8 oz. for $9+ ) next since it is milder but provides more Vitamin C per teaspoon so it is more cost effective than Acerola alone. I have taken up to 12000 mg when I had a cold/sinus infection plus I was eating these foods that contribute to the overgrowth of yeast. I wouldn't take that much for a long time though because it can be hard on the stomach and possibly on the liver. 1000 - 2000 mg per day is likely all that is needed if there is no sugar for it to "manage".




I do batte Candida so anything is possible. Thank you for the info and link, I will look into the diet/supplements your mentioned.

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I didn't read this in any of the other posts, but there seems to be a connection for some people between tinnitus and metabolic syndrome, or often, full-blown diabetes. The theory is that high levels of insulin in the body can damage the inner ear, specifically the nerves and (if I remember correctly) the little "hairs" that are part of the motion/equilibrium sensing mechanism of the ear. (I wish I were not so bad at describing this, but it's been a long time since I read the studies.)


The point here is that you are doing yourself a favor when you choose a way of eating that isn't high carb --> high insulin production, as having low insulin levels in the body is not as damaging to the delicate tissues in the ear.


I have a family memeber who has been living with tinnitus for a number of years now...it's a wretched nuisance, but not one of the deadlier issues.


I hope you find some help!



Hmm diabetes does run in my family, but I had my blood sugar tested 6 months ago and it was fine. It's worth looking into though. I will talk to my doctor.

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I have had tinnitus for about 4 years. It never stops, but it is worse in the am, I believe due to fluid buildup overnight. I mostly ignore it. When I first got it, I was very frightened that I would go crazy if the noise didn't stop! It is not a big deal now, but I would be happy it went a way! I have had audio tests, normal, and a test where I had to be very still- I think it was like the Baer? one that small children get.


I recently read that there is a treatment that could help 90% of the sufferers, the Neuromonics Tinnitus Treatment-but costs about $5000.http://www.henryfordhealth.org/body.cfm?xyzpdqabc=0&id=46335&action=detail&ref=854 .


I'm going to look into the massage of the SCM- thanks Hillfarm!

Quiver, you will be in my prayers.


Yeah, it is so frustrating! I try to tune it out but at times it's impossible and night is the worst for me. I have a fan going and a radio but it's SO loud that I can not sleep.


I really aprpeciate the prayers!!! I will add you to my prayers also.

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  • 1 year later...

:hug: I have it too. Mine has lasted for 6 months and I don't think it is going to go away. I thought I'd go crazy at first but mostly now I can ignore it. My husband breaths loudly and at night I focus on that. White noise helps too. I hope yours goes away.

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I keep reading @ people having this start one day and have it for life. Are there people out there who have this and it goes away? I'd love to hear success stories.


I am not dealing well with this at all. I can't sleep, can't eat and have lost 5#s since Friday. My heart keeps pounding and I feel shaky. I don't know what I am suppsed to do now. Ignore it? HOW?



Coudl you please pray for me? Pray that this will simply go away . I am really struggling with why me. I have had enough health issues in the last year that this is just too much .


UPDATE: I went to an ENT yesterday and he thinks it's stressed inducded as he couldn't see aything wrong ith my ears. Now what do I do? I heard the more stressed you get the worse it can be, which kind of makes sense as it's the quietest in the morning. But the longer the day goes on the more upset I get @ this, the LOUDER the noise gets! HOW am I to not stress?


He is going to do a high decible hearing test next week and then possibly an MRI, but he said it will most likely either go away on it's own or I will get used to it. So otherwords he has no clue. I feel completely helpless.


I haven't read the other replies since your update, but if your ENT does not take your tinnius seriously, find another ENT! You mentioned other health issues, is your ENT aware of those? Are any autoimmune related? There is such thing as autoimmune related hearing loss. Tinnitus is often a by-product of hearing loss and your brain is trying to 'fill in the blanks' in those frequencies where you used to be able to hear but now can't. There is lots of more recent research in to tinnitus and different treatments, some work for some people and some don't, but I wouldn't give up before investigating them. If you have any degree of hearing loss with the tinnitus (and even sometimes if you don't) hearing aids can help significantly. I know my tinnitus is horrible without my aids in (but I also have a significant loss).


I can't say this enough, if your ENT does not take your symptoms seriously, see someone else. You may also want to consider finding a very good audiologist. Many ENT tend to be of the 'surgeon' mindset and deal with taking out tonsils and fixing deviated septums more than delicate inner ear issues (even though they are ENT's); IMHO, this type also doesn't like to say "I don't know". Honestly, the comment about thinking it is 'stressed induced b/c he couldn't see anything wrong' sends up huge red-flags for me. The majority of the hearing structures in the ear are not visible on external exam and there are all kinds of things that could be causing your symptoms from issues in the middle or inner ear that have nothing to do with stress. Even after other causes have been ruled out by MRI, CT, etc. many causes of loss and tinnitus are not known, but that doesn't mean they are caused by stress! :tongue_smilie:


Please let us know how the hearing exam goes and if you want to message me off the board, please do so. Eduation and support related to things dealing with hearing loss is one of my passions because I know what an impact it can have on your life! :grouphug: and prayers.

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Wow, maybe I'm not crazy! What you described is exactly what I'm experiencing. It's a high pitched--but not loud enough to hear over every day activity--almost electronic type sound. For days and days I tried to see if we had something plugged in in our bedroom because I would really only notice it in the quiet of nighttime in bed! LOL It's not terribly annoying so it must be mild, but I wondered about tinnitus... I'm at an incredibly stressful time of life right now with moving on a tight schedule, rotten finances, etc. so I'm hoping it will lessen even more after things settle down.

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